Path: utzoo!yunexus!geac!torsqnt!!!!mailrus!ncar!boulder!ccncsu!longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU!ld231782 From: ld231782@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU (Lawrence Detweiler) Newsgroups: comp.theory Subject: SAT in _Computers & Intractability_ Keywords: SAT satisfiability Cook boolean NP complete P Message-ID: <7341@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> Date: 1 Jun 90 04:02:34 GMT Article-I.D.: ccncsu.7341 Sender: news@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU Reply-To: ld231782@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU (Lawrence Detweiler) Organization: Engineering College, Colorado State University Lines: 139 ----- a Guide to the Theory of NP Completeness_ contains a version of Cook's satisfiability theorem for their "slightly nonstandard" NDTM model. For this construction they show that (paraphrased) 1. There is a polynomial time algorithm that computes F(X), the function that converts any particular NDTM problem to to an instance of SAT, and 2. That instance of SAT is satisfiable in all and only those cases of "input" X for which the particular NDTM is accepting, thus fulfilling the requirements of polynomial transformation (p. 34). I respectfully submit that while their elaborate and "complicated" (but necessarily so) demonstration of the second demand above leaves nothing to be desired, their treatment of the first point is less rigorous, perhaps even to the point of unacceptability and error. Their attention to the polynomial time requirement is confined to a paragraph on p. 44, where they claim that The polynomial boundedness of this computation will follow immediately once we show that Length(F(X)) is bounded above by a polynomial function of N... where N = Length(X). Quite to the contrary, this result does not follow "immediately". For example, the solution to the _optimized_ Travelling Salesman problem is always bounded in size by a polynomial function of the length of the input, but in no way can this be construed to imply therefore the computation occurs in polynomial time! To the author's credit, they note that construction of the transformation "amounts to little more than filling in the blanks" in a formula, but it seems some further words are in order to adequately convince the reader to share their own confidence. However, it is the close of this paragraph that supplies the most material for confusion and perhaps even disbelief, where they state that |U| = O(P(N)^2) and likewise for C. Or, to paraphrase, the cardinality (size) of the set of all boolean variables in the SAT construction equals an order of growth of P(N)^2, where P(N) is the time bound on the algorithm (more specifically the NDTM) being transformed. From whence came this? The application of the syntax appears to be as nonsensical as the cliche of comparison of apples and oranges: they are relating a measure of the size of "input", in units of data, to the time complexity of an algorithm, in units of time. That this is incongruous is evident from an examination of other parts of the chapter, where they carefully avoid this obscure comparison with rigorous separation of description of the properties of complexity of data vs. of time, such as at the close of the proof of Lemma 2.1 (p. 35). Moreover, even if the literal interpretation of the statement is relaxed, its vague meaning that the size of these SAT sets is somehow equivalent to the square of the time bound on the algorithm under conversion is wholly false. Take |U|, the boolean variables in the SAT construction, enumerated in Fig. 2.7 (p. 40). Since only the polynomial nature is at stake, only the leading power of the range of all the variables Q (state), H (head), and S (symbol) need be considered. Using the fundamental theorem of counting, and observing that the Q index ranges through P(N) (the variables R and V are constants, as noted in the text), H through P(N)^2, and S the same, it can be stated instead that |U| < K1*P(N)^5 where K1 is some constant. |C|, the clauses in the final expression, is more complicated. Derived mostly from Fig. 2.9 (p. 43), following is a list of the degree that each clause group contributes: G1: 1 G2: 2 G3: 2 G4: 1 G5: 0 G6: 2 --- 8 so |C| < K2*P(N)^8 where K2 is some constant. Hence, using their function Length[F(X)] = |U|*|C| as a "reasonable" length of the conversion to the SAT problem, then Length[F(X)] < K3*P(N)^13 where K3 is some constant. If their argument about the relationship of length and complexity holds here, this shows the conversion of the problem to SAT can take place in polynomial time, satisfying the time requirement for polynomial transformation. Strangely, the authors give the exact number of clauses for many of the groups in the text, possibly with the intention of using them later in a similar manner as above, but no such reference can be found. I was most impressed with Garey and Johnson's development of SAT up to p. 44 and am most chagrined with it afterwards. I look forward to learning of other's opinion on the matter in general and how appropriate my comments are in particular. P.S. - I would be interested in the correlation of any of this to Cook's original version of the theorem. I assume he used a different model of NDTM and, if so, time constraints would probably vary significantly (although still polynomially). - On p. 30, the authors write, "The reader may find it an interesting exercise to verify the equivalence of our model to these ["more standard" NDTM versions] with respect to polynomial time." To do so would require showing that their NDTM version can "recognize a language" in polynomial time IFF the other can. How close is this to being intuitively obvious? This seems like too significant a point to relegate to a parenthetical remark and delegation of derivation to the reader. - Also, an NDTM is variously described as having a "splitting" property wherein it can duplicate and fork into children, so to speak, whereas on the other hand, it can "guess" the right answer. Are Garey and Johnson responsible for this split in characterization, so that the latter arose as a branch of the former from their nonstandard creation? ld231782@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU