Newsgroups: news.admin Path: utzoo!henry From: henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: Cnews wish Message-ID: <1989Sep15.153327.28327@utzoo.uucp> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology References: <1401@esquire.UUCP> <1989Sep12.230820.2296@utzoo.uucp> <> Date: Fri, 15 Sep 89 15:33:27 GMT In article <> (Ruth Milner) writes: >... remember that since news articles tend to >be small individual files, you are likely to run out of inodes long before >you run out of space... This is *very* dependent on system configuration details. Exhausting inodes is one problem that utzoo has never, ever, had, although we tend to run with 90%-full filesystems most of the time. We've never even been close. So I think it is fairer to say that it *might* be a problem, depending on your system. -- V7 /bin/mail source: 554 lines.| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology 1989 X.400 specs: 2200+ pages. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry