Newsgroups: news.admin Path: utzoo!henry From: henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: News Versions Currently in Use Message-ID: <1989Nov13.174849.1091@utzoo.uucp> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology References: <71543@uunet.UU.NET> <> <> Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 17:48:49 GMT In article <> (P{r Emanuelsson) writes: >... why are (seemingly) lots of C news sites missing? There was definitely something wrong with the count... if you look carefully, you'll notice that neither utzoo nor utstat is listed! We're quite sure we're running C News :-). -- A bit of tolerance is worth a | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology megabyte of flaming. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry