Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!samsung!!van-bc!oneb!ADS!tshaffer From: tshaffer@ADS.COM (Tom Shaffer) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Re: Geographic/Mapping data formats Message-ID: Date: 25 May 90 15:53:47 GMT References: <23312@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> Lines: 84 In article <23312@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> () writes: >Does anyone know of a 'standard' data format for geographic and mapping >databases? > >I have heard of ARC/INFO format. > > What exactly is it? > Are there any books on the subject? > Does anyone have some sample databases? > Is there a government agency who produces this data? > > >Any help would be greatly appreciated. > >Thanks in advance, > >Dennis. >-- >-- >Dennis Suppe University of Florida > CSE Room 340 >(904) 392-1485 Gainesville, Florida The Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) and the USGS produce numerous terrain data bases. Associated with each of these data bases is a formatting standard. The format specifications are easily obtained from DMA and the USGS. Concerning obtaining the data bases however, the USGS data bases are a little easier to obtain. The following is a list of some of DMA's data bases: Existing Data Bases/Products ** Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD) - at various resolutions Vector data base of features such as roads, rivers, forests, etc. ** Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) - at various resolutions 2-D grid of elevation points Level I = 3 arcseconds resolution (100 meters) Level II = 1 arcsecond resolution (30meters) Automated Air Facilities Information File (AAFIF) Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF) Digital Elevation Data for FIREFINDER ** World Vector Shoreline (WVS) High Speed Digital Chart (HSDC) Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) Data Base Digital Landmass Blanking (DLMB) Data ** Digital Bathymetric Data Base (DBDB) Vertical Obstruction Data (VOD) ** Bathymetric Data Base (BDB) Data Navigation Information Network (NAVINFONET) World Mean Elevation Data (WMED) Local Slope Data (LSD) Prototype Products ** Tactical Terrain Data <==== THE MAIN TERRAIN DB FOR THE FUTURE!!!!! ** Interim Terrain Data <==== The prototype for TTD!! Digital Point Positioning Data Base (DPPDB) : : and many others : The most popular DBs are DTED for elevation information and DFAD for feature information. They are currently producting ITD which is a super set of DFAD - coverage is limited. DMA puts out a book called "Defense Mapping Agency - Digitizing the Future". It is FREE, they even have an 800 number to order it - (800) 826-0342. The stock number for the book is "DMA Stock No. DDIPDIGITALPAC" 2nd Ed. My list of USGS data bases is buried somewhere. You can request a list of their data bases from the USGS in Menlo Park, CA. If you really need it, send me mail, and I'll dig it up. ARC/INFO is a GIS system produced and sold by Environmental Systems Research Institue, Inc. (ESRI). Their address is: 380 New York St. Redlands, CA 92373. In my opinion, it's the best GIS on the market - we have a copy. They have a specific format for their data files, but I don't know what it is. Give'm a call - I could use the info too. Let me know what you find out if you call them. I'd be interested in hearing what other people are doing with terrain data bases - email: -- Tom Shaffer --