Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!krj Newsgroups: From: (Ken Jackson) Subject: NA Digest Volume 89 : Issue 44 Message-ID: <> Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Distribution: ut Date: 13 Nov 89 03:00:43 GMT NA Digest Sunday, November 12, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 44 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler Today's Topics: Good Math Software in ADA ? Navier Stokes for Speech Synthesis Internet Connection at University of Southwestern Louisiana Statistics on Number of Papers Published ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms Householder Fellowship at Oak Ridge Positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory CONPAR 90 / VAPP IV Joint Conference Moscow Domain Decomposition Conference Positions at Arizona State University ------------------------------------------------------- From: John Lewis Date: Thu, 9 Nov 89 13:57:52 PST Subject: Good Math Software in ADA ? Our Math Library people have recently had a number of requests for standard software capabilities in ADA rather than Fortran. Does anyone out there in na-net-land have a good handle on the state of conversion of good algorithms and packages (especially linear algebra) to ADA? John Lewis Boeing Computer Services 206-865-3510 na.jlewis.... ------------------------------ From: Hibbert Duncan Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 15:07:35 gmt Subject: Navier Stokes for Speech Synthesis I am presently in the Eng. Dept. at Cambridge U. working in the area of speech synthesis. I am trying to model the vocal tract using the Navier Stokes eqs. Multigrid is method I would like to use on the discretized (finite difference) eqs. and Newtons iteration for linearization. I understand that you might be able to give me some help in finding existing programs that might be of use to me. I would prefer to work in 'C' but Fortran would be OK; I believe there is are programs that can convert Fortran into a pseudo 'C' code. I would be extremely grateful for whatever assistance you can offer. Thanks, Hibbert Duncan ------------------------------ From: Baker Kearfott Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 11:09:08 CST Subject: Internet Connection at University of Southwestern Louisiana My institution has just installed an Internet connection, which is a continuous connection at 56 Kilobaud; it supersedes our CSNet connection, which was a phone line connection at 1200 baud, for two hours in the middle of the night. My INTERNET address is: If you automatically reached me before at, then there is nothing new to be done. However, if you used an explicit address, then you should now access me through INTERNET at the above address, instead of through CSNet (This includes mailings from monitored discussion groups, such as Digests.) The new connection should greatly facilitate exchange of electronic versions of technical reports, of test problems, and of software (such as new versions of INTBIS), as our bill is no longer proportional to the volume of traffic. I'm looking forward to further correspondence. Baker Kearfott Dept. of Math. University of Southwestern Louisiana U.S.L. Box 4-1010 Lafayette, Louisiana 70504-1010 (INTERNET address) ------------------------------ From: Kris Stewart Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 15:58:50 -0800 Subject: Statistics on Number of Papers Published As part of the faculty evaluation process in our department, we are trying to collect statistics on the the typical number of papers published yearly by faculty in different disciplines. Our Mathematical Sciences Department includes Applied Math, Computer Science, Math, Math Education and Statistics. We are part of a College of Sciences whose other departments include Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Geology and Psychology. We are particularly interested in statistics for any of our areas of the mathematical sciences compared to the other Sciences in our College. If you know of any data, or can point us to someone who has investigated this situation, please pass it on to: Kris Stewart Dept. Math Sciences San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 ( or ------------------------------ From: Vickie Kearn, SIAM Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 09:50 EDT Subject: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms The First ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms January 22-24, 1990 Cathedral Hill Hotel San Francisco, California Invited Presentation Experimental Analysis of Traveling Salesman Heuristics Jon Bentley, AT&T Bell Laboratories On-Line Algorithms Versus Off-Line Algorithms: How Much is it Worth to Know the Future? Richard Karp, University of California, Berkeley The k-Path Problem Paul Seymour, Bell Communications Research Topics Combinatorial Optimization Geometry and Graphics Numerical and Scientific Computing Combinatorics and Graph Theory Algebra and Number Theory Symbolic Computation Mathematical Programming Artificial Intelligence Data Structures For additional information contact SIAM Conference Coordinator at: SIAM 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 Telephone: (215) 382-9800 Fax: (215) 386-7999 E-Mail: ------------------------------ From: Bob Ward Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 12:26:53 EST