Xref: utzoo alt.sources:1197 comp.protocols.appletalk:2651 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!ateng!chip From: chip@ateng.com (Chip Salzenberg) Newsgroups: alt.sources,comp.protocols.appletalk Subject: CAP 5.0 on Xenix part 2/3: New Files Message-ID: <2558BEE0.28092@ateng.com> Date: 9 Nov 89 00:03:43 GMT Organization: A T Engineering, Tampa, FL Lines: 319 #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh 'm4.setup' <<'END_OF_FILE' Xdefine(`concat',$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9) Xchangequote([,]) X X# os - one of: X# "bsd" - bsd 4.2, bsd 4.3, ultrix 1.1, acis 4.2,4.3 other X# "standard" bsd systems without nfs X# "ultrix12" - Ultrix 1.2 X# "ultrix20" - Ultrix 2.0 or greater X# "hpux" - HP/UX X# "aux" - A/UX X# "xenix5" - SCO Xenix System V X# "pyr" - pyramid (in BSD universe) X# "sunos" - SunOS X# Warning: hpux, pyr are hardcoded in some of the makefiles (sorry) X X# MAJOR CONFIGURATION X# set to one of the above (or configure your own below) Xdefine([os],[xenix5]) X X# System call configuration (not for system v compatibilty) X# known: X_GETOPT, X_VPRINTF, X_GETMNT, X_STATFS, X_QUOTA, X# X_SUNQUOTA, X_FLOCK, X_LOCKF, X_FCNTLLOCKF X# getopt - "cap: argument processing" Xdefine([X_GETOPT],1) X# getmnt - "aufs: info on file systems (dec)" X# define([X_GETMNT],1) X# statfs - "aufs: info on file systems (sun nfs)" X# define([X_STATFS],1) X# quota - "aufs: info on user quota" X# define([X_QUOTA],1) X# getmntent - "aufs: used by sunquota" X# define([X_SUNQUOTA],1) X# flock - "afp: file locking" X# define([X_FLOCK],1) X# lockf - "afp: byte range locking using unistd.h" Xdefine([X_LOCKF],1) X# lockf - "afp: byte range locking using fcntl.h" X# define([X_FCNTLLOCKF],1) X# vfprintf - "cap: variable arg fprintf" Xdefine([X_VPRINTF],1) X# recvmsg - "cap: lib: scatter gather recv" Xdefine([X_NORECVMSG],1) X# sendmsg - "cap: lib: scatter gather send" Xdefine([X_NOSENDMSG],1) X# ffs - "cap: lib: ffs - find first set bit" Xdefine([X_NOFFS],1) X X# GETOPT support Xifdef([X_GETOPT],[],[define([needgetopt],[att_getopt.o])]) X# VPRINTF support Xifdef([X_VPRINTF],[define([usevprintf], 1)],[]) X X# Path to cap sources: useful for testing Xdefine([cwd],[/usr/src/net/cap50]) X# turn on if your system sends packets very quickly (see X# applications/aufs/INSTALLATION) X# define([fastether],1) # For papif and samples X X# uncomment if your param.h includes types.h and types.h doesn't X# prevent itself from being included twice X# define _TYPES X# define([selfdefinetypes],1) X# MINOR CONFIGURATION: configure various programs X X#define([columbia],1) # so columbia can do things quickly X#define([debug],1) # testing things (without disrupting) X X# location of include files Xdefine([includedir],[[/usr/local/include]]) X# location of des subroutine source (see lib/afp/README) Xdefine([desloc],[[../../extras]]) X# location of atalk.local, etc. Xdefine([etcdest],[[/usr/local/lib/cap]]) Xifdef([columbia],[define([etcdest],[[/usr/local/lib/cap]])]) X# location of user cap programs Xdefine([capdestdir],[[/usr/local/cap]]) X# location of cap "server" programs Xdefine([caplibdestdir],[[/usr/local/lib/cap]]) X# location of cap libraries Xdefine([libdestdir],[[/usr/local/lib]]) X# override for aux (doesn't search /usr/local/lib) Xifelse(os,[aux],[define([libdestdir],[[/usr/lib]])]) X# cap library names Xdefine([caplib],[[libcap.a]]) Xdefine([afplib],[[libafp.a]]) Xdefine([afpclib],[[libafpc.a]]) X# names to load cap libraries with Xdefine([libcap],[[-lcap]]) Xdefine([libafp],[[-lafp]]) Xdefine([libafpc],[[-lafpc]]) X# any special libraries Xdefine([libspecial],[]) X X# Aufs: see applications/aufs/INSTALLATION X X# WARNING: OS DEPENDENT X#define([smartunixfinderinfo],1) X X# valid