Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!shadooby!samsung!!psuvax1!psuvm!cunyvm!nyser!cmx!wntrmute From: (Jim Brule) Newsgroups: Subject: Knowledge Acquisition Training Summary: January 22-25, 1990 Keywords: Knowledge Acquisition, Cybernetics, Expert Systems Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Nov 89 18:22:41 GMT Reply-To: (Jim Brule') Distribution: na Organization: National Parallel Architectures Center Lines: 210 Dear Friends: Just a reminder that our workshop on "Strategies for Knowledge Acquisition" is rapidly approaching. If you mention in your registration that you are responding to this electronic announcement, you will still qualify for the reduced rates (ie, $750, which includes the workshop, all materials, lodging, and meals). Let's hear from you soon! ~~~Jim ======= Strategies for Knowledge Acquisition 1990 Winter Workshop January 22 - 25, 1990 Minnowbrook Conference Center Blue Mountain Lake, NY Sponsored by: Coherent Research, Inc. and New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Computer Applications and Software Engineering at Syracuse University Syracuse, NY "Strategies for Knowledge Acquisition" is a workshop designed to give the knowledge engineer a pragmatic understanding of the problems of knowledge engineering, along with the tools and techniques for their solution. This hands-on workshop presents a theoretic framework based on the cybernetics of human interaction within which the knowledge acquisition relationship can be understood and predicted. It then proceeds to deliver practical methods for meeting the everyday concerns of knowledge engineers: * establishing a productive environment for knowledge acquisition * enhancing the opportunities for uncovering knowledge of which the domain expert is not fully aware * generating the richest set of information possible * dealing with contradictory information * translating the acquired knowledge into a useful form * creating the best organizational chances for the project to succeed In order to provide the greatest potential benefit, the workshop incorporates individual practice of the tools, techniques, and concepts presented. Upon completion, the student will have gained an understanding of both the principles underlying knowledge acquisition and the practical tools and techniques required to apply these principles to the building of expert systems in operational applications. Attendees should be individuals who have built, or are preparing to build, expert systems involving knowledge to be acquired from human experts. Other individuals who are already familiar with the issues of expert systems from an academic standpoint are encouraged to attend. This workshop has been presented throughout the United States and England. The instructors are experienced in the problems of knowledge acquisition from a diverse set of perspectives. Mr. Brule' has led the development of successful expert systems many fields (including medical, financial, and nursing care) using the techniques which led to this workshop. Dr. Blount has been applying the cybernetics of human systems to organizations, groups, families, and individuals for nearly a decade. Their text, "Knowledge Acquisition" (McGraw-Hill, 1989), will be distributed as part of the workshop. Workshop Schedule: ================= Monday Afternoon: ---------------- Introduction The case for a Cybernetic/Psychological study of the human expert The Theory of Cybernetics Cybernetics and Human Systems Levels of Learning Coding / Representation of Abstract Learning Tuesday: ------- The Dynamics of the Knowledge Acquisition Relationship Fundamentals Establishing a Productive Context Pitfalls in Interviewing Experts Practical Techniques Practice Assessment Metaphor Relevance of Metaphor to Knowledge Acquisition Metaphor in non-Poetic Discourse Metaphor in Building the Knowledge Acquisition Relationship Metaphor in Hypothesis Generation Practical Techniques Practice Assessment Wednesday: --------- Organization of the Knowledge Acquisition Session Planning Orientation Development of Structure Elicitation of Specifics Practice Assessment Special Concerns The Value of Conflicting Information The Use of Multiple Experts Validation and Verification Tools & Techniques Practice Assessment Integration The Knowledge Template The Knowledge Acquisition Team The Organizational Context of Knowledge Acquisition Tools & Techniques Practice Assessment Thursday Morning: ---------------- Summary Practical Applications Future Directions ================= Accomodations and Travel The Minnowbrook Conference Center is one of the elegant Adirondack "Camps" located on Blue Mountain Lake in the high-peaks region of the Adirondack Mountains. Recently renovated, the main lodge offers year-round services in a relaxed setting with modern amenities. Winter sports opportunities abound nearby, including downhill and cross-country skiing,and exhilirating hikes through the mountainous region. Minnowbrook itself has a recreation center, which is made exclusively available to workshop attendees. Ample opportunities for relaxing and establishing cameraderie are provided in the schedule. All meals, lodging, and workshop materials are included in the fee. Minnowbrook is best reached through Syracuse Airport, from where ground transportation to Blue Mountain Lake can be easily arranged. ================= Registration Form Name: Title: Organization: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: EMail: Fee: $750 (Includes meals, lodging, and all workshop materials). Please make check payable to: Coherent Research, Inc. Return payment and form to: James Brule', VP for Knowledge Based Systems Coherent Research, Inc. 100 East Washington Street Syracuse, NY 13202 (315) 426-0929