Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!mailrus!uflorida!simulation From: (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) Newsgroups: comp.simulation Subject: SIMULATION DIGEST V15 N9 Message-ID: <23330@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> Date: 25 May 90 15:01:32 GMT Sender: fishwick@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU Reply-To: Lines: 237 Approved: Volume: 15, Issue: 9, Fri May 25 11:00:52 EDT 1990 +----------------+ | TODAY'S TOPICS | +----------------+ (1) CALL: Ballistics Simulation II (2) Wanted: MIPS Simulator (3) PARALLAXIS Programming System Available (4) Simscript II.5 News Group * Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida * Send topical mail to: OR post to comp.simulation via USENET * Archives available via FTP to ( Login as 'ftp', use your last name as the password, change directory to pub/simdigest. Do 'type binary' before any file xfers. * Simulation Tools available by doing above and changing the directory to pub/simdigest/tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 May 90 13:33:36 EDT From: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" To: Subject: Conference announcement and call for papers ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS BALLISTICS SIMULATION II a standalone specialist technical conference in conjuction with the 1991 Simulation Multiconference April 1-5, 1991 New Orleans, Louisiana Sponsored by The Society for Computer Simulation [SCS] Following its successfull introduction in 1990, Ballistics Simulation II will feature several sessions dedicated to all aspects of ballistics. Technical papers, presentations and proposals for tutorials, panels, workshop and other special formats are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas: Interior Ballistics o New Technology Gun Simulation o Gun Muffler Simulation o Effects of Worn Gun Tubes on Velocity and Pressure o Small Caliber Gun Simulation Exterior Ballistics o Flight Dynamics o Thruster effects on fin-stabilized projectiles o Effects on aircraft armaments release accuracy of near-miss anit-aircraft weapons Terminal Ballistics o Armor plate perforation/penetration o Hit probabilities on variably-shaped objects o Bullet-proof garment perforation/penetration Lethality/Survivability o Effects of projectile generated spall on vehicle weapons sub-systems o Crew Survivability Analysis o Wound Ballistics Ballistics personnel, modelers, researchers, developers, and experimentalists from industry, academia, DOD, DOE, and other government installations are invited to contribute and participate in this conference. Send three copies of original previously unpublished papers or abstracts to the address below by September 1, 1990. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by September 14, 1990. Author kits should be received by accepted authors by October 1, 1990. Responsibility for all clearances associated with full papers - which will be published in the conference proceedings - rests with the author. To allow time for such clearances, the due date for camera-ready copy is January 2, 1991. Submit papers, abstracts, presentations and proposals for tutorials, panels, workshops and other special formats to: Michael J. Chinni Chair, Ballistics Simulation II ARDEC Attn: SMCAR-CCS-E, B.350 Annex Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 Include full names, affiliations, addresses and phone numbers (office and home) for each participant. Attach, or copy business cards if available. Indicate on the page that this is for the 1991 Simulation Multiconference - Ballistics Simulation II. Participants are expected to register early, at a reduced rate and to attend the conference at their own expense. Anyone wishing further information can contact Mr. Chinni at the above address or at: (201)724-4140/(DSN)880-4140 ------------------------------ To: Path:!!waylonis From: (Dan Waylonis) Newsgroups: Subject: MIPS Simulator for SUN3 Needed!!! Date: 18 May 90 00:48:23 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Dan Waylonis Organization: Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Hi, I'm looking for a MIPS simulator for the Sun 3 computer. I'd like to be able to: compile, reorganize, and run/debug on this simulator. If you know where I can get this here thing, please send me E-Mail. Thanks, Dan Dan Waylonis, sublime grad student | Home Sweet Home: Ohio State University, Dept. of CS | 2251 Buckley Rd. Cols., OH 43220-4613 2036 Neil Ave., Cols., OH 43210-1277| (614) 459-7326 Email: | ------------------------------ From: Thomas Braeunl Date: Tue, 22 May 90 17:20:47 +0200 To: Subject: Parallaxis: new versions ___________________________________________________________________ THE P A R A L L A X I S MASSIVELY PARALLEL PROGRAMMING SYSTEM ___________________________________________________________________ Now Parallaxis version 1.0.1 is available with a few bugs fixed. It is available via "anonymous ftp" from: ( in subdirectory pub/parallaxis Please send remarks or bug reports directly to: but FIRST, make sure you are using the latest version of the system. Text file BUGS_FIXED documents problems with earlier versions that have been fixed. Text file DOCU_SHORT gives a limited overview about the Parallaxis system, including the language's syntax, but does NOT replace the user manual. In addition to the current versions for: * Apollo ( 9.7) * Sun3 (OS 4.0) * Sun4 / Sparcstation (OS 4.0) * IBM-PC and * Apple Macintosh we now provide also versions for: * HP 9000/300 and * HP /800 series Please, keep in mind that you still need the "Parallaxis User Manual" (which is not available via ftp) for serious use! So when returning the registration sheet, please indicate that you received the system through the net and you just need the manual. Reminder: Parallaxis is a procedural programming language based on Modula-2, but extended for data parallel programming. It was developed at the Universitaet Stuttgart (Germany) and is now available as public domain software. Here, the main approach for machine independent parallel programming is to combine a description of the (virtual) parallel machine with the parallel algorithm that is bound for that particular architecture. Parallaxis allows the structured programming of SIMD systems with a central host and a large number of identical processors. The declaration includes the number of identical processors with local memory (PEs), the names of communication ports, and the network topology for data exchange among PEs. With this information contained in each program, the parallel algorithm becomes simpler (e.g. symbolic names for communication directions) and easier to understand. The Parallaxis system comprises the compiler (producing parallel pseudo-assembly code), the simulator (interpreter) and example programs. The user manual is available on request from the address below. ======================================================================= Thomas Braunl e-mail: Univ. Stuttgart IFI, Azenbergstr. 12, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, W.-Germany ======================================================================= ------------------------------ To: Path:!chris From: (Chris Goldsmith) Newsgroups: comp.simulation Subject: Simscript II.5 News group Keywords: simulation, simscript Date: 25 May 90 13:26:17 GMT Organization: The George Washington University, Washington D.C. Is there enough interest to have a news group for users of Simscript II.5? CACI has no formal users group although they have a large installation base. My thinking is that this group would be a logical subsection of comp.simualtion, i.e. comp.simulation.simscript or just comp.simscript. What are your thoughts in the matter ??? ------------------------------ END OF SIMULATION DIGEST ************************