Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!att!dptg!rutgers!ucsd!ucbvax!CSL.SRI.COM!risks From: risks@CSL.SRI.COM (RISKS Forum) Newsgroups: comp.risks Subject: RISKS DIGEST 9.27 Message-ID: Date: 21 Sep 89 23:35:05 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Reply-To: Organization: The Internet Lines: 400 Approved: RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Thursday 21 September 1989 Volume 9 : Issue 27 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Re: Brian Randell's commentary on safety analysis (Nancy Leveson) Re: Risks of Distributed Systems (Charles Shub) Re: Hospital problems due to software bug (Will Martin) Mailer Bug moves to MCI? (Jerry Durand) Loose wires, master clocks and satellites (Peter Jones, PGN) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. CONTRIBUTIONS to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, with relevant, substantive "Subject:" line (otherwise they may be ignored). REQUESTS to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM. TO FTP VOL i ISSUE j: ftp CRVAX.sri.comlogin anonymousAnyNonNullPW cd sys$user2:[risks]get risks-i.j . Vol summaries now in risks-i.0 (j=0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 17:54:03 -0700 From: Nancy Leveson Subject: Re: Brian Randell's commentary on safety analysis In Risks 9.21, Brian Randell asks for the reactions to his comments from people who have tried applying conventional risk assessment and management techniques to systems involving "really complex software." I have had experience applying such techniques to many real systems involving software, although I am not sure what Brian means by his qualification "really complex." My arguments in this forum have always stressed the need to eliminate unnecessary complexity in safety-critical systems, and I usually refuse to be involved in the analysis of overly complex systems until they have been simplified. Brian writes: >Ideally, deployment of any potentially risky computer-based system will be >preceded by the sort of careful assessment of the risks involved that is >typical in a number of engineering disciplines. There are a number of >well-established techniques for such risk assessment, such as Failure Modes >and Effects Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, and Fault Tree Analysis. As I >understand it, all of these involve enumeration and consideration of >possibilities, and identification of dependencies, which are then >represented in some sort of graph structure, but none of the ensuing >analyses take account of the possibility that this graph structure will >be incorrect. To my mind, this makes these techniques of limited value >for systems employing computers running large suites of software. Any type of analysis can be wrong, whether applied to hardware or software. In some respects, safety analysis applied to software may actually be less prone to error than that applied to hardware. Software represents the logical structure in itself and, therefore, the analysis is performed on the actual thing that is being analyzed. For systems involving hardware and physical devices, abstract models must be formed first on which the analysis is applied. This extra step (building the logical representation of the hardware) adds an additional possibility of introducing error. In my experience, safety analysis on software is no more error-prone than that performed on complex hardware systems. For example, I have found that it is much easier to build correct software fault trees than system fault trees. It has also been my experience that the system safety analyses and control devices do take into account the possibility of errors in particular analyses and failure of safety protective devices. By the way, not all risk assessment techniques involve graph structures. Of the three mentioned, FMEA records information in the form of tables and does not include identification of dependencies. Event Tree Analysis is equivalent to reachability analysis in computer science models and does represents reachable states in the form of a tree or graph structure. Fault Tree Analysis uses a tree in a very different way -- the tree is just a convenient notation for representing a boolean expression that records the relationship between states or events. It could easily be replaced (and often is) by formal logic expressions. >In making this statement, I have three characteristics of such systems in >mind: (i) their great logical complexity, and hence the danger of their >harbouring potentially risky design faults, (ii) the largely discrete >nature of their behaviour, which means that concepts such as "stress", >"failure region", "safety factor", which are basic to conventional risk >mangement have little meaning, As I understand it, safety factors are built into hardware systems because of the possible inaccuracies of calculations on continuous models, the limitations of these models in representing real systems, and the possibility that the basic assumptions of the models are incorrect for the actual physical systems that the models represent. Because software can be analyzed using discrete mathematics and logic, some of the need for safety factors in the analysis are eliminated. It is, of course, always possible for the underlying assumptions (e.g., that the computer hardware does not experience failures) of software analyses to be violated. Brian is correct that safety margins may not useful to protect against this. However, run-time checks on basic assumptions (using