Xref: utzoo can.general:1745 can.politics:2761 Path: utzoo!mnetor!philmtl!zap!iros1!pivele!leonard From: leonard@pivele.iro.umontreal.ca (Nicolas Leonard) Newsgroups: can.general,can.politics Subject: Re: STOP Signs Summary: un mot de trop? Message-ID: <1178@mannix.iros1.UUCP> Date: 19 Sep 89 17:38:17 GMT References: <1989Sep6.222038.2707@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca> Sender: news@iros1.UUCP Reply-To: leonard@iros1.UUCP (Nicolas Leonard) Distribution: can Organization: Universite de Montreal Lines: 60 In article <1989Sep6.222038.2707@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca> gbs@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Gideon Sheps) writes: > >STOP, in a red octagon, is indeed universal - this is not news to anyone >in Quebec (although the bit about Japan was news to me) - indeed, that >the word stop is in fact the correct French word for the sign is also >not news. This was pointed out by many at the time they started adding >Arret to the signs. However, just because the Dutch STOP, and the French, >Belgians, Luxembourgers STOP, indeed the Morrocans and Japanese STOP >doesn't mean that Quebec must STOP - the issue never was one of correctness >but one of image and perception - remember that the stop sign is put >up by the governament, Oh, jusqu'ici ca va... >and was therefor subject to alteraton long before >they had the nerve to re-enact the Nurenburg laws. Je ne connais pas de "Nurenburg laws", par contre, les lois de Nuremberg sont assez celebres. Au cas ou ce seraient les memes, et pour le benefice de tous: "Nuremberg Laws: A series of laws against Jews, drafted by Wilhelm Stukart, made public at the 1935 Nuremberg Rally and enforced from september of that year. The first Reich Law of Citizenship recognized two degrees of humanity: the Reichsbuerger, the Citizen of pure German Blood; and, for all other categories of person, the Staatsangehoerige, the Subject of the state. The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour forbade intermarrying between the two groups. Some 250 decrees followed these laws, from 1935 to 1943, excluding Jews from official positions and professions and progressively from economic life, obliging them to wear the 'Star of David' or live where ordered. The final decree, anticipating the Final Solution, made Jews outlaws in Germany. Those who did remain were eventually forced into hiding." James Taylor and Warren Shaw, _A dictionary of the Third Reich_ "therefor subject to alteraton long before THEY HAD THE NERVE TO RE-ENACT THE NURENBURG LAWS."?? Si c'est une plaisanterie, elle n'est pas tres drole. Si c'est dit serieusement, je crois qu'il y a des excuses qui sont dues. Ou aux Quebecois ou alors aux survivants, juifs et autres, de ces lois. Je crois egalement que si cette attitude est courante dans les universites du Canada Anglais, si on peut faire ce genre d'affirmation en toute quietude sans eprouver le moindre besoin de se justifier, sans y provoquer la moindre protestation et meme dans l'approbation generale, il y a quelque chose de vraiment pourri dans ce pays. >-- >Gideon Sheps >UUCP: {allegra,ihnp4,decvax,pyramid}!utzoo!utgpu!gbs \\\/// >BITNET: gbs@utorgpu INTERNET: gbs@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca \\\/ , , Universite de Montreal - IRO Nicolas Leonard leonard@iro.umontreal.ca leonard%iro.umontreal.ca@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu uunet!utai!mcgill-vision!iros1!leonard