here are -DNONXLATE, -DFULL_NCS_SUPPORT X# or GGTYPE="gid_t" X# Others: USESTATFS, USEGETMNT, USECHOWN, USEQUOTA, USESUNQUOTA are X# autoconfigured Xdefine([aufsosdefs],[]) X X#lwsrv: see applications/lwsrv/README X# Valid is: -DADOBE_DSC2_CONFORMANT Xdefine([simpleflags],[]) X X#papif: see applications/papif/README X X# uncomment and set to right location to turn on printing "plain text files" X# define([pstextloc],[[\"/usr/local/lib/ps/pstext\"]]) X X# uncomment and set to right location to turn on page reversal X# define([psrevloc],[[\"/usr/local/lib/ps/psrev\"]]) X X# valid are: X# -DVERBOSELOG - default (set =0 to turn off) X# -DNO_STRUCT - default is on (structured) X# -DNOACCT - default is on (accounting) X# -DIDLESTUFF - default is off X# -DSFLOWQ - default is 8 (min 1, max 8) X# -DRFLOWQ - default is 8 (min 1, max 8) X# -DATPRESPONSETIMEOUT - default is 120 (2 minutes) - in seconds X# -DWATCHTIME - default is 10 seconds (in seconds) X# -DDEBUG - default is off X# -DSTRIPCONTROLD - default is off X# -DMAPCRTOLF - default is off X# see papif README file for explanations of the above X# The following defines are recommended for System V lp model printers X# (vs. bsd lpd) X# -DWATCHTIME=0 (no status) -DNOACCT Xdefine([papflags],[-DWATCHTIME=0 -DNOACCT]) X X# Set -DBANNERFIRST if you want the banner page to come out as the X# first page instead of the last page X# Set -DBANNERLAST if want it last X# add -DCHARGEBANNER if you want to charge the banner page to the user X# on system V - there is no accounting, so leave blank Xdefine([papbanner],[]) X X# for cap.printers - uncomment and change the following line to point X# papif, et. al. to a location other than /etc/cap.printers. (Note: X# line below would set it to $etcdir/cap.printers) X# define([capprinters],concat([\"],etcdest,[/],[cap.printers],[\"])) Xifdef([columbia], X [define([capprinters],concat([\"],etcdest,[/],[cap.printers],[\"]))]) X# for atalkdbm - allows change following line(s) to modify atalk.local X# (probably shouldn't). Remember that atalk.local is expected to X# be in etcdest Xdefine([atalklocal],concat([\"],etcdest,[/],[atalk.local],[\"])) Xdefine([configdir],concat([\"],etcdest,[\"])) X X# in case you want to globally change the c compiler Xdefine([thecompiler],[cc]) Xdefine([theloader],[ld]) X X#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X# END OF CONFIGABLE OPTIONS # X#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X X# You should only edit past here if you are "porting" X# Automatics Xdefine([osname], X ifelse( os,[ultrix12],[Ultrix 1.2], X os,[ultrix20],[Ultrix 2.0], X os,[aux],[A/UX], X os,[sunos],[SunOS], X os,[hpux],[HP-UX (for 9000 series)], X os,[bsd],[Standard BSD], X os,[pyr],[Pyramid in BSD universe], X [Unknown])) Xdefine([cflags],ifdef([selfdefinetypes],[-O -D_TYPES],[-O])) Xdefine([bigcflags],ifelse(os,[hpux],[+Nd2000 +Ns2000])) Xdefine([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -D],os)) Xifelse(os,[pyr],[ X define([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -q]))]) Xifelse(os,[xenix5],[ X define([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -DLAI_TCP -Di386]))]) Xdefine([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -I$I])) X# was used for nbp, but found we needed more... leave in case Xdefine([nbpflags],[]) X Xdefine([lflags],[]) Xdefine([mflags],[]) X# aux's c compiler isn't nice - it doesn't have a preprocessor X# definition for aux. So, let's invent one. Also turn on -n X# for shared code. Xifelse(os,[aux],[ X define([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -n -Daux])) X define([lflags],concat(lflags,[ -n])) X]) X# check to see if we need sysvinstall usage Xifelse( os,[aux],[define([sysvinstall],[yes])], X os,[hpux],[define([sysvinstall],[yes])]) X# for