Xref: utzoo news.admin:7634 news.groups:14643 comp.mail.uucp:3750 comp.os.vms:19636 Path: utzoo!mnetor!tmsoft!torsqnt!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!njin!princeton!udel!wuarchive!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!deimos.cis.ksu.edu!mccall!tp From: tp@mccall.uucp Newsgroups: news.admin,news.groups,comp.mail.uucp,comp.os.vms Subject: Re: New newsgroup hierarchy Message-ID: <1661.25645071@mccall.uucp> Date: 17 Nov 89 18:39:44 GMT References: <1618.25614348@mccall.uucp> <1989Nov16.172110.21492@utzoo.uucp> Followup-To: news.admin Organization: The McCall Pattern Co., Manhattan, KS, USA Lines: 73 In article <1989Nov16.172110.21492@utzoo.uucp>, henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes: > We will unhesitatingly carry them if and when they become subgroups of > comp.os.vms. We will be very reluctant to carry them if you insist on > having your own top-level name; there are too many top-level names already, > and I utterly fail to see why you need one of your own. In article <91457@pyramid.pyramid.com>, csg@pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst) writes: > No! This is a different distribution -- therefore it definitely should have > its own top-level name. ... > > vmsnet.* is the right way to go. These are obviously the 2 sides to the issue. There are several reasons we decided to go this way. First, we thought there might be quite a bit of resistance to a lot of VMS traffic on usenet, being a net mostly of unix systems. Second, a lot of VMS sites don't want the usenet traffic, or don't think they do, or don't want all of it, and would prefer to have a separate set of groups. Of course there are a half dozen or so usenet groups that they will need to pick up, but we distribute a list of those with the software. An important point here is that we aren't adding a new top level to usenet, we are creating a new net named VMSnet. That's what a separate hierarchy is for. A good example is bionet, a special purpose net for a special audience. It isn't part of usenet, although many usenet sites are also bionet sites. Many usenet sites are now vmsnet sites, but none have to be. VMSnet isn't usenet. If you want to create a group in the vmsnet hierarchy, don't bother announcing in news.groups, and don't bother taking a vote. We haven't even thought of those issues yet, but the place to talk about it would be vmsnet.misc. I announced the hierarchy on usenet, because I think there are a fair number of VMS users out there (I was right, I've gotten many responses, from 3 continents). Sites agree to carry traffic for various reasons. Large universities or companies may have VMS vaxes, so they would carry the groups as a service to their users. Many sites will carry them as a service to those downstream. Many NNTP sites will carry the groups just as a service to the net and the readers of those groups. (Thanks, we appreciate it!) Most of the sites that have agreed to carry vmsnet have also agreed to carry pubnet, bionet, u3b.*, unix-pc.*, gnu.*, etc., or at least some of those. I doubt that the people at those sites actually read those groups in all cases. They are doing a favor for a special audience on the net. vmsnet is in this way no different. We do think, just based on the number of VMS machines out there, that vmsnet will become large in its own right. If the traffic gets high, and usenet sites decide to stop carrying it, that's fine too. (Almost by definition, if vmsnet is that active, it will have large sites capable of being a de facto backbone.) I've already had one site tell me quite politely that he had no VMS users and no extra space, so he wouldn't carry the groups. That is perfectly fine too. I expected more of these. I'm quite frankly surprised at the number of major sites that have agreed to carry the groups. I was expecting fewer. At the risk of sounding mushy, having sent and received a combined total of over 100 mail messages in the last few days getting this hierarchy arranged, I now know how a totally anarchistic net can work: the people running the major sites are very friendly and generous people who like to help others. > A bit of tolerance is worth a | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology > megabyte of flaming. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu I sure hope that the tone of this didn't come out harsh, it is in no way meant as a flame. -- Terry Poot (800)255-2762, in Kansas (913)776-3683 The McCall Pattern Company, 615 McCall Rd., Manhattan, KS 66502, USA UUCP: rutgers!ksuvax1!mccall!tp Internet: tp%mccall@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu