Path: utzoo!censor!geac!jtsv16!uunet!wuarchive!udel!princeton!andante!pfps From: pfps@andante.UUCP (Peter F. Patel-Schneider) Newsgroups: Subject: Canadian AI Conference---CSCSI-90---Call for Papers Message-ID: <25735@andante.UUCP> Date: 10 Nov 89 16:39:44 GMT Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill Lines: 89 C A L L F O R P A P E R S Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference C S C S I - 9 0 University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA 23--25 May 1990 CSCSI-90 is the eighth biennial conference on Artificial Intelligence sponsored by the Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence. Contributions are requested describing original, unpublished research results, either theoretical or applied, in all areas of Artificial Intelligence research. The following areas are especially of interest: Applications of AI Automatic Programming Cognitive Modelling Common Sense Reasoning Default Reasoning Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Representation Learning Natural Language Understanding Machine Architectures and Languages Perception (Vision, Touch, Speech) Planning Robotics Rule-based Resoning Search Social Implications of AI Temporal Reasoning Theorem Proving Submit four (4) complete copies of papers to the program chair. Papers must be received by 9 January 1990. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by 19 February 1990. Camera ready copy of accepted papers will be due 20 March 1990. All copies of the paper must be clearly legible. Print papers on 8-1/2" by 11" or A4 paper with at least 1-1/2" margins, using 12-pt type. (The LaTeX or Scribe "article" styles, with "12pt" type, conform to these requirements and should be used if possible.) Papers must not exceed 5000 words in length, including abstract and bibliography and allowances for figures, tables, and diagrams. Papers must have a separate title page, containing the title of the paper, the names and addresses of all authors, and a short abstract. Papers must contain a concise statement of the original contribution made to Artificial Intelligence research. Papers will be allocated eight (8) pages in the conference proceedings. Papers which are also being submitted to other conferences, whether verbatim or in essence, must have this fact clearly indicated on the title page. All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. Acceptance will be based on the overall merit and significance of the reported research, as well as the quality of the presentation. As a condition of acceptance, the author, or one of the co-authors, will be required to present the paper at the conference. The journal Artificial Intelligence has offered a best paper prize for the conference. This paper will be offered publication in the journal. Selection of the best paper will be done by the program committee. Send papers to: Peter F. Patel-Schneider CSCSI-90 Program Chair AT&T Bell Labs, Room 3C-410A 600 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 U. S. A. (201) 582-3399 Send general inquiries to: Ken Charbonneau National Research Council Conference Services Office Building M-19 Montreal Road Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 CANADA (613) 993-9009 (Voice) (613) 957-9828 (Fax) General chair: Dick Peacocke CSCSI-90 General Chair Bell Northern Research Box 3511, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4H7 CANADA (613) 765-2629