built-in test, assertions, TMR, etc.) can be used in computer systems to provide the same function as safety margins in continuous systems. Failure regions and safety envelopes are easily applied to software. Furthermore, many, if not most, of the safety devices used in conventional risk management are applicable to discrete systems. >and (iii) the almost ethereal nature of software, which makes it much >more difficult to identify appropriate components and to understand their >interactions (both planned and accidental) than with many physical systems. I don't know what is meant by the "ethereal" nature of software here. Floyd, Hoare, and others who have followed them have demonstrated that the formal semantics of software can be specified and that software can be treated as a mathematical object. Admittedly, analysis on semantically complex software is difficult. This is why the argument has been made that the semantic complexity of the software used in safety-critical systems must be limited as long as our analysis techniques are limited. However, I have rarely found that this limitation is not possible, even when the system of which the computer is a component appears quite complex at the system level. (This goes back to my recent discussion with Dave Parnas in Risks). I think it is a mistake to underestimate the complexity and difficulty of identifying unplanned interactions in physical systems. Perrow's book on "Normal Accidents" argues that such interactions (stemming from complexity and coupling) are inherently not possible to identify and control in complex physical systems, and he provides many examples of accidents that have occurred as a result. Again, given that at least the software can be thought of and analyzed as a model of itself, in the future we may find that it is actually easier to identify and control such interactions in software than in physical systems. >It is of course good practice to design software with a highly modular >structure, and to try to isolate critical parts of the software in as small >and simple a subsystem as possible. However with a really complex system such >structuring is again essentially ethereal and by no means simple. There will >therefore remain a significant and unquantifiable likelihood that such >modularisation and isolation is itself faulty. Again, I do not understand the use of the word "ethereal" with respect to software structure. Of course, modularization and isolation may be faulty in software. It may also be faulty in hardware. Engineers also use analysis techniques, e.g., Sneak Circuit Analysis, to attempt to identify unplanned interactions in electronic systems. Unfortunately, this type of fault is as unquantifiable for hardware as it is for software. John Shore in the Sachertorte Algorithm has argued that physical systems often have simpler interfaces because of the inherent difficulty of building complex interfaces in such physical systems versus the simplicity of making complex interfaces in software. But that does not mean that it is not possible for software engineers to exercise discipline in order to control and limit the complexity of the software interfaces to that which we can analyze with some degree of confidence. Modularization, information hiding, and isolation applied to software are essentially the same procedures that are used to control complexity in hardware. >I thus believe that the graph structure which purports to represent, at any >significant level of detail, the internals of (especially the software in) a >complex computing system, is likely to be wrong, in that it will not >represent any residual design faults properly, so that such faults will >remain an (unquantified) contributor to overall system risks. I am not sure what Prof. Randell here means by a "graph structure" representing the "internals" of software. For example, a Software Fault Tree represents a boolean expression of events that can lead to a hazardous condition. It does not represent residual design faults (although the process of building the tree may identify some critical ones) or the structure of the software. I agree that all design faults cannot be identified with high confidence for software. But safety analysis does not require this. In my experience in using software fault tree analysis on real software systems, the most useful aspect of the technique may lie in its ability to identify hazardous states that need to be detected at runtime (perhaps by assertions or acceptance tests) regardless of the actual design faults (or underlying computer hardware faults) that caused them. I should add that most safety analysis techniques on physical systems are not able to quantify the contribution of residual hardware design faults on system risks either. They basically quantify only risks based on physical failures, not design errors. >The question of whether we will ever able either to guarantee that a complex >computing system is entirely free of design faults, or alternatively able to >quantify the likely impact of residual design faults is moot. >The point I am trying to make here is that in present circumstances, I >see no current alternative to basing the assessment of the risks of the >overall system on a worst case scenario for the behaviour of the computing >system, based on the physical capabilities of the its interfaces to the >outside world, rather than on mere hopes about its internal activities - and >to taking appropriate precautions externally to the computing