Xref: utzoo comp.realtime:659 comp.arch:16179 Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!mitel!sce!greg From: greg@sce.carleton.ca (Greg Franks) Newsgroups: comp.realtime,comp.arch Subject: Re: Speed costs Message-ID: <854@sce.carleton.ca> Date: 28 May 90 17:49:09 GMT References: <2832@crash.cts.com> Reply-To: greg@sce.UUCP (Greg Franks) Organization: Systems Eng., Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada Lines: 19 In article <2832@crash.cts.com> jca@pnet01.cts.com (John C. Archambeau) writes: >Which brings forth the argument in favor of progress. How many people >actually use PDP-11's anymore? I've seen a few go in and out at garage sales. Ontario Hydro's got nine at the Darlington NGS running the reactors.* Maybe they replaced them with VAXes running PDP-11 emulation - probably not though. Back when the station was designed, chips like the 68000 and 8088 did not even exist. I wonder what's running the Hubble Space telescope. I'll bet it isn't an 88000, SPARC, 29K or R3000. * 256K and drum memory. The older stations use Varian computers (remember them?) and ancient IBM's with a whopping 32 kilowords of store. 32 K to run a reactor - 600 K to edit its source code :-(. -- Greg Franks, (613) 788-5726 |"The reason that God was able to Systems Engineering, Carleton University,|create the world in seven days is Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6. |that he didn't have to worry about greg@sce.carleton.ca uunet!mitel!sce!greg|the installed base" -- Enzo Torresi