Subject: Householder Fellowship at Oak Ridge HOUSEHOLDER FELLOWSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING Mathematical Sciences Section Oak Ridge National Laboratory The Mathematical Sciences Section of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) invites outstanding candidates to apply for the 1990 Alston S. Householder Fellowship in Scientific Computing. In recognition of the seminal research contributions of Dr. Householder to the fields of numerical analysis and scientific computing, a distinguished postdoctoral fellowship program has been established at ORNL and named in his honor. The Householder Fellowship is supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences Subprogram of the U.S. Department of Energy. The purposes of the Householder Fellowship are to promote innovative research in scientific computing on advanced computer architectures and to facilitate technology transfer from the laboratory research environment to industry and academia through advanced training of new computational scientists. The Householder Fellowship is for a term of one year, renewable for a second year. Benefits of the Fellowship include a competitive salary, fringe benefits, travel opportunities, access to state-of-the-art computational facilities (including both parallel architectures and high-performance personal workstations), and collaborative research opportunities in a very active research program in advanced scientific computing. Competition for the appointment is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Applicants should have completed a doctoral degree in computer science, mathematics, or statistics within three years prior to the appointment and have a strong background and research interest in large-scale scientific computing. The Mathematical Sciences Section of ORNL has research programs in Computational Mathematics, Computer Performance Characterization, Applied Analysis, and Computational Statistics. The precise research emphasis of the Householder Fellow would necessarily depend to a great degree on the research interests of the selected Fellow. Areas of particular interest at ORNL, and in which applicants would be especially encouraged, include: 1. Computational linear algebra, with special emphasis on sparse matrix computations on advanced computer architectures. 2. Partial differential equations, with special emphasis on the development of novel algorithms for solving mathematical problems arising in environmental cleanup, such as fluid flow through porous media. 3. Tools for the development and analysis of parallel programs, including programming environments for parallel computers and methods for measuring and modeling the behavior and performance of parallel algorithms. 4. Computational statistics, with special emphasis on the development of procedures and algorithms for use in the design and analysis of computational experiments, computer-aided experimental design, and large-scale statistical problems. 5. ``Grand Challenges'' in computational science, emphasizing the use of advanced computer architectures to solve important problems in science and engineering in which fundamental breakthroughs are dependent on unusually large computational requirements that tax the capacity of current supercomputers. Applicants should send a resume, statement of research goals, and the names of three references to James Atherton, PhD Employment, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-6216, marked ``Attn: Householder Fellowship.'' The deadline for applying is December 1, 1989, and the selection committee's decision on the winning candidate will be announced in January 1990. The position will commence in 1990. For further information contact Robert C. Ward by phone at 615-574-3125 or by electronic mail at ------------------------------ From: David Brown Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 11:50:38 MST Subject: Positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory POSITIONS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AT LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY The following positions are available in the Computing Research Group (C-3) at Los Alamos National Laboratory: STAFF MEMBER, C-3. (Job # 90869 RA, Two openings). RESPONSIBILITIES: Research and consultation in applied mathematics. Serve as a member of a team involved in analysis and development of analytical and computational algorithms for solving problems in applied mathematics and mathematical physics. Collaborate with Laboratory scientists in other disciplines, particularly mathematical modeling and numerical analysis. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Demonstrated leadership and research ability, and publication record in area of applied mathematics and mathematical physics. Experience with state-of-the-art computers and computational environments desirable. U.S. citizenship is required. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: PhD in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, computer science or related field. To obtain application information, contact Los Alamos National Laboratory Employment Group MS P282 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (505) 667-4392 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, C-3. (general openings). RESPONSIBILITIES: Research in applied mathematics. Work in a group of applied mathematicians involved in analysis and development of analytical and computational algorithms for solving problems in applied mathematics and mathematical physics. