Path: utzoo!yunexus!lethe!torsqnt!!mailrus!!usc!ucsd!hub!silber From: Newsgroups: Subject: David Bohm speaks Message-ID: <3033@hub.UUCP> Date: 16 Nov 89 08:54:02 GMT Article-I.D.: hub.3033 Sender: news@hub.UUCP Organization: UC, Santa Barbara. Physics Computer Services Lines: 17 -Message-Text-Follows- David Bohm gave a general purpose, big audience talk at UCSB yesterday. In the foyer of campbell hall were minions of the Ojai crowd who peddle krishnamurti literature (bohm used to hang out with the now deceased guru of indeterminate one-time Indian extraction). He spoke about his concept of the 'implicate order' of the universe and all and everything. Certainly his notion that some kind of 'wholeness' forms/patterns are more fundamental than physical phenomena is appealing to abstract computationalists. It seemed to me that his analogy sets up a precedence of a pattern/context system over and above the generally defered-to physical system of physical phenomena in space-time (juxtaposition of pattern/context with field/spatial-extent) To computational paradigmists, it would seem that bohm's stuff can be accomodated within some notion of privileged, super-fundamental pattern-generating phenomena.