cap library X# Valid are: X# NOFFS - no ffs function defined, fake it out X# LOCALTIME_GTOD - uses pd localtime, but gettimeofday always reads X# disk based time of day. Always defined for AUX for now. Probably X# needs to be changed for versions of Aux after 1.0 X# NORECVMSG - no recvmsg in system (fake it out) X# NOSENDMSG - no recvmsg in system (fake it out) Xdefine([caposdefs], X concat( ifdef([X_NOFFS],[ -DNOFFS],[]), X ifelse(os,[aux],[ -DLOCALTIME_GTOD],[]), X ifdef([X_NORECVMSG], [ -DNORECVMSG],[]), X ifdef([X_NOSENDMSG], [ -DNOSENDMSG],[]))) X# for afp library X# two cases for X_LOCKF - if lockf isn't defined X# first: X_FCNTLLOCKF is defined, so just note that lockf uses fcntl.h X# second: " " isn't defined so define no lockf Xdefine([afposdefs], X concat( ifdef([X_FLOCK],[],[ -DNOFLOCK]), X ifdef([X_LOCKF],[], X [ifdef([X_FCNTLLOCKF],[-DLOCKFUSESFCNTL],[-DNOLOCKF])]))) X# for aufs Xdefine([aufsosdefs], X concat( aufsosdefs, X ifdef([X_STATFS],[ -DUSESTATFS],[]), X ifdef([X_GETMNT],[ -DUSEGETMNT],[]), X ifdef([X_QUOTA],[ -DUSEQUOTA],[]), X ifdef([X_SUNQUOTA],[ -DUSESUNQUOTA],[]))) X# if no ranlib (or fakeout like hpux) and need to order libaries Xifelse(os, [dummy], [define(uselordertsort,1)], X os, [aux], [define(uselordertsort,1)]) X X# lw config Xdefine([lwflags],ifdef([fastether],[-DSFLOWQ=1],[])) X X#NBPFLAGS = nbpflags() X#BIGCFLAGS = bigcflags() X#CFLAGS = cflags() X#LFLAGS = lflags() X#AFPOSDEFS = afposdefs() X#AUFSOSDEFS = aufsosdefs() X Xifdef([debug],[ X# location of include files X define([includedir],[cwd]) X# location of des subroutine source (see lib/afp/README) X define([desloc],[[../../extras]]) X# location of atalk.local, etc. X define([etcdest],concat(cwd,[[[/etc]]])) X# location of user cap programs X define([capdestdir],concat(cwd,[[[/bin]]])) X# location of cap "server" programs X define([caplibdestdir],concat(cwd,[[[/bin]]])) X# location of cap libraries X define([libdestdir],concat(cwd,[[[/lib]]])) X# cap library names X define([caplib],[[libcap.a]]) X define([afplib],[[libafp.a]]) X define([afpclib],[[libafpc.a]]) X# names to load cap libraries with X define([libcap],concat(cwd,[[[/lib/libcap.a]]])) X define([libafp],concat(cwd,[[[/lib/libafp.a]]])) X define([libafpc],concat(cwd,[[[/lib/libafpc.a]]])) X define([capprinters],concat([\"],etcdest,[/],[cap.printers],[\"])) X define([cflags],concat(cflags,[ -I],includedir)) X define([atalklocal],concat([\"],etcdest,[/],[atalk.local],[\"])) X define([configdir],concat([\"],etcdest,[\"])) X]) X Xdefine([datestring],maketemp(/tmp/capcXXXXXX)) Xsyscmd(date > datestring()) X##########MARKER########## X# Makefile autoconfigured for a: \ X osname() system on include(datestring()) Xsyscmd(rm datestring()) X XMFLAGS=mflags() XLFLAGS=lflags() XCC=thecompiler() XLD=theloader() END_OF_FILE if test 9592 -ne `wc -c <'m4.setup'`; then echo shar: \"'m4.setup'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'm4.setup' fi if test -f 'lib/install_libs' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'lib/install_libs'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'lib/install_libs'\" \(158 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'lib/install_libs' <<'END_OF_FILE' X: install_libs X Xset -x Xcopy -m afp/libafp.a /usr/lib/386/Slibafp.a Xcopy -m afpc/libafpc.a /usr/lib/386/Slibafpc.a Xcopy -m cap/libcap.a /usr/lib/386/Slibcap.a END_OF_FILE if test 158 -ne `wc -c <'lib/install_libs'`; then echo shar: \"'lib/install_libs'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi chmod +x 'lib/install_libs' # end of 'lib/install_libs' fi echo shar: End of shell archive. exit 0 -- You may redistribute this article only to those who may freely do likewise. Chip Salzenberg at A T Engineering; or