Path: utzoo!yunexus!ists!!rutgers!cmcl2!acf5!mitsolid From: mitsolid@acf5.NYU.EDU (Thanasis Mitsolides) Newsgroups: comp.arch Subject: Quantum Dynamics saving the Super Computers Message-ID: <12200001@acf5.NYU.EDU> Date: 17 Nov 89 22:20:00 GMT Article-I.D.: acf5.12200001 Organization: New York University Lines: 8 Whatever happened to that gate which was based on the Tuneling Effect of Quantum Dynamics I believe and was 100 times smaller, 100 times faster and spend 100 times less electricity that normal gates? Anybody with any information? Any projections for the time when it is expected to be used in ICs? Thanasis