Path: utzoo!yunexus!ists!gkcl!avy From: (Avygdor Moise) Newsgroups: ists.announce,york.announce,tor.general Subject: Comp. Controlled Fax Trans. Seminar Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Sep 89 18:46:20 GMT Article-I.D.: ists.1275 Sender: Reply-To: (Avygdor Moise) Followup-To: ists.announce Distribution: tor Organization: C.R.E.S.S York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ont. Canada. M3J 1P3 Lines: 37 C. A. P. S. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS & PROGRAMMING SEMINARS presents COMPUTER CONTROLLED FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION and IMAGE RECOGNITION SYSTEMS ALL ARE INVITED On Wednesday, September 20, 1989 - 7:30 PM Place York University - Petrie Science Building - Room 315 ABSTRACT Brian Kennedy of Zeppelin Corporation is an electrical engineer who designed and implemented integrated image recognition systems based on parallel processor architectures. He applied his software and hardware technology to commercially available facsimile transmission equipment with phenomenal success. The system which he will be discussing is capable of capturing high resolution bit image data and extracting the text and graphics portions of the image. The extracted text data is 95\% accurate. The graphic and text data captured is then transmitted to its destination and stored in one of 50 possible data formats that are suitable for inclusion in data bases by a variety of word processors, spread sheet programs and data base managers.