Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!!!chal
From: chal@CS.CMU.EDU (Prasad Chalasani)
Subject: Re: Learning Theory Developments (Corrections)
Message-ID: <CHAL.89Nov13111535@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU>
Date: 13 Nov 89 16:15:35 GMT
Distribution: comp
Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Lines: 123

My previous bibliography listing had a few errors, so here's a
more correct version:

   AUTHOR = 	   { L G Valiant },
   TITLE = 	   { A Theory of the Learnable },
   JOURNAL = 	   { CACM },
   YEAR = 	   { 1984 },
   VOLUME = 	   { 27 },
   NUMBER = 	   { 11 },
   PAGES = 	   { 1134-1142 },
   MONTH = 	   { Nov },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}
   AUTHOR = 	   { B K Natarajan },
   TITLE = 	   { Two New Frameworks for Learning },
   INSTITUTION =   { Carnegie Mellon University },
   YEAR = 	   { 1987 },
   NUMBER = 	   { CMU-RI-TR-87-25 },
   ADDRESS = 	   { The Robotics Institute, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 },
   MONTH = 	   { Nov },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { L Chrisman },
   TITLE = 	   { Extending the Valiant Framework to Detect Incorrect Bias },
   INSTITUTION =   { School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University },
   YEAR = 	   { 1989 },
   NUMBER = 	   { CMU-CS-89-137 },
   ADDRESS = 	   { Pittsburgh PA 15213 },
   MONTH = 	   { May },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { L Pitt and L G Valiant },
   TITLE = 	   { Computational Limitations on Learning from Examples },
   JOURNAL = 	   { JACM },
   YEAR = 	   { 1988 },
   VOLUME = 	   { 35 },
   NUMBER = 	   { 4 },
   PAGES = 	   { 965-984 },
   MONTH = 	   { Oct },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}
   AUTHOR = 	   { J Amsterdam },
   TITLE = 	   { Some Philosophical Problems with Formal Learning Theory },
   BOOKTITLE = 	   { IJCAI'89 },
   YEAR = 	   { 1989 },
   PAGES = 	   { 580-584 },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { A Blumer A Ehrenfeucht and D Haussler and M K Warmuth },
   TITLE = 	   { Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension },
   INSTITUTION =   { University of California, Santa Cruz },
   YEAR = 	   { 1987 },
   NUMBER = 	   { UCSC-CRL-87-20 },
   ADDRESS = 	   { Santa Cruz CA 95064 USA },
   MONTH = 	   { Nov },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { D Haussler },
   TITLE = 	   { Quantifying Inductive Bias: AI Learning Algorithms and Valiant's Learning Framework },
   JOURNAL = 	   { Artificial Intelligence },
   YEAR = 	   { 1988 },
   VOLUME = 	   { 36 },
   PAGES = 	   { 177-221 },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { M Kearns and L Pitt and L G Valiant },
   TITLE = 	   { Recent Results in Boolean Concept Learning },
   BOOKTITLE = 	   { Proc 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning },
   YEAR = 	   { 1987 },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { B K Natarajan },
   TITLE = 	   { Learning Functions from Examples },
   INSTITUTION =   { The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University },
   YEAR = 	   { 1987 },
   NUMBER = 	   { CMU-RI-TR-87-19 },
   ADDRESS = 	   { Pittsburgh PA 15213 },
   MONTH = 	   { Aug },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}

   AUTHOR = 	   { J Amsterdam },
   TITLE = 	   { Extending the Valiant Learning Model },
   BOOKTITLE = 	   { Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Machine Learning-1988 },
   YEAR = 	   { 1988 },
   PAGES = 	   { 380-393 },
   NOTE  = 	   {  }}


Prasad Chalasani                      	
School of Computer Science         	
Carnegie Mellon University		
Pittsburgh PA 15213			
"What? You search? You would multiply by tens and hundreds? You seek followers?
 Seek ZEROs!"     Nietszche, _Twilight of the Idols_
