Xref: utzoo talk.religion.newage:4904 news.groups:14620 Path: utzoo!attcan!sobmips!uunet!snorkelwacker!apple!gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!uwvax!umn-d-ub!umn-cs!davidli From: davidli@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU (Dave Meile) Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,news.groups Subject: Re: Discussion: talk.religion.pagan Message-ID: <17032@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU> Date: 15 Nov 89 16:44:53 GMT References: <3311@hydra.gatech.EDU> <16954@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU> <3346@hydra.gatech.EDU> Reply-To: davidli@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Dave Paschall-Zimbel) Organization: Flying Taoist Graphics Lines: 72 In article <3346@hydra.gatech.EDU> gs26@prism.gatech.EDU (Glenn R. Stone) writes: >In the referenced article davidli@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Dave Meile) writes: >>Without some form of moderation, any newsgroup such as the one proposed is >>doomed to be a repeat of the other talk.religion.xxxxx newsgroups. > >Did you not listen? Here, I'll do it again... > >>>moreover, how shall we find out, if we do not try? We _are_ trying ... with talk.religion.newage. Do you learn nothing from your own experiences in this particular newsgroup? >Did you notice that Joe, for whatever reason, hasn't been flaming of late >since we put up a concerted, reasoned, and polite effort to put an end to it? I've noticed that Mr. Applegate hasn't been posting ANYWHERE of late, including talk.religion.misc. Without confirmation, I can only conclude that he is not _able_ to post. This is _not_ the same as stating "having listened to the rational and polite effort of talk.religion.newage posters, Joe Applegate decided to cease from posting to that group". Do no confuse synchronicity with causation in this case. >This is how things would work in the new group.... There is a lot more >diversity, and a lot less ability to work together, in t.r.newage than there >would be in t.r.pagan. ] Proposed charter of talk.religion.pagan: ] ] This newsgroup shall be unmoderated, and for the discussion ] of religious issues concerning pagans (as well as related issues ] of religious rights and religious persecution). If your own idea of religious issues concerning pagans is as broad as my own, you would not think there would be _less_ diversity in the proposed newsgroup! The issues which concern, for example, those Wiccans who follow Gardnerian craft are vastly different from the issues which concern those Wiccans who follow Dianian craft [ackward adjective there folk -- feel free to let me know of a better one...] Then, there are those of us who practice no craft, but who appear "pagan" to those in the monotheistic religions. And religious persecution falls upon many of the so-called "new age" religions -- and is not limited to Wiccans or neo-Pagans. What I expect you'd like is a forum for discussing things calmly, without invective, with the goal of proposing real solutions to real problems, without the annoyance of every fourth posting being from a net-evangelist. You're not going to get that forum without some level of moderation. > GIVE IT A CHANCE, guys. If we're still fighting >continuous flamage six months after creation, remind me. But don't just >give up. If you're still fighting cross-postings after six months, talk.religion.pagan will be as big a "flop" as you now see talk.religion.newage. Unfortunately, there won't BE a vote for a moderated group after that time ... people will look and say "Well, they couldn't make it with one newsgroup -- why should we bother to provide them with ANOTHER one?!" >There will always be negativity in the world. That doesn't mean we should >wimp out and not try to do the best we can. Since when does rational moderation imply "wimping out"? As far as I can tell, moderation wouldn't necessarily shut out the negative -- but it would keep the level of invective down _and_ serve to effectively shut out the net-evangelist from a forum where such does not belong. The "Talk" groups are _very_ loosely oriented, making it extremely difficult to focus on the topics with which most people are concerned. -- David Paschall-Zimbel