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: PhD in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, computer science or related field. Research background in areas complementing the interests of other members of the group. Experience with state-of-the-art computers and computational environments and/or expertise in analytical techniques desirable. U.S. citizenship is not required. To obtain application information, contact Los Alamos National Laboratory Special Employment Program MS P290 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (505) 667-4392 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Successful applicants for these positions will be working in an active group of applied mathematicians with widely varying interests. Current research topics include computational fluid dynamics, numerical solution of integral equations, modelling of chemically reacting systems, asymptotic analysis of reaction-diffusion equations, symplectic integration methods, construction of composite overlapping grids for the numerical solution of PDEs, adaptive grid construction, image processing, stochastic PDEs and algorithms for advanced architecture machines and distributed computing networks. Members of the group have access to several Cray XMP and YMP multiprocessor supercomputers, a 64K processor Connection Machine, Ardent and Stellar graphics superworkstations, and a network of Sun workstations of various flavors. Group members are provided with personal workstations appropriate for their research needs. Researchers are encouraged to travel to scientific conferences, and to maintain and develop collaborations with other scientists both within and outside the Laboratory. A generous travel budget is provided. Los Alamos National Laboratory is located in the beautiful Jemez Mountains of northeastern New Mexico. The altitude of 7500 feet guarantees a moderate climate and clean air all year around, while the surrounding mountains, canyons and pine forests provide many opportunities for hiking, cross-country and downhill skiing and other outdoor activities. The Laboratory is an easy 40 minute drive from Santa Fe, the capitol city of New Mexico and world-reknowned Southwest cultural center. Albuquerque is 100 miles away by car or 30 minutes by regularly-scheduled commuter airline. For further information about the positions, please contact either David Brown (505) 667-0120 or Pat Hagan (505) 667-6546 Computing Research Group MS B265 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 ------------------------------ From: Peter Arbenz Date: 09 Nov 89 10:08:47+0100 Subject: CONPAR 90 / VAPP IV Joint Conference (A couple of weeks ago I sent a conference announcement for insertion into the NA-Digest. Unfortunately, the announcement had to be edited. In that process the VAPP part of the CONPAR/VAPP Joint Conference got lost. Here is the complete announcement again. Peter Arbenz) [Editor's note: Sorry 'bout that. -- Cleve ] CONPAR 90 / VAPP IV Joint Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zuerich, Switzerland September 10-13, 1990 The past decade has seen the emergence of the two highly successful series of CONPAR and of VAPP conferences on the subject of parallel processing. The Vector and Parallel Processors in Computational Science meetings were held in Chester (VAPP I, 1981), Oxford (VAPP II, 1984) and Liverpool (VAPP III, 1987). The International conferences on Parallel Processing took place in Erlangen (CONPAR 81), Aachen (CONPAR 86) and Manchester (CONPAR 88). The format of the joint meeting will follow the pattern set by its predecessors. It is intended to review hardware and architecture developments together with languages and software tools for supporting parallel processing. Another objective of the conference will be to highlight advances in algorithms and applications software on vector and parallel architectures. It is expected that the programme will cover languages/software tools, hardware/architecture, algorithms/software and applications. Also special sessions will be devoted to the field of application and/or programming language specific architectures; i.e. machines, where performance has been gained through limiting the field of applications, or systems designed according to a joint optimization of programming language and architecture. Other topics of special interest are * performance analysis for real-life applications * testing and debugging of parallel systems * portability of parallel programs * paradigms for concurrency and their implementation The conference should appeal to anyone with an interest in the design and use of vector and parallel machines. Call for Papers Original papers are invited for the conference. Five copies of the full paper (maximum of 10 pages) are to be submitted no later than Feb 1, 1990. The proceedings of the joint VAPP/CONPAR conference will be published as a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. For further information contact Prof. Dr. Helmar Burkhart Institut fuer Informatik Universitaet Basel Mittlere Strasse 142 CH-4056 Basel Switzerland phone: +41 61 449967 e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Olof Widlund Date: Fri, 10 Nov 89 10:53 EDT Subject: Moscow Domain Decomposition Conference Call for papers for the Fourth International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations Moscow, USSR, May 21-25, 1990 Dear Colleague: The Soviet Academy of Sciences has undertaken to organize the Fourth International Symposium on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Differential Equations. It will take place in Moscow, May 21-25, next year. The three previous conferences in this series were quite successful. They were held in Paris in January 1987, at UCLA in January 1988 and in Houston in March of this year. The Paris conference was sponsored by SMAI and co- sponsored by SIAM. The Houston conference was sponsored by SIAM and co- sponsored by SMAI. As you probably know, the proceedings of the first three conferences have been or are being published by SIAM. Proceedings are also planned for the Moscow meeting--published in Russian by the Soviet Academy of Science and in English by SIAM. At the Houston conference there were extensive conversations on the Moscow meeting, with active participation by the two Soviet participants, Yuri Kuznetsov and Valeri Agoshkov, a representative of SIAM, and a number of Western scientists. A program committee was formed, of which I am a member. The program will focus almost exclusively on domain decomposition methods but some talks on multigrid methods might also be scheduled. The preliminary plan calls for thirteen invited speakers of which four will be from the Soviet Union and nine from the West. In addition, there will be a number of shorter contributions. A full day excursion is planned but there will also be four full days of scientific activity. I have every expectation that most of the leading contributors to the field will participate and that it will be a very successful conference. The Soviet scientists would like as wide an international participation as possible, but they also stress it might not be possible to accommodate everyone who has an interest in attending because of a shortage of hotels and other facilities. Nevertheless, they and the program committee wish to encourage all scientists to express their interest in participating by submitting an abstract of a contributed talk. There is no fixed format, but we recommend that the abstract be limited to 100 words and that it contain a description of the problem, an explanation of why it is important, and how it is solved. Prospective participants should also provide additional information on previous research on domain decomposition methods and related areas. Please send your abstract and additional information no later than December 15, 1989 to: Olof Widlund c/o SIAM 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 (215) 382-9800 E-Mail: Fax: (215) 386-7999 Telex: 446715 Members of the program committee will then contact the Soviet organizers before the end of the year. We hope that it will be possible to notify all interested parties relatively early next year whether they can be accommodated and what the costs will be. All Western participants will have to cover at least their air fare to Moscow from non-Soviet sources. While there will be no conference fee, a number of participants will also have to cover at least some of their living expenses in Moscow. Olof Widlund, Program Committee c/o Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 251 Mercer Street, Room 530 New York, NY 10012 Phone: 212-998-3310 ------------------------------ From: H.D. Mittelmann Date: Fri, 10 Nov 89 10:43:02 MST Subject: Positions at Arizona State University POSITIONS at ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of MATHEMATICS The Department of Mathematics invites applications for tenure-track and visiting faculty positions at all ranks. The Department is in the third year of a major development program intended to build nationally recog- nized research groups of 4 to 7 faculty members in various areas inclu- ding COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. Computing facilities are excellent in- cluding an Advanced Research Facility in the department. During the past two years 12 appointments were made at various levels. For next year at least SIX more positions can be filled. This adver- tisement specifically addresses the NA-community and strongly encour- ages applications in COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS to further strengthen the existing group in this area (A. Feldstein,Z. Jackiewicz,H.D. Mittelmann, R. Renaut, C. Ringhofer). Salaries and start-up funds are very competi- tive. The department will start to review applications as of December 1, 1989. A full display advertisement will appear in the November issue of SIAM News. Applicants should send their resumes and arrange for at least 3 letters of recommendation to be sent to: William T. Trotter, Chair, De- partment of Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1804. ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Reposted by Prof. Kenneth R. Jackson, (on Internet, CSNet, Computer Science Dept., ARPAnet, BITNET) University of Toronto, (on CDNnet and other Toronto, Ontario, X.400 nets (Europe)) Canada M5S 1A4 ...!{uunet,pyramid,watmath,ubc-cs}!utai!krj (Phone: 416-978-7075) (on UUCP) (FAX: 416-978-4765)