Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!usc!ucsd!ucbvax!CS.TORONTO.EDU!kim From: kim@CS.TORONTO.EDU (Kimberlee Pietrzak-Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: IJCAI'91 Message-ID: <> Date: 30 May 90 14:44:13 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Lines: 363 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: IJCAI-91 TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE August 24 - 30, 1991, Sydney, Australia The biennial IJCAI conferences are the major forums for the international scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The next IJCAI conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991. IJCAI-91 is sponsored by the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Inc. (IJCAII), and co-sponsored by the National Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems of the Australian Computer Society. The conference technical program will include workshops, tutorials, panels and invited talks, as well as tracks for paper and videotape presentations. 1. Paper Track: Submission Requirements and Guidelines Topics of Interest Submissions are invited on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research in all aspects of AI, including, but not limited to: * Architectures and languages for AI (e.g. hardware and software for building AI systems, real time and distributed AI) * Automated reasoning (e.g. theorem proving, automatic programming, planning and reasoning about action, search, truth maintenance systems, constraint satisfaction) * Cognitive modelling (e.g. user models, memory models) * Connectionist and PDP models * Knowledge representation (e.g. logics for knowledge, belief and intention, nonmonotonic formalisms, complexity analysis, languages and systems for representing knowledge) * Learning and knowledge acquisition * Logic programming (e.g. semantics, deductive databases, relationships to AI knowledge representation) * Natural language (e.g. syntax, semantics, discourse, speech recognition and understanding, natural language front ends) * Philosophical foundations * Principles of AI applications (e.g. intelligent CAI, design, manufacturing, control) * Qualitative reasoning and naive physics (e.g. temporal and spatial reasoning, reasoning under uncertainty, model-based reasoning, diagnosis) * Robotics (e.g. kinematics, manipulators, navigation, sensors, control) * Social, economic and legal implications * Vision (e.g. colour, shape, stereo, motion, object recognition, active vision, model-based vision, vision architectures and hardware, biological modelling) Timetable 1. Submissions must be received by December 10, 1990. Submissions received after that date will be returned unopened. Authors should note that ordinary mail can sometimes be considerably delayed and should take this into account when timing their submissions. Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. 2. Notification of acceptance or rejection: on or before March 20, 1991. Notification will be sent to the first author (or designated author). 3. Edited version to be received by April 19, 1991. General Authors should submit five (5) copies of their papers in hard copy form. All paper submissions should be to one of the Program Committee CoChairs. Electronic or FAX submissions cannot be accepted. Appearance Papers should be printed on 8.5" x 11" or A4 sized paper, double-spaced (i.e. no more than 28 lines per page), with 1.5" margins, and with 12 point type. Letter quality print is required. (Normally, dot-matrix printout will be unacceptable unless truly of letter quality. Exceptions will be made for submissions from countries where high quality printers are not widely available.) Length Papers should be a minimum of 2500 words (about nine pages double spaced) and a maximum of 5500 words (about 18 pages double spaced), including figures, tables and diagrams. Each full page of figures takes the space of about 500 words. Title Page Each copy of the paper must include a title page, separate from the body of the paper. This should contain: 1. Title of the paper. 2. Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all authors. 3. An abstract of 100-200 words. 4. The area/subarea in which the paper should be reviewed. 5. A declaration that this paper is not currently under review for a journal or another conference, nor will it be submitted during IJCAI's review period. See IJCAI's policy on multiple submissions below. Policy on Multiple Submissions IJCAI will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for a journal or another conference. Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during IJCAI's review period. These restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a limited audience. Review Criteria Papers will be subject to peer review. