Xref: utzoo comp.databases:3630 comp.sys.mac.hypercard:2487 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!murtoa.cs.mu.oz.au!munnari.oz.au!comp.vuw.ac.nz!massey!J.Holley From: J.Holley@massey.ac.nz (John Holley) Newsgroups: comp.databases,comp.sys.mac.hypercard Subject: Oracle "feature"? Keywords: Oracle, HyperCard Message-ID: <132cs-suna@massey.ac.nz> Date: 19 Sep 89 04:28:03 GMT Reply-To: J.Holley@massey.ac.nz Organization: Comp Sci, Massey Univ, Palmerston North, New Zealand Lines: 27 I'm working on a Oracle database on a Mac and I've just started to add in record lock for updates (using SELECT.. FOR UPDATE ..) and I seem to be getting some funny behaviour. The code looks like this : put "select mark,received from marks_db where" into sqlst put " pap_number = :cd fld pap_number: and " after sqlst put " ass_num = :asssnum: and id = :cd fld stud_id: " after sqlst put " for update of mark, received" after sqlst execsql sqlst Now I'm not entirely sure the structure of the select is "correct". The REAL problem though is that on return from the execsql Oracle is returning an "openCard" message which causes the openCard script for the card to be executed, then the rest of the button script. (I confirmed this by placing answer statements on either side of the execsql) Is this a fault of mine or is it a fault of Oracle. I have an version 1.0 of Oracle. Any help would be appreciated. John A. Holley | J.Holley@massey.ac.nz : Internet Computer Science Dept | J.Holley@nz.ac.massey : Janet Massey University | +64 63 505611 : Fax Palmerston North | +64 63 69099 ext 8616 : Vox New Zealand | Disclaimer : Sorry! My brain hurts!