Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!mcnc!duke!romeo!crm From: (Charlie Martin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Reuse and Abstraction (was: reu Message-ID: <> Date: 28 May 90 16:40:22 GMT References: <4979@stpstn.UUCP> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Sender: Reply-To: crm@romeo.UUCP (Charlie Martin) Organization: Duke University CS Dept.; Durham, NC Lines: 124 Bruce Weide writes... In article <> crm@romeo.UUCP (Charlie Martin) writes: . .>Then what I'm saying is that I think a rigorous notation can be used .>which presents many of the advantages of fully-formalized (machine .>processable, proof-checkable) specification languages. Z and VDM seem .>like good approaches to this. . .OK, here's an attempt at distinguishing "rigorous" from "formal" -- a .very useful distinction indeed, also suggested recently by Brad Cox. .First, a proposed definition of "verify": To prove by transformation .of symbols, with each step justified by a rule of logic or by explicit .assumption; the proof steps may or may not be generated mechanically, .but at least they must be subject to mechanical checking. Right, I'll buy that, at least provisionally. . .Now, a specification is "formal" if it: . .(1) is written in a language with well-defined syntax and semantics; . .(2) can be used to verify the correctness of a proposed implementation .of the specified component (i.e., a program in a formal programming .language); and . .(3) can be used in a verification of the correctness of a proposed .client of the specified component. . .A specification is "rigorous" if the proofs in (2) and (3) are not .verifications in the sense given above, but rather are arguments whose .correctness is subject to debate (and/or vote :-). . .>One argument for these rigorous notations is that we are accustomed to .>rigorous but not fully formal notations in any case, because that is the .>way mathematics exposition is usually done... . .I suppose Charlie is talking about "computer scientists" or "software .engineers" when he says "we." In either case, I can't buy it. On the .contrary, most of us are quite comfortable with fully formal .notations: programming languages. What many computer scientists don't .seem to be comfortable with is mathematics. Formal specifications .need be no more intimidating than programs. It's just that they deal .with abstract mathematical concepts rather than bits and bytes. And .given the general trend toward "high-level" programming languages in .which one is supposed to reason about computing with more "abstract" .things, this difference seems to be diminishing. I think you're more or less wrong here, or at least somewhat idealistic about what modern computer langauges really are. (Most) programming languages don't fulfill your definition of formality, because they don't generally have completely well-understood semantics. C is an example; there are all the usual puzzles, like int a ; a = a++ ; where we can't say exactly what the result would be without reference to a particular compiler and operating system. (Even then, on siome systems the behavior is not defined except that a remains a valid int value.) Further, C has a number of special cases which are at the least not well documented, such as when *(a+i) IS NOT equivalent to a[i]. You're right about my use of "we" above; in fact, I'd be suspicious that most people who are working programmers are not really used to using mathematics in any but a cookbook sense. But I suspect that the only exposure most people have to fully formal and well-founded languages is when they take Euclidean geometry in high school. . .The other major difference between a specification and an .implementation, of course, is that the former says WHAT is computed, .while the latter says HOW it is computed. Perhaps most computer .scientists (at present) are also a bit uncomfortable with things that .are not so procedural. But I can't accept that this is an inherent .limitation of computer scientists. Let's educate ourselves. It is afulyy hard sometimes to educate people to write a specification that doesn't express their idea of how the software is to be designed. I agree with you: computer scientists should educate themselves. .Furthermore, if this is the crux of the problem, formal specs can't be .substantially more difficult to deal with than informal (but rigorous) .ones. In summary, then, what's the resistance to formal specification? . I think when I write a Gypsy spec, I'm doing what you call a fully-formal specification; as an "engineer" my resistance to it is that it seems to take a lot of effort to not get very far. Part of the reason for it is that you have to consider a lot of foundational issues every time, I think. . .>Political problem: Let's say I as a researcher determine that I want to .>build up a really good reusable non-trivial library. I spend a year .>(maybe that little) developing the specs and implementing it. Where do .>I publish? How much tenure credit will I get for it? . .Good point. I wish I knew where to publish this stuff. If you have .any suggestions let us know. If I were so inclined and had a willing .venture capitalist lined up, I might be tempted to bypass the academic .routine and just start designing and implementing reusable components .and sell them. But I don't think that's in the cards, so publishing .seems to be essential. I guess the canonical academic way of handling this problem is to start a journal; to make it "competetive" in the tenure-credit sense, I imagine it would have to reduce publications to minimum publishable units, (this may be a little cynical) so that pubklication-count is high. I dunno -- does anyone else have any idea hw to make software publication compete with theory publication? Charlie Martin (...!mcnc!duke!crm, O: NBSR/One University Place/Suite 250/Durham, NC 27707/919-490-1966 H: 13 Gorham Place/Durham, NC 27705/919-383-2256