Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!iuvax!bionet!!HARPER From: HARPER@HYLKA.HELSINKI.FI ("ROBERT HARPER, FINLAND") Newsgroups: bionet.general Subject: BIOBIT No10 ( staying alive in the network jungle ) Message-ID: <> Date: 18 Sep 89 11:11:28 GMT Lines: 228 101010101010 1010 101010101010 101010101010 1010 101010101010 101010101010 101010101010 101010101010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 10101010101 1010 1010 1010 10101010101 1010 1010 10101010101 1010 1010 1010 10101010101 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 101010101010 1010 101010101010 101010101010 1010 1010 101010101010 1010 101010101010 101010101010 1010 1010 No 10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INDEPENDANT NEWSLETTER PRODUCED AT HELSINKI UNIVERSITY, FINLAND << EDITED BY ROBERT HARPER >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% One of the big problems that faces the novice when they begin to use E-Mail is how to send mail from here to there. Some times the addresses are EARN/BITNET/NETNORTH addresses, sometimes they are INTERNET addresses. Occasionally I have even received mail from UUCP and FIDONET. I have always been on the lookout for a "Hitch-hikers guide to the network", and the most authoritative document that I have come across has been put together by Tim Clark from the University of Warwick in the UK which is called. HINTS FOR GETTING MAIL THROUGH VARIOUS GATEWAYS TO AND FROM JANET Although it is primarily aimed at people in the UK the document abounds with most useful information. In all its glory it is 3050 lines which is T O O B I G to include in BIOBIT. However since I consider it a "classic" network document I will include the Table of Contents, which should be enough to whet your appetite, and I will also give some simple instructions on how you can obtain the document for yourself. After all, you only become enthralled with networking when you discover that it can be useful for you. If you have a postscript laser then I would advise you to get the MAIL-GATEWAYS.6.PS file which will give you a very good hard copy of the document. I ordered the postscript file by mail. It is about 125K and prints out to 34 pages of text complete with italics, bold face, bells and whistles. Visually it is a 100% easier to read than plain ascii. GETTING A COPY OF "HINTS" DOCUMENT BY EMAIL. The document exists in a number of different formats: file contents mail-gateways.6.txt A readable text file which can be displayed on dumb printers and VDUs The format the document is maintained in, suitable for use on systems with tbl and ditroff (or troff) with the ms macros. mail-gateways.6.latex LaTeX input. Suitable for use on systems with LaTeX and TeX. Not available until a short while after the issue date. PostScript. Suitable for sending direct to a PostScript printer. GETTING THE FILES VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Nottingham University Computer Science Department have kindly agreed to hold the document and make it available with their `info-server'. Send electronic mail to: INFO-SERVER@CS.NOTT.AC.UK */if you are outside the UK/* INFO-SERVER@UK.AC.NOTT.CS */if you are from the UK/* and put in the body of the E-MAIL message the following text. Request: sources Topic: filename chosen from list above Request: end If you want to obtain more than one file then a seperate TOPIC line can be used for each file that you want to receive. For example if you want to obtain a plain Ascii text as well as a postscript text then they can both be ordered at the same time with the following batch file. Request: sources Topic: mail-gateways.6.txt Topic: Request: end Those instructions should be enough to get you on the road. You should also note that if you live outside the UK then when sending mail to addresses in the UK the domain part of the address should be REVERSED. That is to say UK.AC.NOTT.CS becomes CS.NOTT.AC.UK I have noticed that many people in the UK when they give their network address, they always give it in the "UK" style, and those who are outside the UK, and not familiar with the quirks of JANET forget to reverse the order, and they end up with their messages being undelivered because of addressing problems. But all the tricks of the trade are revealed in the "HINTS" document... so do yourself a favour and get it. For those you you who do not want to brave the network then you can still obtain the document from Tim by surface mail. OBTAINING A PAPER COPY If you really do want a paper copy then write to Tim at the address shown at the end of this document, enclosing a cheque for 2.50 (sterling) made payable to `The University of Warwick'. If outside the UK, but within the EC, then it's 3.50 (sterling) or the equivalent of 6.00 (sterling) if the cheque is not made out in sterling. Outside the EC the corresponding amounts are 12.50 (sterling) and 15.00 (sterling). These prices are just the cost of copying, postage, and dealing with non-sterling cheques. Now all that remains is to give you the table of contents, and then it is up to yourself to decide if this is a valuable document or not. ... would your Uncle Rob lie to you... ? CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND WARNING 1.1 Who is the document aimed at? 1.2 A Note on Terminology 1.3 Upper or lower case for mail addresses? 2. GETTING A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT 2.1 Fetching Files Direct from Warwick University 2.2 Getting the Files via Electronic Mail 2.3 Obtaining a Paper Copy 2.4 Finding Out when new issues occur 3. EARN (BITNET NETNORTH) 3.1 Examples 3.2 Getting Mail Back 3.3 Contacts and Further Information 3.4 Tried and Tested? 4. INTERNET (DARPA, ARPANET, NSFNET) 4.1 Routing Problem 4.2 Examples 4.3 Getting Mail Back 4.4 Contacts and Further Information 4.5 Tried and Tested? 5. UUCP 5.1 Sending via UKC 5.1.1 Examples 5.1.2 Contacts 5.2 Sending Via EARN 5.2.1 Examples 5.2.2 Contacts 5.3 Sending Via the Internet 5.3.1 Examples 5.3.2 Contacts 5.4 Getting mail back 5.5 Tried and Tested? 6. CSNET Phonenet 6.1 Example 6.2 Getting Mail Back 6.3 Contacts 6.4 Tried and Tested? 7. EAN/X.400 7.1 Examples 7.2 Getting Mail Back 7.3 Contacts and Information 7.4 Tried and Tested 8. JUNET (JAPAN) 8.1 Examples 8.2 Getting Mail back 8.3 Tried and Tested 8.4 Contact 9. MISCELLANEOUS OTHER NETWORKS 9.1 MAILNET 9.2 INFNET 9.3 NZ 9.4 ACSNET and CSIRONET 9.5 HEANET 9.6 SDN 9.7 SPAN 9.8 Easynet 9.9 Xerox Grapevine 9.10 VNET 9.11 HARNET 9.12 CHINA - CANET 9.13 BT Gold 9.14 Elsewhere 10. GREY BOOK ABROAD 11. PROBLEMS WITH RELAYS CHANGING THE MAIL 11.1 Case translation 11.2 Line truncation 11.3 Character translation 11.4 Alteration of the Contents 11.5 Domain mix ups 12. OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES 13. SUMMARY 14. PARTIAL DOMAIN ROUTING 14.1 How to Use the Table 14.2 The table 14.3 Examples 15. SIGNATURES Tim provides his "various" network addresses so you can contact him at any of the following: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Clark Post: Computing Services JANET: | University of Warwick Internet: | Coventry, UK EARN/BITNET: | CV4 7AL UUCP: | Phone: +44 203 523224 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob "ask not what the network can do for you, but rather..." Harper