Path: utzoo!telly!moore!ziebmef!becker!geac!jtsv16!uunet!wuarchive!texbell!nuchat!shell!jody From: (Jody Winston) Newsgroups: gnu.gcc Subject: gf77 Message-ID: Date: 18 Oct 89 13:58:40 GMT Distribution: gnu Organization: Shell Development Company, Bellaire Research Center, Houston, TX Lines: 10 We are kicking around the idea of modifing gcc to be a f77 compiler. (No flames about FORTRAN please.) Is this just possible or desirable given gcc's current state? Has any one started on this idea? Does anyone have any idea about how long a project would take? -- Jody Winston jody@shell.uucp ...!{sun,psuvax1,bcm,rice,decwrl,}!shell!jody Shell Development Company, Bellaire Research Center P.O. Box 481, Room 2202, Houston, TX 77001 (Voice: 713 663-2993)