Xref: utzoo comp.emacs:6913 gnu.emacs:1645 Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!bloom-beacon!math.mit.edu From: drw@math.mit.edu (Dale R. Worley) Newsgroups: comp.emacs,gnu.emacs Subject: Emerge - merge two files or buffers, documentation (part 1 of 2) Message-ID: <14553@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> Date: 23 Sep 89 04:44:38 GMT Sender: root@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU Followup-To: comp.emacs Lines: 183 This is the documentation for "emerge.el", an Emacs package that allows you to combine two versions of a file by selecting, for each place where they differ, which version of the difference you prefer. It is similar to Sun's "filemerge". Written by Dale R. Worley, drw@math.mit.edu. - Starting To start Emerge, you must run one of four commands: emerge-files emerge-files-with-ancestor emerge-buffers emerge-buffers-with-ancestor The "files" versions prompt you for two file names (the "A" and "B" files), the "buffers" versions prompt you for two buffer names (the "A" and "B" buffers). Emerge then runs a "diff" of the two entities (emerge-buffers writes the buffers into temporary files for input to diff) and digests the output to form a list of the differences between the two files. Then three buffers are set up: two containing the entities (emerge-files does a find-file (C-x C-f) on the files to get them into buffers), and one, the "merge buffer", which contains the working copy of the merged file that you are constructing. The three buffers are put up in a nice three-window display, showing the A and B buffers in the upper half and the merge buffer in the lower half. The versions of the command that say "with-ancestor" ask for a third name, that of an entity which is a common ancestor from which the versions being merged were derived. These commands use "diff3" to compare all three versions. If one version of a difference agrees with the ancestor, then it is presumed that the other version is the "correct" version, and is said to be "preferred". (Note that if you use emerge-files, there is no guarantee that the disk version of a file agrees with its buffer version -- find-file doesn't check. So make sure you save the files first!) During the merge, the A and B buffers are read-only, so you don't damage them. (This is because the A and B versions of the differences are extracted from these buffers.) When you quit the merge, the read-only/read-write status and modified flag on the A and B buffers are restored. In addition, auto-saving of the A and B buffers is suppressed during the merge. This is because Emerge modifies the A and B buffers to point out the text of the differences, and it would be useless to save these changes. (Just before suppressing auto-saving, Emerge forces an auto-save.) You can have any number of merges going at once -- just don't use any one buffer as input to more than one merge at once, since that will cause the read-only/modified/auto-save status save-and-restore to screw up. - Merging Once you have started the merge, you manipulate the merge buffer with special commands issued in the merge buffer. You may also edit the buffer with ordinary Emacs commands. Emerge keeps track of each difference between the A and B buffers and the corresponding section of the merge buffer. Initially, all differences show the A version, except those for which B is preferred (because A agrees with the ancestor), which show the B version. Emerge always has its attention focused on one particular difference, which is marked off in the three buffers by "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" above and "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" below. The number of the difference is shown in the mode line. A merge buffer can be in two modes: "fast" mode and "edit" mode. In fast mode, emerge commands are single characters, and ordinary Emacs commands are disabled. This makes Emerge operations fast, but prevents you from doing more than selecing the A or the B version of differences. In edit mode, all emerge commands must be prefixed with C-c, and all (non-conflicting) Emacs commands are available. This allows editing the merge buffer, but slows down Emerge operations. Edit and fast modes are indicated by "F" and "E" in the minor modes in the mode line. The Emerge commands are: p go to the previous difference n go to the next difference a select the A version of this difference b select the B version of this difference j go to a particular difference (prefix argument specifies which difference) q quit - finish the merge* f go into fast mode e go into edit mode C-a set/clear auto-advance mode* C-s set/clear skip-prefers mode* C-l recenter (C-l) all three windows* - and 0-9 numeric arguments M-a select the A version as the default from here down in the merge buffer* M-b select the B version as the default from here down in the merge buffer* * - more details on these commands are given below - Differences and their states A difference can have one of six states: A: the difference is showing the A version. B: the difference is showing the B version. default-A and default-B: the difference is showing the A or B state, but has never been selected by the user. All differences start in the default-A state (and thus the merge buffer is a copy of the A buffer), except those for which one buffer or another is preferred. When the user selects the difference, it changes to the A or B state. prefer-A and prefer-B: the difference is showing the A or B state. In addition, the other buffer (that is, for prefer-A, the B buffer; for prefer-B, the A buffer) agrees with the ancestor buffer. Thus, presumably, the displayed version is the correct one. The "a" and "b" commands override these states, and turn them into the A and B states. The state of the currently selected difference is shown in the mode line of the merge window: state display A A B B prefer-A A* prefer-B B* - Select default commands (M-a and M-b) The M-a and M-b commands change all default-A's to default-B's (or vice-versa) from the selected difference on down to the end of the file to default-A or default-B, respectively. Thus, a difference that has been selected will never be affected by M-a or M-b. This leads to the unexpected result that M-a or M-b never affects the difference selected at the moment, but prevents differences that you have already looked at from changing unexpectedly. If you work your way down from the top of the file, using M-a and M-b at judicious points, you can effectivly make the A version the default for some sections of the merge buffer and the B version the default for others. - Exiting (q) The quit command finishes the merge session by restoring the state of the A and B buffers and removing the markers around the currently selected difference. It also disables the Emerge commands in the merge buffer, since executing them later could damage the contents of the various buffers. If "q" is given a prefix argument, Emerge attempts to replace the contents of the file that the A buffer is visiting with the contents of the merge buffer. The A buffer is given a temporary name, the merge buffer is named after the file (and set to visit the file), and the merge buffer is written to disk. - Auto-advance mode (C-a) If auto-advance mode is set, the "a" and "b" commands perform an "n" (select next difference) afterward. When auto-advance mode is set, it is indicated by "A" in the minor modes in the mode line. "C-a" with a positive argument sets auto-advance, with a non-positive argument clears it, and with no argument toggles it. - Skip-prefers mode (C-a) If skip-prefers mode is set, the "n" and "p" commands skip over differences with states prefer-A and prefer-B. Thus you will only see differences for which one version isn't presumed "correct". When skip-prefers mode is set, it is indicated by "S" in the minor modes in the mode line. "C-s" with a positive argument sets auto-advance, with a non-positive argument clears it, and with no argument toggles it. - Recenter (C-l) The Emerge "C-l" command causes the "recenter" command (C-l) to be executed in all three windows. Any prefix argument is passed to each recenter. Particularly useful is "0 C-l", which causes the points (pointing to the first lines of the difference texts) to be positioned to the top lines of the windows.