Path: utzoo!yunexus!ists!!mailrus!ames!excelan!unix!hplabs!hpfcso!hpldola!hp-lsd!oldcolo!weekley From: weekley@oldcolo.UUCP (Bob Weekley) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Glossary of acronyms and commercial jargon -- WANTED Keywords: glossary, acronyms, jargon, wanted Message-ID: <[202.1]graphics;1@oldcolo.UUCP> Date: 11 Nov 89 13:10:02 GMT Article-I.D.: oldcolo.[202.1]graphics;1 References: <1476@aber-cs.UUCP> Lines: 58 >Author: [Jan Pinkava] > Subj: Glossary of acronyms and commercial jargon -- WANTED >. . . . . . >Is there a graphics-speak glossary already available (or posted here) ? I don't know about specifically this GRAPHICS Conference, but the following may come in handy: EXPANDED "COMPUTER BUZZWORD" GENERATOR The microcomputer revolution has created new words that are as incomprehensible as they are sophisticated. We have recently updated a technique developed in the 1960's called the "Instant Buzzword Generator" to help you master this obscure jargon. With it you can create an almost endless variety of intelligent-sounding technical terms. INSTRUCTIONS: Simply select a number from each of the three columns below and combine the words into your own computer buzzword phrases. For example, select "10," "16," and "5" and you generate "Ergonomic Transitional Capability" an expression bound to command instant respect...and confusion! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! EXPANDED "COMPUTER BUZZWORD" GENERATOR 1. Integrated 1. Digital 1. Language 2. Synchronous 2. Logical 2. Compatability 3. Sectored 3. Memory 3. Management 4. On-line 4. Random 4. Options 5. Batched 5. Default 5. Capability 6. Relational 6. Third-Generation 6. Network 7. Dynamic 7. Incremental 7. Parameters 8. Parallel 8. Interpretive 8. Self-test 9. Responsive 9. Floppy 9. Matrix 10. Ergonomic 10. De-bugged 10. Hardware 11. Alphanumeric 11. Password 11. Device 12. Optical 12. Protocol 12. Refresh 13. Functional 13. Run-time 13. Compiler 14. Formatted 14. Analog 14. Controller 15. Mnemonic 15. Pixel 15. Flexability 16. Acknowledged 16. Transitional 16. Contingency 17. User-friendly 17. Intelligent 17. Duplex 18. Addressable 18. Virtual 18. Eprom 19. Enhanced 19. Buffered 19. Subroutine 20. Monitored 20. Vertical 20. Access Note: This all came from a very clever,beautifuly executed,two sided folding Business Card by LONG BEACH MICRO; L.B.Calif.I have no connection whatsoever with LBM. Their card is so fantastic, I thought everyone might enjoy it. ---------------------- Robert R. Weekley @ oldcolo.UUCP{backbone}!hpda!hplabs!hp-lsd!oldcolo!weekley THE OLD COLORADO CITY ELECTRONIC COTTAGE | Standard | 2502 W. Colorado Ave. #203; C.S., CO 80904 |Disclaimer| (719) 632-3391 [8-N-1]; 632-4848 [voice] "What you mistake for madness is but over acuteness of the senses" -E.A.Poe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -