Xref: utzoo comp.lang.c:24107 comp.text:5686 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!cs.utexas.edu!wuarchive!mailrus!ncar!ames!uhccux!munnari.oz.au!bruce!cechew From: cechew@bruce.OZ (Earl Chew) Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.text Subject: Re: A C program for a Calendar in LaTeX. Message-ID: <1724@bruce.OZ> Date: 30 Nov 89 09:49:34 GMT References: <778@stat.fsu.edu> Organization: Monash Uni. Computer Science, Australia Lines: 557 From article <778@stat.fsu.edu>, by naras@stat.fsu.edu (B. Narasimhan): > /* This is "lxcal.c", a C program to produce a Calendar in LaTeX. No Here's one that I meant to post ages ago. It's written entirely in TeX/LaTeX. The following shows how to run it: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Script started on Thu Nov 30 20:45:13 1989 bruce:/tmp/cal.21> latex cal This is TeX, Version 2.0 for Pyramid OSx (preloaded format=lplain 87.9.18) (cal.tex LaTeX Version 2.09 - Released 19 April 1986 (/usr/lib/tex/macros/article.sty Document Style 'article'. Released 23 September 1985 (/usr/lib/tex/macros/art12.sty)) (/postg/cechew/tex/macros/a4.sty A4 Page Size. July 1988 ) (cal.sty Calendar Style Version 1.1 May 1989 ) No file cal.aux. LaTeX Calendar Year: 1989 Month: jun (dates.tex) (events.tex) [1] (cal.aux (dates.aux) (events.aux)) Output written on cal.dvi (1 page, 2844 bytes). Transcript written on cal.log. bruce:/tmp/cal.22> ^D script done on Thu Nov 30 20:45:49 1989 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Responding with an empty line at the `Month:' prompt will generate the a calendar for the entire year. The file dates.tex contains special dates. The file events.tex contains special dates of a more personal nature. Enjoy. Earl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh 'cal.sty' <<'END_OF_FILE' X% Calendar Style X% X% Author: C. E. Chew X% Date: May 1989 X% X% This style file contains the calendar generating macros for LaTeX. X% The following macros are defined: X% X% \DayOfWeek computed the day of week X% \Calendar generate a box contained a calendar X% \date mark a date with an event X% X% Patchlevel 1.0 X% X% Edit History: X% X% 11 Aug 1989 Updated for release X% X\typeout{Calendar Style Version 1.1 May 1989}% X% The \dow macro computes the day of the week for a given date. X% The arguments are: X% X% #1 day 1..31 X% #2 month 1..12 X% #3 year X% X% The result in returned in \dow with 0=Sunday and 6=Saturday. X% X\newcount\dow% day of week X\def\DayOfWeek#1#2#3{{% X\def\Day{\count0 }\def\Month{\count2 }\def\Year{\count4 }\def\Century{\count6 }% X\Day=#1 \Month=#2 \Year=#3 % X\advance\Month by-2 % X\ifnum\Month<1 \advance\Month by12 \advance\Year by-1 \fi% X\Century=\Year \divide\Century by100 \multiply\Century by-100 % X\advance\Year by\Century \divide\Century by100 % X\dow=\Month \multiply\dow by26 \advance\dow by-2 \divide\dow by10 % X\advance\dow by\Day \advance\dow by\Year% X\advance\dow by\Century \advance\dow by\Century% X\divide\Century by-4 \advance\dow by\Century% X\divide\Year by4 \advance\dow by\Year% X\count255=\dow \divide\count255 by7 \multiply\count255 by-7 % X\advance\dow by\count255 % X\ifnum\dow<0 \advance\Dow by7 \fi% X\global\dow=\dow% X}}% X% X% The \Calendar macro prints a the calendar for one month on X% one page. The arguments are: X% X% #1 month 1=January 12=December X% #2 year X% #3 size of calendar entries --- empty if not required X% #4 size of header X% #5 format for tabular environment X% #6 days of week header, this should be consister with #5 X% and should probably use \horizontal in place of \hline X% #7 \iftrue to print horizontal lines: this causes \horizontal X% to be defined as \hline or \empty X% #8 height of vbox --- only used if #3 is not empty X% X\newcount\ld% last day in month X\newcount\td% today --- first day of month X\newcount\w% number of weeks in this month X\newcount\lc% number of days in last week X\newdimen\baseskip% saved baseline skip X\newdimen\digitheight% how high to make the digits X% X\def\Calendar#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{{% X% X% Remember the size of calendar entries. X% X\def\entrysize{#3}% X% X% Determine the size of the digits. X% X\setbox0=\hbox{0123456789}% X\digitheight=1\tabcolsep \advance\digitheight by\ht0 % X% X% Remember \baselineskip X% X\baseskip=1\baselineskip% X% X% Compute the number of days in this month. The result is left in X% \ld. X% X\ifcase#1 % X\or\def\name{January}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{February}\ld=28 % X \count0=#2 \divide\count0 by4 \multiply\count0 by4 % X \ifnum\count0=#2 \count0=#2 \divide\count0 by100 \multiply\count0 by100 % X \ifnum\count0=#2 \count0=#2 \divide\count0 by400 \multiply\count0 by400 % X \ifnum\count0=#2 \ld=29 % X \fi% X \else \ld=29 % X \fi% X \fi% X\or\def\name{March}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{April}\ld=30 % X\or\def\name{May}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{June}\ld=30 % X\or\def\name{July}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{August}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{September}\ld=30 % X\or\def\name{October}\ld=31 % X\or\def\name{November}\ld=30 % X\or\def\name{December}\ld=31 \fi% X\expandafter\lowercase\expandafter{% X \expandafter\def\expandafter\lname\expandafter{\name}}% X%\showthe\ld% X% X% Compute the day of the week on which the 1st of this month X% begins. The answer is left in \td with 0=Sunday and 6=Saturday. X% X\DayOfWeek{1}{#1}{#2}\td=\dow% X% X% Compute the last day in the month. Leave the answer in \lc with X% 1=Sunday 7=Saturday. This enumeration differs from \td since X% \lc is used later for \cline. X% X\lc=\ld \advance\lc by\td \divide\lc by7 \multiply\lc by-7 % X\advance\lc by\ld \advance\lc by\td% X% X% Compute the number of weeks in the month. This is used to set X% up the \weekx macros. It is not possible to do this on the fly X% within the tabular environment since it introduces empty columns. X% X\w=\ld \advance\w by\td \advance\w by6 \divide\w by7 % X\ifnum\w>0 \def\weeki{\oneweek}\else\def\weeki{}\fi \advance\w by-1 % X\ifnum\w>0 \def\weekii{\oneweek}\else\def\weekii{}\fi \advance\w by-1 % X\ifnum\w>0 \def\weekiii{\oneweek}\else\def\weekiii{}\fi \advance\w by-1 % X\ifnum\w>0 \def\weekiv{\oneweek}\else\def\weekiv{}\fi \advance\w by-1 % X\ifnum\w>0 \def\weekv{\oneweek}\else\def\weekv{}\fi \advance\w by-1 % X% X% Compute the weekday of the Sunday before the 1st of the month. The X% result not taken mod 7 and will not be positive. X% X\multiply\td by-1 \advance\td by1 % X% X% Process today's date looking for any significant events. X% X\def\dotoday{\ifx\entrysize\empty \the\td% X \else \vbox to#8{\vrule height\digitheight width0pt depth0pt% X \the\td% X \vfill% X #3\raggedright% X \csname\lname\romannumeral\the\td\endcsname% X \vbox{}% X }\fi}% X% X% This macro will process one day of the calendar. It will then X% advance the day counter. X% X\def\oneday{% X\ifnum\td>0 % X \ifnum\td>\ld \multicolumn{1}{}{}\else \dotoday \fi% X\else% X \global\advance\td by35 % X \ifnum\td>\ld \else \dotoday \fi% X \global\advance\td by-35 % X\fi% X\global\advance\td by1 % X}% X% X% This macro will process one week of the calendar. This assumes that X% there will be at least one non-empty day in the week. If this is X% the last week, only the week up until the last day is printed. X% X\def\oneweek{% X\oneday & \oneday & \oneday & \oneday & \oneday & \oneday & \oneday \\ X#7\ifnum\td>\ld\cline{1-\the\lc}\else\hline\fi\fi% X}% X% X% Set the macro to print horizontal lines X% X#7\def\horizontal{\hline}\else\let\horizontal=\empty \fi X% X% Print the calendar for this month X% X\begin{tabular}{#5} X\multicolumn{7}{c}{#4 \name\ #2} \\[1\baseskip] \horizontal X#6 X\weeki \weekii \weekiii \weekiv \weekv X\end{tabular}}} X% X% The \date macro allows the user to declare events on particular X% days. The arguments are: X% X% #1 the month (eg January) --- not case sensitive X% #2 the day X% #3 text for the event X% X\def\date#1#2#3{{\lowercase{\def\ldate{#1}}% X \expandafter\gdef\csname\ldate\romannumeral #2 \endcsname{#3}}}% END_OF_FILE if test 6060 -ne `wc -c <'cal.sty'`; then echo shar: \"'cal.sty'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'cal.sty' fi if test -f 'cal.tex' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'cal.tex'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'cal.tex'\" \(3394 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'cal.tex' <<'END_OF_FILE' X% X% LaTeX Calendar Driver X% X% Author: C. E. Chew X% Date: May 1989 X% X% This is the main program for printing out calendars. It provides X% a user interface for the calendar style. The style file contains X% the code that actually produces the calendars. X% X% The program will prompt for the year and the month. The year should X% be entered in full (eg 1989). The month should be entered using X% the first three letters of the month in question, case not being X% significant (eg aug). Responding with an empty line for the month X% causes a calendar for the entire year to be printed out. X% X% The program will include the file dates.tex which contains significant X% dates for