Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!!daemon From: (Bo Chi) Newsgroups: ut.chinese Subject: Nov. 15 (II), News Digest Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Nov 89 14:33:14 GMT Sender: Distribution: ut Lines: 159 Approved: Original-To: | +---------I __L__ ___- i \ ------I +----+----+ | ___\_\_ | \./ | | -----+- | | | | | __ \/ | --+-- |--- | |---| | I----+----I | I__J/\ | __|__ | | | |---| | | | _____ \ | /| \ | | | L__-| | I I---------J / J \/ | | V | _/ * C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (ND Canada Service) -- Nov. 15 (II), 1989 Table of Contents # of Lines 1) Vancouver Consul Liu Zai-Xiang ..................................... 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ND Editor's Note: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following report is from a group of Chinese students in Vancouver area. Most of the facts in this report have also been confirmed by several independent sources. So ND Editorial Board decides to publish it. To be fair, News Digest encourages Consul Liu Zaixiang to provide his version of the story and ND will give the highest priority to carry any reply message from Consul Liu Zaixiang on this matter. Since Liu may leave Vancouver in a week, it is highly appreciated if some readers in Vancouver can bring this report to him as soon as possible. -- NDCanada Editorial Board 14/11/1989 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vancouver Consul Liu Zai-Xiang ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are hundreds of Chinese officials (diplomats) in north America. Tens of them are assigned to the affair concering overseas students. Some of these officials do not agree with Deng-Li-Yang fascist clique, and have shown their conscience since the Beijing Students Movement. However, there are indeed some consulate officials who closely follow the Fascist Clique. One of such figures is Liu2 Zai4-Xiang2, the Education Consul in Vancouver. Since early this year, the stories about Liu Zaixiang's monitoring, harassing and threatening Chinese students have appeared on newspapers and public bulletin boards for a few times. This article collects various facts about Liu Zaixiang couple's luxury life style during the past five years in Canada, while their official salary is only about $100 per month. 1. The Luxury Life Liu Zai-Xiang Couple Live in Vancouver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Liu Zaixiang is the Education Consul in Vancouver. He and his wife live in a super-sized house with two floors and one big basement. The following is an incomplete list of the expenditure of Liu Zaixiang couple: (1) Rent: $2,500 a month, utilities not included. (2) He bought a fancy new car (Buick) in 1987, which costs $27,000. (3) He later bought another (smaller) car, which is only used to deliver the couple's meals three times a day from consulate building. (4) A genuine IBM PC Computer, costs at least $4,000. (A PC compatible with the same functions would cost only half of this price.) (5) Brand New Mattress (King Size), costs about $1,000. This mattress is so big that the stairway of their previous house was not big enough to pass it. (6) An expensive "professional" chair to match with the computer. (7) The expensive oriental rug. (This might cost several thousands dollars or even more.) (8) Two TV sets, and at least two sets of VCRs. (9) A fancy house protection system, which costs several thousand dollars. (10) A luxury wine cabinet with a huge collection of expensive wines. (11) A luxury mirror surrounded living room. (12) They bought all the furniture new, which could cost a fortune. (13) A Xerox machine. (14) They often eat in restaurants and have tried almost all famous Chinese restaurants in Vancouver. (15) They travel a lot in Canada. (16) Their expenses of each year is estimated at $80,000 to $100,000 in Canadian currency. (1 Canadian dollar == 0.85 US dollar) 2. Some Comments: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (1) It is obviously not necessary for Liu Zaixiang couple to live in such a big super-sized fancy house. The $2,500 rent each month is earned by enormous hard-working of Chinese peasants and workers. Cutting this big rent by half would not affect their working. (2) Since this house is also used as Liu Zaixiang couple's office, some of the above listed expenditures might be in name of working needs, like the Xerox machine. But some expensive items they bought has nothing to do with their job. For example, the fancy King Size Bed (cost $1,000) is definitely not for their working. (3) Liu Zaixiang has a tendency of spending state money without any care. If there are a few alternatives, he usually chooses to purchase the most expensive one. For example, he chose to buy a genuine IBM PC instead of an economical PC compatible. Actually he has never used it for working at all. 4. Where Comes the Money? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As an Education consul, Liu Zaixiang receives large amount of money from several different sources. One of the major sources is the State Education Commission. The money is supposed to be spent on helping overseas Chinese students, and it is also allowed to be used for Educational Consul's working necessities. Since the money is all put in one same account, and the accountant happens to be Liu's wife, it is quite easy for this couple to spend the money in the name of helping students. For example, one sound reason for them to rent that fancy house is to provide a place for students' activities, such as dancing party etc. However, in the two-and-a-half years after they moved in this house, such activities have never taken place there. Actually, all students' recreation activities were held on UBC and SFU campus instead. Liu Zaixiang is supposed to serve for students in the three universities in Vancouver area. Ironically, the total activity funds these three universities received each year is only three month's rent of Liu's fancy house. In other words, it is less than one-tenth of Liu Zaixiang couple's spending. In CCP's hierarchy, Liu Zaixiang is just ranked a "Chu4 Ji2 Gan4 Bu4". His official salary as a consul is said to be about $100 per month plus free room and board. There are stories about this couple on how careful they are to save their own money (This is nothing to blame though). But when spending state money for their personal enjoyment, Liu Zaixiang never hesitates to go. Liu Zaixiang is returning to China now. As he often warns students and hints that students need to think about their life after returning to China in future. We would like to do the same job for him. We are going to make enough copies of this report and send to Beijing Normal University, where Liu Zaixiang and his wife came from. We could not prevent him from doing what he wanted to do for Deng-Li-Yang Fascist clique, but we can at least record what he did and then send it back to his working unit at home. Chinese Students in Vancouver November 10, 1989 ============================================================================= News Transmission (or) -------------------- --------------------- Local Editor: Bo Chi --------------------------------------------- send out time: Wed Nov 15 14:30:19 EST 1989 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------