Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!!!bgsuvax!maner From: maner@bgsuvax.UUCP (Walter Maner) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Common lisp code for R. Shank's books Message-ID: <4916@bgsuvax.UUCP> Date: 15 Sep 89 21:07:36 GMT References: <> Organization: Bowling Green State University B.G., Oh. Lines: 168 From article <>, by (Charles William Webster): > Does anyone know of someplace I can get the common Lisp code > for the micro-programs in Inside Computer Understanding > and Inside Case-Based Reasoning? I have also heard that > there are Prolog versions floating around. > I put a similar question to Chris Riesbeck and received the following reply. Because of the general nature of the reply, I think it is appropriate to post it to the net. ---- From riesbeck-chris@YALE.ARPA Mon Jul 10 11:32:00 1989 Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 11:05:05 EDT Subject: Re: INSIDE COMPUTER UNDERSTANDING To: Walter Maner Do the five mini-programs discussed in _ICU_ exist in a Common Lisp form yet? No. A few years ago, several people expressed interest to Erlbaum in doing the conversion, but I heard nothing more. There's a new volume (plug, plug) coming out any second now from Erlbaum, called Inside Case-Based Reasoning (Riesbeck and Schank), that covers more recent Yale work. It's in Common Lisp. If not (since you recently did a fine job of porting the code in the first edition of _Artificial Intelligence Programming_ to Common Lisp) do you have any suggestions about how we might best proceed to convert the _ICU_ examples from UCI-Lisp to Common Lisp? AIP 2 was a major rewrite. Many of the extensions we made to UCI Lisp became standard in Common Lisp (naturally, since we got them from MacLisp) and Scheme). Is there a UCI-->CL converter robust enough to do part of the work? A year or two ago I made up a short UCI package in Common Lisp that supports most of the ICU code directly. The advantage of this approach for teaching is that the code matches the text. If you use a Common Lisp conversion, then the students read one thing in the text and see something else in their code. I'm including the UCI package here, since it's short. Note that you do have to make certain changes to the UCI code (the most pervasive being replacing colons with dashes) and you have to include the extensions (LET, LOOP, MSG, FOR, etc.) from the text. ================= #| UCI Lisp Package This file sets up a Common Lisp environment that looks like the subset of UCI Lisp used in Inside Computer Understanding by Schank and Riesbeck, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1981. To use this, start up your Common Lisp, load this file or a compiled version of it, then type (SETQ *PACKAGE* (FIND-PACKAGE 'UCI)) This puts you into the UCI environment. Now load your files, e.g., McSAM or McELI. If at any point you want to return to normal Common Lisp, type (SETQ *PACKAGE* (FIND-PACKAGE 'USER)) THIS DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR UCI ENVIRONMENT. If you type the first expression again, you will be returned to the UCI environment, with everything defined just as it was when you left it. Differences between the UCI environment and Common Lisp: SOME returns a list rather than T or NIL (see Inside Computer Understanding. p. 66) SPRINT (p. 60) always prettyprints in the first column. Changes you have to make to the UCI code in Inside Computer Understanding: Replace / with \ (p. 42). E.g., (DRM /? (LAMBDA ... => (DRM \? (LAMBDA ... (p. 70) Replace the ] super-parentheses (p. 42) with the necessary number of right parentheses. Replace : in names with a hyphen (-), e.g., ROLE:PAIR => ROLE-PAIR. Define the functions and macros in Chapter 4, pp. 66-73, including LET and LOOP, but you don't have to define PUSH and POP (p. 69) ignore the macro-related code on pp. 73-74. |# (provide 'uci) (in-package 'uci :use '(lisp system)) (shadow '(lisp:let lisp:loop lisp:some)) (defmacro de (&rest l) `(defun ,@l)) (defmacro defprop (id val prop) `(putprop ',id ',val ',prop)) (defmacro df (name vars &rest l) `(defmacro ,name (&rest ,@vars ) `(let ((,',(car vars) ',,(car vars))) ,@',l))) (defun difference (&rest l) (apply #'- l)) (defmacro dm (name vars &rest l) (let ((var (gensym))) `(defmacro ,name (&rest ,var) (let ((,(car vars) (cons ',name ,var))) ,@l)))) (defmacro drm (ch fn) (let ((stream-var (gensym)) (char-var (gensym))) `(set-macro-character (coerce ',ch 'character) #'(lambda (,stream-var ,char-var) (declare (ignore ,stream-var ,char-var)) ,@(cddr fn))))) (defun explode (x) (map 'list #'(lambda (c) (intern (string c))) (princ-to-string x))) (defun minus (x) (- x)) (defmacro msg (&rest l) `(prog nil ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ((eql x 't) `(terpri)) ((stringp x) `(princ ,x)) (t `(prin1 ,x)))) l))) (defun plus (&rest l) (apply #'+ l)) (defun putprop (id val prop) (setf (get id prop) val)) (defmacro selectq (key &rest cases) `(case ,key ,@(do ((cases cases (cdr cases)) (result nil `(,@result (,(cond ((consp (caar cases)) (caar cases)) (t (list (caar cases)))) ,@(cdar cases))))) ((null (cdr cases)) `(,@result (t ,(car cases))))))) (defun some (fn l) (member-if fn l)) (defun sprint (exp col) (declare (ignore col)) (pprint exp)) (defun times (&rest l) (apply #'* l)) ------- -- CSNet | 419/372-8719 InterNet | BGSU Comp Sci Dept UUCP ... !osu-cis!bgsuvax!maner | Bowling Green, OH 43403 BITNet MANER@BGSUOPIE