system. Yet, >unfortunately, one sees these days the opposite trend: namely the increasing > use of computing systems in situations where there is little or no ability >of some surrounding system to mask the failures of the computing system. I agree with this conclusion. It is something I have preached for a long time, and, in fact, it is exactly this worst case scenario analysis that is involved in the application of safety assessment and management techniques to software and to systems containing computers. For example, it is what I was suggesting in my discussion in Risks with Bev Littlewood about using a probability of "1" for software failure in system fault trees. Unfortunately, it is not sufficient, and "taking appropriate precautions externally to the computing system" often requires the same type of system level safety analysis including the internal design of the software that Brian seems to be arguing above is not possible. In particular, risk assessment and management techniques for physical systems may be no less error prone than that applied to software. The hardware backup systems that Brian (and I) suggest may themselves fail or contain design faults. This does not mean that they should not be used; it merely means that multiple "levels of defense" (a term common in the nuclear industry) are necessary including both hardware and software safeguards and analysis. We should not rely entirely on hardware safety devices. Risk assessment and management at the system level that excludes the behavior of the software in the analysis and in the design of the software is incomplete and thus potentially dangerous. Furthermore, it is not always possible to design physical devices to mask completely or with high confidence the failures and errors of the computing subsystem. One reason this is true is that the software is usually controlling the other components of the overall system, and it is difficult to build physical devices that are able to identify and mask control errors (versus total failures) before a hazardous system state is reached. When it can, this should obviously be done. But what will we do about other very desirable systems (e.g., medical systems that could in themselves save lives) where this is not possible? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 12:17:56 MDT From: Charles Shub Subject: Re: Risks of Distributed Systems (RISKS-9.26) >... Using Ada gives a standardized mechanism for introducing issues such > as exceptions and (concurrent) tasks. Ah yes, Ada* has a standardized mechanism for (concurrent) tasks, but Ada* unfortunately does not have a good (IMHO) model for concurrent activities to communicate. Their rendezvous is as bad as the "remote procedure call" technology. We also need to discuss asynchronous IPC which is done at even fewer places. This message is an example of asynchronous inter process communication. I can guarantee you that i'm doing other things until you respond or acknowledge (or this message gets dropped in a bit bucket somewhere) and neither RPC nor the rendezvous allows that. So please don't tout Ada* as the cure-all for concurrency. We all know that "dod created ada and it was good." * Ada (and nuclear annihilation for that matter) are trademarks of the Department of Defense. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 13:05:16 CDT From: Will Martin Subject: Re: Hospital problems due to software bug (RISKS-9.26) >Due to a fault in the aging software, the machines were unable to accept as >valid the date September 19, 1989, ... >One computer specialist described the problem as a "birth defect", ... Just what we need -- more jargon for the media to splash around. "Birth defect" instead of just simple "error" or the traditional "bug". Does anyone know if this was one of the built-in magic-number date breakdowns that have previously been mentioned on RISKS? That is, the ones where the system date/time is maintained in a field containing the number of seconds since some arbitrary start-date in the past, and which will fill up and trip back to 0 at some predictable future date (at which time all applications using that OS or system will trash their date processing and mangle any data based on dates... :-( ). I was hoping that someone out there has kept track of and will post a note listing those magic dates for various OS's and systems. It will be a useful reference for all of us. Regards, Will Martin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20-Sep-89 19:02:35 PDT From: Subject: Mailer Bug moves to MCI I received the following notice today from MCI, it sounds like your MAILER bug (RISKS-9.22, 23) is contagious! Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar Date: Wed Sep 20, 1989 6:45 am PDT From: FAX Help / MCI ID: 369-3746 TO: * Durand Interstellar / MCI ID: 114-9128 Subject: Multiple Fax Messages Dear Customer, According to our records you sent a Fax Dispatch message Tuesday, afternoon September 19, 1989. Due to a temporary software bug in the system, it is possible that MCI Mail attempted to deliver your message numerous times. Therefore, you may receive several message confirmations or cancellation notices. This problem, which only affected Fax Dispatch has been corrected. MCI Mail has also taken the necessary steps to insure that you are not billed for any extra messages. