Path: utzoo!yunexus!ists!!mailrus!!!!!vy10+ From: (Vannevar Y. Yu) Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: need info on 808x kits ... Message-ID: Date: 15 Nov 89 22:23:08 GMT Article-I.D.: andrew.oZMS7Ay00UhWQ2x0xW Organization: School of Urban and Public Affairs, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 30 I would appreciate any information (product and/or experience) on do-it-yourself computer kits designed around 808X -type chips (or other microprocessor versions). My approach would be towards using the kit as an introductory course to computer architecture / hardware and assembly programming for innocent kids without extensive computer backgrounds. This basic course is not meant as a formal introduction to computer science or electronics engineering, neither is it a "put-your-own- PC-together" workshop -- we don't need another PC or AT around here. Considerations include price (up to about $150 - $200), functionality (what can you do with it after it's built?), learning possibilities (do you learn how to do simple stuff like program EPROMs, and eventually do some assembly?). I've vaguely heard of the Micro-Master (R) from C & S Sales in Deerfield, IL and have written them for a catalog. Any comments on this kit would also be helpful. (Model MM-8000, uses 8085 microprocessor). [Featured in an ad-- IEEE Spectrum Sep. '89] Thanks! Vannevar Yu Carnegie Mellon University School of Urban and Public Affairs Pittsburgh, PA 15213 / vy10@andrew.BITNET