Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!!weide From: (Bruce Weide) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Reuse and Abstraction (was: reu Message-ID: <> Date: 25 May 90 15:56:17 GMT References: <4979@stpstn.UUCP> <> <> <> <> <> Sender: Reply-To: Bruce Weide <> Organization: Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Lines: 55 Thanks to Charlie Martin for his interesting posting about formal specification. Among other things, he writes: >My suspicion (today, ask me again in a couple weeks, because I may >change my mind again) is that one of the major advantages of Z and VDM >is that they are *not* tied to an implementation language, and are not >intended to be compiled. Because of this, one can invent terminology >and new notation on the fly, one can leave out essentially uninteresting >parts of the specification (like restating over and over again that a >particular operation works within the bounds of the type's >architecture-specific values), and in general one can play to the >audience instead of needing to satisfy a finicky proof-checker. One of the primary reasons for formal specification is the inherent ambiguity of natural language and other informal methods. It's hard to see how having a "formal" notation that can be augmented "on the fly" -- whenever the specifier feels a need to say something that the language wasn't designed for -- can be much better than an informal specification in this sense. Maybe a little better, but hardly the ultimate formal specification language. I think it is a reasonable academic exercise to explore the constructs and concepts needed to develop a more complete (in this sense) specification language than those offered to date. Eventually, a better language might even get used in practice. Charlie also argues: >Actually, it's pretty hard to show a library of reusable components that >are generally agreed to be reusable, and non-trivial. Maybe InterViews. >But I think we may be instanciating "easy" differently: what I mean is >"there are no technical difficulties (that I can see), so it should just >be a matter of applying some time and effort to doing so." It s an >interesting sort of task, but it's one that academic types are not >attracted to because a formal specification of a basically uninteresting >library isn't going to make a good publication, and one which industrial >types aren't likely to try unless soemone comes up with the money. Actually, there are some academic types (e.g., me) who don't think the exercise is so trivial, and who don't believe that there are "no technical difficulties" in developing a well-designed library of reusable components. Even things like stacks, lists, associate search structures, graphs, etc., ar NOT designed properly for reuse as they appear in the CS textbooks or in existing component libraries. In fact, though, judging from personal experience, Charlie is right if he is suggesting it is hard to convince many people of this. People don't really want to know WHY it's hard to "get it right", nor do they want to consider alternative designs even if they come with (so far, at least) an irrefutable rationale. This means it IS difficult to publish new designs for things people believe they already understand, and almost as difficult to find industrial funding. We hope, however, it does not turn out to be impossible :-). -Bruce