Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!!!!!aplcen!haven!udel!princeton!phoenix!paul From: paul@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul Lansky) Newsgroups: Subject: 1990 International Computer Music Conference: Submissions Keywords: 1990 International Computer Music Conference: Submissions Message-ID: <11414@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Date: 9 Nov 89 03:29:57 GMT Organization: Princeton University, NJ Lines: 152 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O M P U T E R M U S I C C O N F E R E N C E Glasgow Scotland 10-15 September, 1990 Submissions Form The International Computer Music conference, Glasgow 1990, will take place at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in the centre of Glasgow from 10-15 September 1990, the year in which the city will serve as the Cultural Capital of Europe. Call for Special Sessions Those who wish to propose Special Sessions, which might include panels, group discussions, studio reports or tutorials, should follow the guidelines in Call for Proposals except that they should not be submitted anonymously and they should be specific as to content, participants and equipment required. They will be refereed by the appropriate advisory committee. The language of the Computer Music Association is English and all Special Ses- sions must be in English. The Call for Proposals deadlines apply to the Call for Special Sessions. Call for Proposals Those who wish to read papers, present workshops or give demons- trations at ICMC, Glasgow 1990 should send the following materi- al. It is hoped that at least one afternoon session will be de- voted to computer music and education and ICMC, Glasgow 1990 would be particularly pleased to receive proposals in this area. The language of the Computer Music Association is English and all papers, workshops, tutorials etc. must be in English. Requirements: 1. Proposals for papers, workshops or demonstrations must consist of no more than three double-spaced pages of text or 1,000 words (excluding graphic examples and other supplementary material). Papers describing the subjects to be covered in workshops or demonstrations may be published in the Proceedings. Five copies of the proposal are required. Each copy must include the title but no other identifying marks because all proposals will be judged anonymously. 2. Music examples should be on cassette, 1/4 inch 1/2 track stereo at 7 1/2 ips (19cms) or 15 ips (38 cms), RDAT or CD. 3. A complete statement of technical requirements must be includ- ed with each proposal. In the case of workshops and demonstra- tions, the proposal must explain clearly the nature of the ses- sion and state the number of personnel and the equipment re- quired. 4. Proposals must include a 200 word abstract suitable for pub- lication. 5. A biographical note, not exceeding 150 words, on the author(s) must be enclosed. 6. A completed submissions form or a separate sheet providing the information requested on the submissions form must accompany each proposal. 7. A cheque/international money order/postal order for (pounds sterling) 7.50 to cover jury costs must be enclosed. It should be made payable to ICMC, Glasgow 1990. This handling charge must be in sterling and is not refundable. 8. Proposals which do not comply with these requirements will not normally be considered. Proposals will not be returned. Deadlines: Proposals must be postmarked no later than 20 January 1990. No- tification of receipt will be sent immediately. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be posted on 1 March 1990. Final text of papers will be due on 20 April 1990 Submit proposals to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990, c/o Scottish Music Information Centre, 1 Bowmont Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland G12 9LR Submissions Form o o o o \/ cut here \/ /\ /\ ------------------------------------------------------------ Please use a separate form for each submission. Name__________________________________________________________ Company/Institution___________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Postcode/Zip:_________________________________________________ I enclose the following submission: Paper ______ Workshop ______ Demonstration ______ Music ______ Special Session ______ Title of Submission:__________________________________________ Please return my score/tape Yes____ No____ I enclose a postal coupon for (pounds sterling)_______________ and a self-addressed envelope. I will collect my score/tape at the conference ______ I enclose the following: An abstract of my paper/workshop/demonstration proposal ______ My biographical note. ______ My programme note. ______ Jury costs of (pounds sterling 7.50 per submission. ______ (Make cheques / money orders / postal orders payable to ICMC, Glasgow 1990.) Signed:_________________________________ Date:_______________ Send completed form to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990, c/o Scottish Music Information Centre, 1 Bowmont Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland G12 9LR. Official Use Only: Received:_______________________________Checked:_____________