Xref: utzoo comp.ai:5061 comp.ai.edu:28 comp.ai.neural-nets:1121 Path: utzoo!yunexus!ists!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!uwm.edu!marque!carroll1!dtroup From: dtroup@carroll1.UUCP (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) Newsgroups: comp.ai,comp.ai.edu,comp.ai.neural-nets Subject: AI schools Message-ID: <863@carroll1.UUCP> Date: 16 Nov 89 20:00:40 GMT Article-I.D.: carroll1.863 Organization: Carroll College Stealth Rock Climbing Club Lines: 23 About a week ago, I posted a message asking for info on schools from NetPeople who feel they're curriculum is worth suggesting to an undergrad AI major. The responses have been very positive, and I thank all of you who have sent mail to me so far. I have been suprised by the lack of replys from the 'Big Name' AI institutions. (or perhaps my view of the AI community is a little off base :-) Some institutions that I thought I might get some mail from would be; M.I.T., Carnige Mellon(sp?!), Stanford and others. I am in no way suggesting that I am dissapointed in the mail thus far (I am asking for admissions information from ALL schools that have been refered to me), I would just like to hear about the programs at the above mentioned schools. Thank-you to all the people who have sent me mail so far and did not get a personal reply from me. -- "We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, knowin' that ain't allowed"__ _______ _______________ |David C. Troup / Surf Rat _______)(______ | |dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu : mail ________________________________|414-524-6809______________________________