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you, and will do our utmost to avoid a recurrence of this situation. Sincerely, MCI Mail Customer Support ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 89 10:57:17 EDT From: Peter Jones Subject: Loose wires, master clocks and satellites Two articles in RISKS 9.26, namely "Man-Machine Failure at 1989 World Rowing Championships", and "An Interesting Answer to the Distributed Time Problem" reminded me of a certain performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony on December 12, 1988, in which I sang in the tenor section offstage in Montreal. The National Film Board of Canada has just released a video documentary about this event, entitled "Satellite Symphony --- One Woman's Dream". The dream in question was to conduct an orchestra in Montreal, with choirs in San Mateo, Geneva and Moscow. Unfortunately, as the links between these places were via satellite, there were perceptible delays in satellite transmission, making it difficult to get everyone in sync. One solution tried was to send a cue to the remote choirs ahead of the conductor in Montreal, so that their sound would come back in time with the orchestra. This proved to be unworkable, for the delay required was in terms of milliseconds, and not in terms of beats and fractions thereof. Also the response times of the remote choir conductors and their singers was difficult to assess, and the main conductor might not be at the same tempo from one performance to another. The solution that was finally adopted was to transmit a recording of the dress rehearsal of the previous evening to the remote choirs, ahead of the live sound. With the aid of an earphone, the conductor in Montreal would hear and follow the same recording, with a delay to compensate for the two-way satellite transmission of her cues and the choirs' singing in response. (I'm glossing over the technicality that number of satellite "hops", hence the delay, was different for each choir.) So far, we have seen the master-clocking difficulties. What happened on concert night? Yes, a proverbial loose wire. The conductor's earphone malfunctioned, although the choirs heard the recorded sound by satellite! After a 45-second wait, and a fruitless call for assistance (she couldn't get a reply on the defective earphone without leaving the podium, or having someone come out on stage), she decided to start anyway. Radio Canada technicians sent the live sound to the remote choirs. The end result was that the choirs missed their first entry. Fortunately, the Montreal Symphony's choir was on hand backstage in Montreal as a backup, providing the illusion to the audience that the other choirs had indeed come in. The rest of the choirs managed to come in further on, more or less on time. The resulting sound was, as Spock of Star Trek would say, "Fascinating". Peter Jones MAINT@UQAM (514)-987-3542 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1989 13:22:01 PDT From: "Peter G. Neumann" Subject: Re: Loose wires, master clocks and satellites Following Hollywood hi-tech practice, and minimizing the real-time risks, next time you might try videotaping the orchestral dress rehearsal in Montreal -- with the option of the local backstage chorus being heard only on ear-phones by the conductor and players, and recorded on a separate audio track -- then letting San Mateo, Geneva and Moscow dub their contributions independently (while each watched the videotaped conductor and heard the dress rehearsal orchestra audio), and finally mixing the whole thing together in a `live' performance. That way the conductor would not have to rely on ear-phones -- she would be mimicking herself on the tape monitor while the sound of taped choruses and the prerecorded orchestra filled the hall. The Montreal orchestra folks could synch their playing (especially the wind players, who would indeed be lip-synching) to the recording -- or simply fake it altogether! With a little computer processing you could even do real-time resynchronization to compensate for recording machines that were slightly off speed. However, the whole thing seems somewhat silly because the conductor could not influence the performance in progress, which was presumably her original intent. And the results had to be MURKY! With the transmission delays, you cannot really afford to let anyone hear another group anyway unless recorded; because the time delay from `ictus' (low-point of the beat) to sound attack generally varies with the tempo, and because it is very difficult to anticipate adequately from auditory cues alone, the visual cues are much more important -- even if tape delayed. Furthermore, if there is no live playing or singing except maybe locally, you can afford to run everything tape delayed with variable delays in the premix. (I hope they weren't singing in English, French and Russian! But I am reminded of two high-school bands getting together unrehearsed in 1949 for the Star Spangled Banner, with one playing in Bb, the other in Ab.) Perhaps I got parODied away. It happens every now and then. But this is really a marvelous real-time synchronization problem, and the risks in pulling it off are considerable. On the other hand, if you lose one chorus completely, probably nobody in the audience would ever know -- except that the Russian accent in German might suddenly disappear. Freud would have been amused with the aural fixation. ``Freude, Freude, got 'er, 'funken, {as in RundFunk = broadcast} Sighed, `umschlungen, millionen'!'' {THAT's a lot of singers.} Owed to Joy. Schiller. ``... achoired a certain measure of reknown ...'' Tom Lehrer. ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 9.27 ************************