Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!uunet!mcsun!ukc!icdoc!bilpin!jim From: jim@bilpin.UUCP (JimG) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Oracle SQL*Forms report tool Message-ID: <2508@bilpin.UUCP> Date: 9 Nov 89 19:08:56 GMT Organization: SRL, London, England Lines: 137 #{v_databases.9} A while ago I posted an awk script of mine for formatting Oracle SQL*Forms definitions into a readable layout. There were a few imperfections which I pointed out at the time, which have now been tidied up, so herewith is the updated version. # Start of --------------------------------------------- # Author: Jim Grimwood, Hatfield, England # Script to format an Oracle SQL*Forms .inp file into a more useful layout # Syntax : formname # (omit the .inp suffix) echo " Form definition formatter for ORACLE SQLForms Version 2 : \nForm header ..." if sed -n 1p $1.inp | fgrep '; Generated by SQL*Forms Version 2' then echo "1st pass on $1" else echo " ERROR: Incorrect file format / Compressed .inp file / Wrong version Run abandoned" exit 1 fi awk ' { if( substr( $0, length ) == ":" ) { FLAG = 1 LINE = $0 } else { if( FLAG == 1 ) { FLAG = 0 if( length > 0 ) print LINE, $0 } else { if( $1 == ";SQL>" ) SQL = 1 else { if( SQL == 1 ) { if( length > 1 ) print else SQL = 0 } else if( length > 0 && $0 != "/" ) print } } } } ' $1.inp > $1.tmp echo "2nd pass on $1" awk ' BEGIN { print "Formatted form definition for ORACLE SQLForms Version 2" print "Generated by " print "" print "Form header ..." } /^;Block name/ { if( NEWLINE == 0 ) print "" if( LOWEST != "" || HIGHEST != "" || DEFAULT != "" ) printf( "Lowest[%s]\tHighest[%s]\tDefault[%s]\n", \ LOWEST, HIGHEST, DEFAULT ) LOWEST = ""; HIGHEST = ""; DEFAULT = "" if( $6 ~ /^\*\*/ ) $1 = ";Form trigger" print "" print "******************************************************" print; NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 print "******************************************************" } /^;Field name/ { if( NEWLINE == 0 ) print "" if( LOWEST != "" || HIGHEST != "" || DEFAULT != "" ) printf( "Lowest[%s]\tHighest[%s]\tDefault[%s]\n", \ LOWEST, HIGHEST, DEFAULT ) LOWEST = ""; HIGHEST = ""; DEFAULT = "" if( $4 ~ /^\*/ ) $1 = ";Block trigger" print "----------", $0 NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 } /^;Must value/ { printf( "Must exist[%s]\t", $6 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Type of/ { printf( "Type[%s]\t", $5 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Is ..*base/ { printf( "In base table[%s]\t", $10 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Is ..*key/ { printf( "In prim key[%s]\t", $11 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Allow ..*ent/{ printf( "Enter[%s]\t", $8 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Allow ..*upd/{ printf( "Update[%s]\t", $8 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Allow ..*que/{ printf( "Query[%s]\t", $8 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Hide value/ { printf( "Hide[%s]\n", $7 ); NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 } /^;Is ..*mand/ { printf( "Mandatory[%s]\t", $6 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Is ..*fixed/ { printf( "Fixed len[%s]\t", $7 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Auto jump/ { printf( "Auto-jump[%s]\t", $8 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Convert/ { printf( "Uppercase[%s]\t", $8 ); NEWLINE = 0; PRN = 1 } /^;Length/ { printf( "\tLengths: Field[%s] / Display[%s] / Query[%s]\n", \ $11, $13, $15 ) NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 } /^;Lowest/ { LOWEST = $4; PRN = 1 } /^;Highest/ { HIGHEST = $4; PRN = 1 } /^;Default/ { DEFAULT = $4; PRN = 1 } /^;Page/ { PAGE = $3; PRN = 1 } /^;Line/ { LINE = $3; PRN = 1 } /^;Column/ { if( NEWLINE == 0 ) print "" printf( "Page[%s]\tLine[%s]\tColumn[%s]\n", PAGE, LINE, $3 ) NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 } /^;Enter defau/ { print substr( $0, 1, index( $0, ":" ) ) print substr( $0, index( $0, ":" )+1 ) NEWLINE = 1; PRN = 1 } { if( PRN == 0 ) { if( NEWLINE == 0 ) print "" print; NEWLINE = 1 } PRN = 0 } ' $1.tmp > $1.fmt if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "File $1.fmt created" else echo "Run abandoned" fi rm $1.tmp # End of --------------------------------------------- -- Another Fine Product from {JimG : Hatfield, England} This line has been intentionally left blank