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results and the quality of the presentation. The decision of the program committee will be final and cannot be appealed. Papers selected will be scheduled for presentation and will be printed in the proceedings. Authors of accepted papers, or their representatives, are expected to present their papers at the conference. Video Enhancement of Paper Presentations In addition to an oral presentation, the authors of accepted papers may, if they so choose, submit a videotape which will be presented in the video track session. These tapes will not be refereed but only reviewed for the quality of the presentation. They are intended to provide additional support to the written and oral presentation such as demonstrations, illustrations or applications. For details concerning tape format, see the video track description below. Reviewing criteria do not apply to these tapes. Only the submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Authors wishing to augment their paper presentation with a video should submit a tape only after their paper has been accepted. All such arrangements should be made with the video track chair. Distinguished Paper Awards The Program Committee will distinguish one or more papers of exceptional quality for special awards. This decision will in no way depend on whether the authors choose to enhance their paper with a video presentation. 2. Videotape Track: Submission Requirements and Guidelines This track is reserved for displaying interesting research on applications to real-world problems arising in industrial, commercial, government, space and educational arenas. It is designed to demonstrate the current levels of usefulness of AI tools, techniques and methods. Authors should submit one copy of a videotape of 15 minutes maximum duration, accompanied by a submission letter that includes: * Title, * Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all authors, * Tape format (indicate one of NTSC, PAL or SECAM; and one of VHS or .75" U-matic), * Duration of tape in minutes, * Three copies of an abstract of one to two pages in length, containing the title of the video, and full names and addresses of the authors, * Author's permission to copy tape for review purposes. The timetable and conditions for submission, notification of acceptance or rejection, and receipt of final version are the same as for the paper track. See above for details. All tape submisssions must be made to the Videotape Track Chair. Tapes cannot be returned; authors should retain extra copies for making revisions. All submissions will be converted to NTSC format before review. Tapes will be reviewed and selected for presentation during the conference. Abstracts of accepted videos will appear in the conference proceedings. The following criteria will guide the selection: * Level of interest to the conference audience * Clarity of goals, methods and results * Presentation quality (including audio, video and pace). Preference will be given to applications that show a high level of maturity. Tapes that are deemed to be advertising commercial products, propaganda, purely expository materials, merely taped lectures or other material not of scientific or technical value will be rejected. 3. Panels, Tutorials, Workshops The IJCAI-91 technical program will include panels, tutorials and workshops, for which separate calls for proposals have been issued. For details about organizing one of these, contact the appropriate chair in the following list. 4. IJCAI-91 Conference Contacts Program CoChairs Paper submissions, reviewing, invited talks, awards and all matters related to the technical program: Prof. John Mylopoulos Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A4 CANADA Tel: (+1-416)978-5379 Fax: (+1-416)978-1455 email: Prof. Ray Reiter Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A4 CANADA Tel: (+1-416)978-5379 Fax: (+1-416)978-1455 email: Videotape Track Chair Videotape submissions, editing and scheduling of video presentations: Dr. Alain Rappaport Neuron Data 444 High Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA Tel: (+1-415)321-4488 Fax: (+1-415)321-3728 email: Tutorial Chair Enquiries about tutorial presentations: Dr. Martha Pollack Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA Tel: (+1-415)859-2037 Fax: (+1-415)326-5512 email: Workshop Chair Enquiries about workshop presentations and scheduling: Dr. Joe Katz MITRE Corporation MS-K318 Burlington Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 USA Tel: (+1-617)271-8899 Fax: (+1-617)271-2423 email: Panel Chair Enquiries about panels: Dr. Peter F. Patel-Schneider AT&T Bell Labs 600 Mountain Ave. Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA Tel: (+1-201)582-3399 Fax: (+1-201)582-5192 email: Australian National Committee Secretariat For enquiries about registration, accommodation and other local arrangements: Ms. Beverley Parrott IJCAI-91 Parrish Conference Organizers PO Box 787 Potts Point NSW 2011 AUSTRALIA Tel: (+61-2)357-2600 Fax: (+61-2)357-2950 IJCAI-91 Exhibition Secretariat For enquiries concerning the exhibition: Ms. Julia Jeffrey Jeffrey Enterprises 104 Falcon Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 AUSTRALIA Tel: (+61-2)954-0842 Fax: (+61-2)925-0735 Australian National Committee Chair For enquiries about general Australian arrangements: Prof. Michael A. McRobbie Centre for Information Science Research I Block Australian National University GPO Box 4 Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA Tel: (+61 6)249-2035 Fax: (+61-6)249-0747 email: Conference Chair For other general conference related matters: Prof. Barbara J. Grosz Aiken Computation Lab 20 Harvard University 33 Oxford Street Cambridge MA 02138, USA Tel: (+1-617)495-3673 Fax: (+1-617)495-9837 email: IJCAII and IJCAI-91 Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Donald E. Walker Bellcore, MRE 2A379 445 South Street, Box 1910 Morristown, NJ 07960-1910 USA Tel: (+1-201)829-4312 Fax: (+1-201)455-1931 email: