Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!uflorida!!ames!vsi1!octopus!avsd!childers From: childers@avsd.UUCP (Richard Childers) Newsgroups: news.admin Subject: UUCP Maps Used For Commerce Message-ID: <2048@avsd.UUCP> Date: 14 Sep 89 21:14:02 GMT Reply-To: childers@avsd.UUCP (Richard Childers) Organization: Metaprogrammers International Lines: 90 Well, it's finally happened, thanks to all the amoral money-grubbers and wannabees who are just out for a fast buck or are too lazy to gather their own mailing lists. I've received mail that clearly contains information which was derived from my site's map entry. Among other things ... o it includes my full 9-digit zip code, which was in the map entry ; o it includes the names of all divisions I support, which would only come from the map entry ( Record / Video Systems Divisions ) ; o and the form letter addresses me as "Dear Northern California UUCP site contact", I kid you not. ( These people have never heard of computer addressing ? ) And, goddamn it, at the bottom, it mentions ClariNet and IN MODERATION. -=*=- And it was only two weeks ago that _someone_ was broadcasting their total lack of intentions to utilize the Usenet as a commercial entity, and was it only a few days ago that they were trying to downplay democracy as a way of making decisions for groups of people. So whom was this charming document from ? I'll be damned if I'll type in their pap, but I'll be glad to offer up names and numbers. Anterior Technology ( should've been 'Posterior' ) POB 1206 Menlo Park, CA 94026-1206 (415) 328-5615 ( Somehow, I'm not surprised that they're operating from behind a POB. ) It was signed by Geoff Goodfellow, now there's a good fellow. (-: He's invited me to attend their booth at INTEROP '89. If I do, it'll only be to ball them out in public at the top of my voice. Or maybe I'll give it to the most troublesome adolescent I can find. My mind boggles at the possible uses of this pass. -=*=- Some particularly offensive pap : "The IN MODERATION Network is an evolving new hierarchy of USENET netnews groups and Internet mailing lists. Our charter is to provide the on-line community with useful, instructive, entertaining infor- -mation which satisfies commonly accepted standards of good taste and principled discourse." Evolving ? It's an entity, now, is it, responding to its environment, no people behind it making profit at all, nosirree bob ... USENET ? Isn't that in the public domain ? Is it really appropriate for a private company to associate itself with a public-domain consortium, albeit a totally unstructured and chaotic one, when it hasn't the slightest intent of conforming to the value system that brought these diverse participants together, lo, many years ago, in the interest of Freedom of Information, shared resources, and peerhood ? That they are getting this from the USENET and Internet and reselling it, without paying those from whom it acquired this material, is parasitic. Just because the USENET has no legal status is no reason to sell it to the highest bidders. Ethics preceed laws, and laws only approximate ethics. In this case, an absence of laws has only highlighted an absence of ethics. Charter ? And from whom did you derive this charter ? The USENET ? Or the boardroom full of chuckling, grinning sharks, each avoiding the eyes of the other as they anticipated the flow of money and minimal outlay ? Bah, ptui. Useful, instructive, entertaining ... yet, conforming to commonly accepted standards of good taste and principled discourse. Whose principles ? Those who arranged this whole fiasco, smoothly covering up their intentions with oiled words and vague statements ? Great. I'm kind of curious as to where this 'commonly accepted' set of standards was derived from, given the outcry that resulted when certain parties first broached the possibility of using the map database as a commercial resource without doing the commercial thing, first, which is to pay for it. Well, people, time to put a (copyright 1989 your_name_here) in your .signature and prepare for a lot of lawsuits. I am disgusted. -- richard -- * * * Intelligence : the ability to create order out of chaos. * * * * ..{amdahl|decwrl|octopus|pyramid|ucbvax}!avsd.UUCP!childers@tycho *