Path: utzoo!censor!geac!torsqnt!!mailrus!!!!!emv From: (Visscher Henk J) Newsgroups: comp.archives Subject: [] xemp: empire client under X Message-ID: <> Date: 29 May 90 18:44:41 GMT Sender: (Edward Vielmetti) Reply-To: (Visscher Henk J) Followup-To: Organization: University of Michigan, Department of Mathematics Lines: 193 Approved: (Edward Vielmetti) X-Original-Newsgroups: Archive-name: xemp/29-May-90 Original-posting-by: (Visscher Henk J) Original-subject: xemp: empire client under X Archive-site: [] Archive-directory: pub/xemp Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) X E M P ------- Written by HJ Visscher (& MJ Huisjes) Features: * completely written in C (using X11 rev 3 ->). * easy to install (I hope). * all commands menu-driven. * lays its own connection to the empire-server. * accepts all commands like the normal empire-client. * stores all data. * scans all the data from lookout, spy, coastwatch, radar, explore ... * fully undocumented, uncommented and incomplete, also enough for YOU to do. +------------------------------------+ This is what it looks like when you |+---------++-----------------------+| start xemp: || || MESSAGE || || CENSUS |+-----------------------+| CENSUS: all (!) information about the || |+-----------------------+| current sector. || || || || || || MAP: a part of the you're map || || || || || M A P || EMPIRE: the running empire-client. || || || You can enter unimplemented || || || commands here. || || || || || || MESSAGE: shows the function of the || || || buttons and instructions |+---------++-----------------------+| |+----------------------------------+| || || The size of the empire- & the map- || E M P I R E || window can be specified by the -M || || and -E options. || || |+----------------------------------+| +------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+ |Sect 0,0 | This is what the census window looks like. |Des capitol | |Eff 100% Mob 100 Wor 100%| Just one click on the left button shows you |Civ 1000 Mil 10 Ava 0 | all the information. Also the info from spy, |-=-=-=-=-Resources-=-=-=-=| lookout, view (navigate), coastwatch, etc |Min 0 Gol 73 Fer 0 | |Oil 0 Ura 69 | In ship-mode, the lower part of the census |-=-=-=-=Commodities-=-=-=-| shows all information about the current ship. |uw foo 1000 she | |gun pet iro | |bar dus oil | To change a threshold, you only have to click |lcm hcm rad | on the commoditie you want to change, type the |-=-=-=-=-=-Crafts-=-=-=-=-| new number and the command is automaticly fed |Shi 0 Pla 0 Nuk 0 | to empire. The same for the deity commands give |-=-=-=-=-Threshold-=-=-=-=| and edit. Also (un)loading ships is done in | No distribution path | this way. |uw foo 40 she | |gun pet iro | |....... | |-=-=-Deliver/Cutoffs-=-=-=| |u f s | |g p i < 100 | |....... | |-=-=-Additional Info-=-=-=| |Food needed: 24.2 | |No plaque chance | |.... | +--------------------------+ Implemented commands: * dump (no need for census, resources, commodities, cutoff, etc) * map, radar * all delivery & distribute commands (including showing paths) * all communication commands: - headlines & news. - telegram & announce, using a simple editor. - read, allowing to select, keep & delete messages. * most of the ship-commands: - (un) load - build & scrap - navigate - lookout, radar, sonar. - assault * designate, move, attack, realm & explore. No planes | nukes are implemented. . . . . Example of a move-command. . + + o . f + ) + . Suppose you want to move 20 food from the agr. ^ + * c + . to the warehouse, but use the mobility of a highway. w + g a l ^ + l m m . First you click (right button-> commands) on the agr. ^ h + ^ . Select the move command, select food & type 20. m Now click on the highway you want to move to first. A path is marked from the agricultur to the highway (of course the cheapest path). Now select the warehouse, and once again to end the move command. You will be warned when work is under 100%, when you try to move occupied civilians, more military control is needed, etc. Two commands will now be given to empire, the first moving 20 food from the warehouse to the highway (resulting in zero mobility), the second from moving 20 food from the highway to the warehouse. HIGHLIGHT You can highlight certain sectors, such as "r min > 50 & des = mine" or "distr # 1,1" or "owned & occupied" or "plaque" /* plague chance */ "gold" means amount of gold dust "r gold" means resources gold "t gold" means threshold gold Just select from the global command menu (middle button) "display", then "highlight", click the right button to change the higlight condition. (or simply press 'h'). You're highlight-setting will be saved. DISPLAY There are three display modes: * icons, very simple pictures * normal (just like the output of map) * double. You can specify the second character, eg mining contens Idea from GB. Fonts: The bigger the fonts you are using, the bigger the xemp window will be. You can change those fonts with the -f & -b options. The default fonts can be changed in the file "xinit.c" Options: xemp [-p empire-port] /* default in Makefile */ [-h empire-host] /* default in Makefile */ [-r] /* white on black */ [-f normal-font] /* the normal font to use */ [-b bold-font] /* the bold font to use */ [-C countryname] /* start with 'Offset countryname', deity */ [-m mappart] /* by default '#' */ [-M mapwindowsize] /* [+-]#x[+-]# (increase, decrease, exact) */ [-E empirewinsize] /* [+-]# +5 -> 5 more lines, 10 -> 10 lines */ [-l logfile] /* all commands given to empire are stored */ [Country] /* by default env.var. COUNTRY */ [Representive] /* by default env.var. PLAYER */ Installation: Edit version.c to set the local game vars. (this must be changed, can be retrieved from the command version. Also edit "sector.h" for the size of the world. Edit Makefile, to change EMPIREHOST & EMPIREPORT. Type make, xemp will be created. Please send me mail of all files the compiler complained about. Also send me mail when everything went right. This way I get a indication how many people this tool are using. All ideas and additions are welcome. When you want to write something, but you don't know what, I'll send you a problem you can try to solve. Documentation: this is all there is. Source: available on dir pub/xemp ------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Henk-Jan Visscher | Murphy's law only fails when you try to demonstrate it.| +--------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------+