Path: utzoo!mnetor!tmsoft!torsqnt!!rutgers!ucsd!swrinde!!sunybcs!kitty!larry From: larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) Newsgroups: news.groups Subject: Re: Proposed Guidelines Change (was Re: A Few Observations) Summary: Newsgroups generally become what they deserve... Message-ID: <3503@kitty.UUCP> Date: 18 Nov 89 04:18:11 GMT References: <> <36393@apple.Apple.COM> <5806@unix.SRI.COM> Organization: Recognition Research Corp., Clarence, NY Lines: 38 In article <5806@unix.SRI.COM>, maslak@unix.SRI.COM (Valerie Maslak) writes: > What I see is > that certain newsgroup-creation processes are encumbered by a > political power play component that no fix I've yet seen proposed here > would address. Miss Maslak is correct about the problem of "power plays". As I see it, it was a "power play" which caused the creation of an unnecessary, improperly-named newsgroup: comp.society.women. Fortunately, however, there seems to be certain checks and balances inherent within the Net which results in newsgroups generally becoming what they deserve. In the case of comp.society.women, this is clearly evidenced by the fact that there has been no article posted since 5-Sep-89 - TWO AND ONE-HALF MONTHS AGO! At the time of its formation comp.society.women was touted by its proponents as being an oh-so-important and oh-so-necessary newsgroup. Time, however, has proven otherwise. Just look at the wealth of recent articles in comp.society.women... I suspect that the same will happen to sci.aquaria. As of this writing, my site, which has good Net connectivity, has seen only 27 articles in the past week of sci.aquaria, many of which were submitted by the infamous Richard Sexton himself. Of course, in this instance, the fact that my site and others alias sci.aquaria to junk or alt.aquaria may be an additional factor. In any event, sci.aquaria appears to be getting what it deserves. One merely needs to be patient. <> Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp. - Uniquex Corp. - Viatran Corp. <> UUCP {allegra|boulder|decvax|rutgers|watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry <> TEL 716/688-1231 | 716/773-1700 {hplabs|utzoo|uunet}!/ \uniquex!larry <> FAX 716/741-9635 | 716/773-2488 "Have you hugged your cat today?"