Path: utzoo!yunexus!lethe!torsqnt!!!uunet!samsung!!ditmela!latcs1!johnz From: (John Zeleznikow) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: CHANCE TO GIVE LECTURES/SEMINARS in Melbourne, Australia Keywords: Databases, Australia, VLDB16 Message-ID: <> Date: 29 May 90 10:34:01 GMT Article-I.D.: latcs1.7973 Organization: Comp Sci, La Trobe Uni, Australia Lines: 43 Dr. John Zeleznikow Director, Database Research Laboratory Applied Computing Research Institute c/- Department of Computer Science La Trobe University Bundoora Victoria 3083 Australia Phone: 61.3.479-1003(Work) 61.3.571-5475(Home) 61.3.470-4915(FAX) Tuesday 29 May 1990 Dear Colleague I am writing to you to ask you to participate in giving an advanced course on databases at La Trobe University. The course is primarily intended for masters by coursework students. It would be 3-4 hours, on either a morning or afternoon, in the week preceding (6-10 August) or following (20-24 August) VLDB16 in Brisbane. We would also expect computer scientists from other universities and industry to attend. Whilst we could arrange for the lectures to be given at other times, the above two weeks would be the most preferable. Hopefully you could also interact with our large team of database researchers. The choice of topic is at your discretion. It should involve some discussion of current research issues. If you let me know the topic sufficiently in advance I shall give our students some introductory lectures. Alternatively you could give a one hour lecture. Our students will not be paying any fees for the course. Whilst we may charge industry attendees, I doubt that they will cover costs. Our aim is to let the Melbourne Database Community and you interact. Regards John P.S. Our course is almost arranged, however i would like to give visitors to Australia for VLDB16 the chance to visit melbourne and interact with colleagues.