Path: utzoo!censor!dybbuk!yunexus!ists!!mailrus!cwjcc!hal!ncoast!allbery From: allbery@NCoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery) Newsgroups: news.admin Subject: Re: Annoying problem with rn (v2.11.18) Message-ID: <1989Nov17.005615.4816@NCoast.ORG> Date: 17 Nov 89 00:56:15 GMT References: <124@toaster.SFSU.EDU> Reply-To: allbery@ncoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery) Followup-To: news.admin Organization: North Coast Public Access UN*X, Cleveland, OH Lines: 28 As quoted from <124@toaster.SFSU.EDU> by eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott): +--------------- | In any case, this is NOT the source of the problem described--in | the latest (um, about 2 year old) version of rn. The problem is | that the user has groups in active that are not in his .newsrc. | "Pilot error." +--------------- Pardon me, but by default rn does *not* add new groups to a user's .newsrc if the user does not choose to subscribe to them. Rn uses a separate file (.rnsoft) to relate the contents of the active file to that of the .newsrc; this can become out of step if a newsgroup is rmgroup'ed, which causes rn (on ncoast, at least) to suddenly prompt with about 60 "new" newsgroups. (When ncoast expanded to a full newsfeed, I copied uunet:~ftp/news/active to get a complete active file, which turns out to contain things like a bunch of clari.all groups which we don't plan to receive here. Someday I'll weed the blasted things out.) It'd be nice if rn could keep from losing its head after a rmgroup.... ++Brandon (P.S. Steve J. and other ncoasters: yes, *that's* why.) -- Brandon S. Allbery allbery@NCoast.ORG, BALLBERY (MCI Mail), ALLBERY (Delphi) uunet!!ncoast!allbery ncoast! bsa@telotech.uucp *(comp.sources.misc mail to comp-sources-misc[-request], please)* *Third party vote-collection service: send mail to (ONLY)* expnet.all: Experiments in *net management and organization. Mail me for info.