Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!shadooby!samsung!uunet!lotus!esegue!compilers-sender From: (Norman Diamond) Newsgroups: comp.compilers Subject: Re: Hand-rolled parsers Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Nov 89 15:43:22 GMT Sender: Reply-To: (Norman Diamond) Organization: Compilers Central Lines: 62 Approved: In message <>, (Chris Torek) complains about "fancy" error reporting in the MIPS C compiler, a technique which is less helpful than in non-preprocessed languages (lines broken at 72 characters): >[begin quote] "foo.c", line 12: missing `;' inserted (--((&__stdioF[1]))->_w < 0 ? ((&__stdioF[1]))->_w >= (( &__stdioF[1]))->_lbfsize ? (*((&__stdioF[1]))->_p = ((--((&__stdioF[0])) ->_r < 0 ? __stdio_rget((&__stdioF[0])) : (int)(*((&__stdioF[0]))->_p++) ))), *((&__stdioF[1]))->_p != '\n' ? (int)*((&__stdioF[1]))->_p++ : __st dio_wbuf('\n', (&__stdioF[1])) : __stdio_wbuf((int)((--((&__stdioF[0]))- >_r < 0 ? __stdio_rget((&__stdioF[0])) : (int)(*((&__stdioF[0]))->_p++)) ), (&__stdioF[1])) : (*((&__stdioF[1]))->_p = ((--((&__stdioF[0]))->_r < 0 ? __stdio_rget((&__stdioF[0])) : (int)(*((&__stdioF[0]))->_p++))), (i nt)*((&__stdioF[1]))->_p++)) chars++; -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------^ Of course, the mess the compiler spat out above is nothing like the original line 12, which actually read putchar(getchar()) chars++; [...] Friendly error reporting is all well and good, but at least this should be optional, so that it does not get in the way of integrated environments such as that provided by Emacs. Moreover, it should refer to the original source code, not any intermediate output. >[end quote] In fact I found this very helpful when errors were introduced by macros, e.g. when there is a syntax error, or a call to what should be a nested macro but which forgot to exist. (Dr. Torek mentioned this in an aside, as a possibility. Please be assured that it is very very possible.) Furthermore Dr. Torek's request is difficult to meet in systems that separate preprocessing into a separate pass (I believe Dr. Torek might know someone who worked on such a system :-)). I think the best option is, if you don't like the echo of the processed line and the mess of uncountable (well, not reliably countable) lines of hyphens, then ignore this mess and only read the line number at the beginning of the error message. Then you can still enjoy hunting on your own through that original source line and the macro calls, as you get to do in older systems. -- Norman Diamond, Sony Corp. ( seems to work) -- Send compilers articles to {spdcc | ima | lotus}!esegue. Meta-mail to compilers-request@esegue. Please send responses to the author of the message, not the poster.