Newsgroups: ut.chinese Path: utzoo!utgpu!!me!pan From: (JianHua Pan) Subject: News From Canadian Bureau for International Education Message-ID: <> Organization: University of Toronto Mechanical Engineering Distribution: ut Date: Wed, 15 Nov 89 17:15:23 EST Hi, netters. I'm helping Mr. Xu Jinshu to send the following news. Please direct all your response to him who is the vice-chairman of our LYH. His office phone is: 978-4631. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Through the effort of the Chinese Student Secretariat, many companies in Canada, are interested in hiring graduates in the following fields: 1) Engineering (Mechanical, Civil, or Electrical) 2) Accounting Successful candidates will be working on locations in Canada, China, and/or other countries on joint-venture projects or regular domestic projects. Candidates must have a post-secondary degree/diploma in a relevant field Work experience is preferred but not required. Suitable candidates are urged to send their applications. They may send in their curriculum vtae, or use the application form designed by the Chinese Student Secretariat in Chinese and English, plus a covering letter, if necessary, to furnish other relevant information to the companies. Names of the Companies or Institutions. Babcock and Wilcox, Canada The Board of Education for the City of York (1) Teacher aid (2) Secretarial (3) Caretaking Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (1) Tellers (2) Secretaries (3) Clerical Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security Canadian National Railways (CN) (1) Train operators (2) Bridge designers (3) Equipment repairs (4) Data processors (5) Others The Carleton Board of Education (1) Secretarial (2) Clerical (30 Teacher assistants (4) Custodial (5) Teachers The City of Winnipeg School Board Division No.1 Fort Gary School Division No. 5 The St. James-Assiniboia School Division No. 2 Halifax Port Corporation Northern Telecom (1) Engineering (2) Information systems (3) Finance The Ottawa Board of Education The Royal Bank of Canada Teleglobe Canada The Waterloo County Board of Education ------------------------------------------------------- PS. A complete copy of above information has been put at the 35 Charles St. W., ground floor. However, somebody took them away without notice. I hope it will not happen the next time.