Xref: utzoo comp.editors:1096 comp.text:5572 comp.misc:7386 Path: utzoo!attcan!sobmips!uunet!mcsun!cernvax!ethz!ethz-inf!wyle From: wyle@inf.ethz.ch (Mitchell Wyle) Newsgroups: comp.editors,comp.text,comp.misc Subject: Summary: LaTex vi macros Keywords: latex, vi, vi macros Message-ID: <5594@ethz-inf.UUCP> Date: 16 Nov 89 14:04:02 GMT Reply-To: wyle@ethz.uucp Followup-To: comp.editors Organization: Departement Informatik, ETH Zuerich Lines: 49 In spite of the underwhelming replies, I am going to post a follow-up summary to my request for LaTex vi macros. 1. Bernie Cosell (cosell@bbn.com) is interested in collaborating in the development; he made some suggestions and I wrote some macros in reply; neither of us has tested them :-( Here they are: map ;ld 1G0^V^[:r ~/.latex-vi-macros/template_doc^V^Mjja map ;ld 1G0i\begin{document}^V^M^V^M^V^M\end{document}^V^[kkki map ;bf i{\bf ^V^[ei}^V^[ map! ;bf {\bf }^V^[hhi map ;ta o\begin{tabular}{|l|c|r} \hline^V^M f & s % t \\ \hline^V^M\end{tabular} map ;se o^V^M\section{s}^V^[hcw 2. Dr. Hellmuth Broda (whbr@cgch.uucp) sent me a *huge* detailed, documented set of macros for the vi or Sun keypads. The set is so large, you can't use it from a .exrc (but you can from EXINT). The macros include but are not limited to: \vspace{} \hspace{} \vline \hline \vfill \hfill \begin{}\end{} \begin{}\end{} (fill both pairs of braces with previously typed word) \fbox{} \parbox{} \mbox{} {} \index{} (fill last word into braces) {\it \/} {\} \item \ (from chapter to paragraph) "ck \glqq \grqq \par \smallskip\par \medskip\par \bigskip\par Write Dr. Broda and ask him to post his macros to the net if you want them. Since I have not been using LaTex that much since I posted my summary, I have not fiddled with vi macros for latex. -Mitch