the year. The user is free to create the file events.tex X% which has the same format as dates.tex. events.tex should contain X% events of a significant and personal nature (eg birthdays). X% X% Patchlevel 1.0 X% X% Edit History: X% X% 11 Aug 1989 Updated for release X% X\documentstyle[a4,12pt,cal]{article}% X\pagestyle{empty}% X% X\oddsidemargin -1in% X\evensidemargin -1in% X\textwidth 8in% X% X\begin{document}% X% X\typeout{LaTeX Calendar}% X% X\def\Jan{jan}\def\Feb{feb}\def\Mar{mar}\def\Apr{apr}% X\def\May{may}\def\Jun{jun}\def\Jul{jul}\def\Aug{aug}% X\def\Sep{sep}\def\Oct{oct}\def\Nov{nov}\def\Dec{dec}% X% X\def\lread{{\endlinechar=-1 \global\read-1 to\line}}% X% X\def\advmonth#1{\advance\month by#1 % X \ifnum\month<1 \month=12 \advance\year by-1 \fi% X \ifnum\month>12 \month=1 \advance\year by1 \fi}% X% X\def\littlemonth{{\tabcolsep=0.75mm% X \Calendar{\the\month}{\the\year}{}{}{rrrrrrr}{% X Su & Mo & Tu & We & Th & Fr & Sa \\}{\iffalse}{}}}% X% X\def\bigmonth{\Calendar{\the\month}{\the\year}{\scriptsize}{\Huge}% X {|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|}% X {\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Sun}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Mon}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Tue}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Wed}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Thu}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Fri}&% X \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Sat}\\ \horizontal}{\iftrue}{3cm}}% X% X\def\onepage{\setbox0=\hbox{\bigmonth}% X \centerline{\hbox to\wd0{% X \fbox{\footnotesize\advmonth{-1}\littlemonth}\hfil% X \fbox{\footnotesize\advmonth{1}\littlemonth}}}% X \vspace{1cm}% X \centerline{\box0}}% X% X% Read the year. If the line is empty, the current year is taken X% to be the default. X% X\message{Year: }\lread \ifx\line\empty \else \newcount\year \year=\line \fi% X% X% Read the month. If the line is empty, the calendar for the entire X% year is printed. X% X\newcount\month \loop% X \message{Month: }\lread% X \ifx\line\empty% X \month=-1 % X \else% X \month=0 % X \lowercase\expandafter{% X \expandafter\def\expandafter\line\expandafter{\line}}% X \ifx\line\Jan\month=1 \fi \ifx\line\Feb\month=2 \fi% X \ifx\line\Mar\month=3 \fi \ifx\line\Apr\month=4 \fi% X \ifx\line\May\month=5 \fi \ifx\line\Jun\month=6 \fi% X \ifx\line\Jul\month=7 \fi \ifx\line\Aug\month=8 \fi% X \ifx\line\Sep\month=9 \fi \ifx\line\Oct\month=10 \fi% X \ifx\line\Nov\month=11 \fi \ifx\line\Dec\month=12 \fi% X \fi% X\ifnum\month=0 \repeat% X% X\include{dates}% X\include{events}% X% X\ifnum\month=-1 \month=1 \loop \onepage \advance\month by1 % X \ifnum\month<13 \repeat% X\else \onepage% X\fi% X% X\end{document} END_OF_FILE if test 3394 -ne `wc -c <'cal.tex'`; then echo shar: \"'cal.tex'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'cal.tex' fi if test -f 'dates.tex' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates.tex'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'dates.tex'\" \(5556 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'dates.tex' <<'END_OF_FILE' X% X% Special Dates File X% X% This file should contain special dates. The format is: X% X% \date{month}{day}{text} X% X% The name of the month should be typed in full. Case is not significant. X% It is also possible to do complicated things like computing the days X% for Easter --- but only if you're a TeXpert. X% X% Put a file containing text like this in your current directory when you X% LaTeX cal.tex. The file will be read in after the year and month are X% read. The year is available in \year and the number of the month is X% available in \month. If \month is -1 then the entire year is about X% to be printed. X% X% Patchlevel 1.0 X% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% JANUARY % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X\date{January}{1}{New Year's Day}% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% FEBRUARY % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% MARCH % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% APRIL % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% MAY % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% JUNE % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% JULY % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% AUGUST % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% SEPTEMBER % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% OCTOBER % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% NOVEMBER % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% DECEMBER % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X\date{December}{25}{Christmas Day}% X\date{December}{26}{Boxing Day}% X\date{December}{31}{New Year's Eve}% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% EASTER % X% % X% This algorithm is taken from: % X% % X% The Calculation of Easter % X% D. E. Knuth % X% CACM April 1962 p 209 % X% % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X{% X\def\Golden{\count0 }% year in Mentonic cycle X\def\Easter{\count0 }% Easter Sunday X\def\GrCor{\count2 }% Gregorian correction X\def\ClCor{\count4 }% Clavian correction X\def\Epact{\count6 }% age of calendar moon at start of year X\def\Century{\count6 }% century X\def\Extra{\count8 }% when Sunday occurs in March X\Golden=\year \divide\Golden by19 \multiply\Golden by-19 % X\advance\Golden by\year \advance\Golden by1 % X\ifnum\year>1582 % X \Century=\year \divide\Century by100 \advance\Century by1 % X \GrCor=\Century \multiply\GrCor by3 \divide\GrCor by-4 \advance\GrCor by12 % X \ClCor=\Century \advance\ClCor by-18 \divide\ClCor by-25 % X \advance\ClCor by\Century \advance\ClCor by-16 \divide\ClCor by3 % X \Extra=\year \multiply\Extra by5 \divide\Extra by4 % X \advance\Extra by\GrCor \advance\Extra by-10 % X \Epact=\Golden \multiply\Epact by11 \advance\Epact by20 % X \advance\Epact by\ClCor \advance\Epact by\GrCor % X \count255=\Epact \divide\count255 by30 \multiply\count255 by-30 % X \advance\Epact by\count255 % X \ifnum\Epact>0 \else \advance\Epact by30 \fi% X \ifnum\Epact=25 % X \ifnum\Golden>11 % X \advance\Epact by1 % X \fi% X \else% X \ifnum\Epact=24 % X \advance\Epact by1 % X \fi% X \fi% X\else% X \Extra=\year \multiply\Extra by5 \divide\Extra by4 % X \Epact=\Golden \multiply\Epact by11 \advance\Epact by-4 % X \count255=\Epact \divide\count255 by30 \multiply\count255 by-30 % X \advance\Epact by\count255 \advance\Epact by1 % X\fi% X\Easter=\Epact \multiply\Easter by-1 \advance\Easter by44 % X\ifnum\Easter<21 % X \advance\Easter by30 % X\fi% X\advance\Extra by\Easter \count255=\Extra % X\divide\count255 by7 \multiply\count255 by-7 \advance\Extra by\count255 % X\multiply\Extra by-1 \advance\Easter by\Extra \advance\Easter by7 % X\ifnum\Easter>31 % X \advance\Easter by-31 % X \date{April}{\the\Easter}{Easter}% X \advance\Easter by1 % X \date{April}{\the\Easter}{Easter Monday}% X \advance\Easter by1 % X \date{April}{\the\Easter}{Easter Tuesday}% X \advance\Easter by-3 % X \date{April}{\the\Easter}{Easter Saturday}% X \advance\Easter by-1 % X \date{April}{\the\Easter}{Easter Friday}% X\else% X \date{March}{\the\Easter}{Easter}% X \advance\Easter by1 % X \date{March}{\the\Easter}{Easter Monday}% X \advance\Easter by1 % X \date{March}{\the\Easter}{Easter Tuesday}% X \advance\Easter by-3 % X \date{March}{\the\Easter}{Easter Saturday}% X \advance\Easter by-1 % X \date{March}{\the\Easter}{Easter Friday}% X\fi% X}% END_OF_FILE if test 5556 -ne `wc -c <'dates.tex'`; then echo shar: \"'dates.tex'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'dates.tex' fi if test -f 'events.tex' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'events.tex'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'events.tex'\" \(875 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'events.tex' <<'END_OF_FILE' X% X% Special Dates File X% X% This file should contain special dates. The format is: X% X% \date{month}{day}{text} X% X% The name of the month should be typed in full. Case is not significant. X% It is also possible to do complicated things like computing the days X% for Easter --- but only if you're a TeXpert. X% X% Put a file containing text like this in your current directory when you X% LaTeX cal.tex. The file will be read in after the year and month are X% read. The year is available in \year and the number of the month is X% available in \month. If \month is -1 then the entire year is about X% to be printed. X% X% Patchlevel 1.0 X% X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X% BIRTHDAYS % X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% X\date{June}{8}{Stuart's Birthday}% X\date{December}{28}{Arthur's Birthday}% END_OF_FILE if test 875 -ne `wc -c <'events.tex'`; then echo shar: \"'events.tex'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'events.tex' fi echo shar: End of shell archive. exit 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Earl Chew, Dept of Computer Science, Monash University, Australia 3168 ARPA: cechew%bruce.cs.monash.oz.au@uunet.uu.net ACS : cechew@bruce.oz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by Super Global Mega Corp .com