Newsgroups: sci.electronics Path: utzoo!henry From: henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: Analog Circuit Design Tech-notes Quest Message-ID: <1989Nov15.055230.8626@utzoo.uucp> Organization: U of Toronto Zoology References: <> <2846@phred.UUCP> Date: Wed, 15 Nov 89 05:52:30 GMT In article <2846@phred.UUCP> brianr@phred.UUCP (Brian Reese) writes: >... I'm kinda surprised that no one >has mentioned "Cookbooks". I have Don Lancaster's "CMOS Cookbook" and his >"OpAmp Cookbook". Both of them are very good. The CMOS Cookbook is published >by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. I imagine the OpAmp Cookbook is too, I just >don't have it in front of me. Something tells me there are more than just >these two, but I don't remember what they might be. Lancaster's original book was the TTL Cookbook, which is still useful although pretty dated now. His CMOS Cookbook is still very good -- the 4000-series CMOS family has aged more gracefully than plain 7400-series TTL and is still realistic for new designs. His TV Typewriter Cookbook is of historical interest only. His Cheap Video Cookbook and its sequel, Son of Cheap Video, are of interest for some really sneaky video-display techniques, although the specific chips he uses are oldies. The only book of his that's really relevant to this discussion, his Active-Filter Cookbook, is unfortunately much more a *cookbook* than the others. That is, it just says "here, this works", rather than teaching you how to do it yourself. It's nearly 15 years old; although I'm not really up on analog design, I'd guess it's pretty well obsolete now. If he wrote an Op Amp Cookbook, I've never seen it. "IC Op Amp Cookbook", also published by Sams, is not by Lancaster. Before buying it, check the date; the second edition (which I have) is nearly a decade old. An old one will still be relevant for general discussion, but the specific op amps used as examples will be geriatric cases. -- A bit of tolerance is worth a | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology megabyte of flaming. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry