Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!crdgw1!rpi!tale
From: (David C Lawrence)
Newsgroups: news.misc
Subject: Re: Validity of USENET news statistics
Message-ID: <>
Date: 22 Sep 89 21:56:38 GMT
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY
Lines: 29
In-Reply-To:'s message of 22 Sep 89 20:57:41 GMT

In <> (Paul Traina):
Paul> Since this has come up again and again, I'll hack in the changes
Paul> to nntpd and rn tonight.  I'll publish the changes and someone
Paul> (or myself) can come up with some awk scripts to build arbitron
Paul> reports.  If we like it, let's make it a formal hack.

Very interesting; the USER-type command was exactly the same sort of
thing I thought of this morning (though I was calling in STATS, but
that it pretty irrelevant).  I would be more than happy to work on
some awk scripts when you let us know the log format to expect.

Speaking of log format, please make it another compile-time option so
I can tell it where to put the logfile; I personally would prefer to
have the log separate from syslog activity, but that is open for

What should be in the log?  I would expect the most useful information
now would be at the very least user@host and each .newsrc line for
subscribed groups.  The client inews would have to provide the
information which should be pretty easy.  Any other information that
would be useful?  How, for example, could data from unsubscribed
groups be useful?


By the way, besides working on the awk scripts, I'll add the
appropriate connextion-time USER command to GNUS.
 (setq mail '("" "" "tale@rpitsmts.bitnet"))