Xref: utzoo comp.dsp:34 sci.electronics:7902 rec.music.synth:9151 Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!bloom-beacon!gatech!gitpyr!byron From: byron@pyr.gatech.EDU (Byron A Jeff) Newsgroups: comp.dsp,sci.electronics,rec.music.synth Subject: Digital Mixer Using Burr-Brown 200 Khz ADC Message-ID: <9206@pyr.gatech.EDU> Date: 23 Sep 89 15:49:28 GMT Reply-To: byron@pyr.gatech.edu.gatech.edu (Byron A Jeff) Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology Lines: 36 How difficult a proposition would it be to use this BB ADC to build a multi-channel digital mixer? I haven't read the specs on it yet (I will today at the Tech library) but if it's dual 200Khz ADC then it should be possible to sample 8 audio channels at CD (44.1 Khz) or DAT (48 Khz) quality. So how feasible is something like this: ----------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- |8 |--|Analog |--|Filters|--| | | | | | | | |Audio |--|Multi- | | and | | ADC |---| DSP |--| DAC |--|Filter| |channels |--|plexors|--| S/H |--| | | | | | | | ----------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- With the output being either high quality audio or DAT compatable digital. The DSP would handle all mixing, EQ, effects, etc. If samples can be obtained for ~$50 then a box for between $200 to $300 could be realized. If the DSP is fast enough then another ADC could easily be added for a grand total of 16 channels. Any comments? Most of the info I have is from "Musical applications for Microprocessors". Crossposting is for exposure. Redirect the discussion to the appropriate newsgroup. comp.dsp - Role of DSP processor/algorithms in such a system. sci.electronics - electonic aspects (analog filters, S/H, ect) rec.music.synth - applications (for example midi control for setting mixer/effects parameters, midi controled fades, and the like.) BAJ -- Another random extraction from the mental bit stream of... Byron A. Jeff Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332 Internet: byron@pyr.gatech.edu uucp: ...!gatech!pyr!byron