Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!bionet!!F_GJL From: (, ITE Edinburgh, NERC) Newsgroups: bionet.agroforestry Subject: East African AF Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Sep 89 17:16:00 GMT Sender: daemon@NET.BIO.NET Lines: 29 I am doing a little seminar paper on agroforestry and want to check a few things: 1) Is it true that Leucaena leucocephala sprouts after cutting? 2) and Sesbania sesban does not? 3) What are the best species for fences in East Africa? 4) What are the best tree & grass species for natural terracing in E-A? 5) What are the most popular combination fruit tree/crop species in E-A? Matti Nummmelin Dept. Zool. Helsinki Univ. P-Rautatiek. 13 SF-00100 Helsinki Finland ................................................................ These are rather large questions which I can't answer, but ICRAF most certainly could. I've not yet been able to obtain a list of subscribers to this newsgroup, but it may not have reached Kenya yet. The ICRAF address is: PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Telex 22048, Telefax 521001. I have sent a letter to the ICRAF Journal 'Agroforestry Today' with details of the newsgroup, but we'll have to accept that initial membership will be restricted to computer enthusiasts. Gerry Lawson (protem newsgroup co-ordinator)