Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!!!nanotech From: Newsgroups: sci.nanotech Subject: Re-Announcing a Mailing List for Systemcs Science and Cybernetics Message-ID: Date: 12 Sep 89 21:07:35 GMT Sender: Organization: SUNY Binghamton, NY Lines: 77 Approved: RE-ANNOUNCING THE MAILING LIST FOR SYSTEMS AND CYBERNETICS This posting is going to a number of groups that have a common interest with Systems Science and Cybernetics. The mailing list was announced a number of months ago. With the close of summer I'm trying to re-invite people to join and post. Perhaps you were a subscriber before and dropped out. You should know that the list is now MODERATED. No more junk message or wasted time! Perhaps you will think this is junk news, and you will be offended. Perhaps not. Also, the newsgroup alt.cyb-sys is available right now, hopefully on your site. Anyone interested, please post or contact me. If there is sufficient interest, we could create a sci.cyb-sys or somesuch. The original announcement follows. O-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> | Mailing list for Systems and Cybernetics: CYBSYS-L@BINGVMB.BITNET | Moderator Address: | Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton New York V ========================================================================= In the late 1940's the fields of General Systems Theory and Cybernetics emerged out of a series of intense, interdisciplinary conferences on "circular causal and feedback mechanisms" which drew on anthropology, philosophy, biology, neurology, psychology, and electrical engineering. Although Systems Scientists and Cyberneticians tend to emphasize different aspects of their studies, what they share is a commitment to a general understanding of the evolution of complex, multi-level systems like organisms, minds, and societies as informational entities containing possibly circular processes which are irreducible to their constituents. Today a number of exciting fields, like Complex Systems Theory, Self-Organizing Systems Theory, Dynamic Systems Theory, some branches of Artificial Intelligence, Network Theory, fractal geometry, Fuzzy Set Theory, Recursive Theory, computer simulation, and Information Theory share the philosophical and methodological committments of Systems and Cybernetics. Further, the direct influence of the fields has been felt in areas as diverse as immunology, ecology, economics, political science, computer theory and information systems, family therapy, management theory, education and ethics. The purposes of the mailing list and file server include: 1) facilitating discussion among those working in or just interested in the general fields of Systems and Cybernetics; 2) providing a means of communicating to the general research community about the work that Systems Scientists and Cyberneticians do; 3) housing a repository of electronic files for general distribution concerning Systems and Cybernetics; and 4) providing a central, public directory of working Systems Scientists and Cyberneticians. The list is coordinated by members of the Systems Science department of the Watson School at SUNY-Binghamton, and is affiliated with the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC). We invite all to join the discussion. To subscribe, send a file containing only the line: 'SUB CYBSYS-L Your Full Name' to the list server at LISTSERV@BINGVMB.BITNET. Once subscribed, please post a message to the list itself at CYBSYS-L@BINGVMB.BITNET. In the message, please include your name, affiliation, and a brief description of your work and/or interest in the fields of Systems and Cybernetics. Moderator address: cybsys@BINGVAXU.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU