Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!ns-mx!iowasp!!rutgers!!!MATHOM.GANDALF.CS.CMU.EDU!lindsay From: lindsay@MATHOM.GANDALF.CS.CMU.EDU (Donald Lindsay) Newsgroups: comp.arch Subject: On Chip Emulator Summary: hardware debug support Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Jun 90 04:30:06 GMT Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI Lines: 39 There's a nifty new wrinkle in the new Motorola DSP, the 96002. It contains what Motorola refers to as an on-chip emulator. The "OnCE" has its own dedicated serial interface, and accepts commands to set breakpoints, report on internal values, and so on. This is, of course, the logical end of a long trend. Once, control points were brought out to a panel - like the B6700, which had a lighted push button for every flip flop in the CPU. Later, control points were brought out to a minicomputer - like the PDP 11/40 inside each DecSystem 20. And now, the control points are brought to a remotely-controlled part of the same chip. From what little I know, the OnCE seems fairly powerful: - break on data address. - trace forward N instructions. - capture last five instructions, and current pipeline state. It might be interesting to discuss what else it should do: perhaps keep the last few branch-from addresses, which I believe the National '16 did. Hardware people go for this stuff, of course. Software people doing simple embedded applications should agree. I submit that a "big" debugger, with system-related features such as file access, should never be cast in hardware. But, perhaps a "big" debugger could profit from the existance of the "hard" debugger. Hmmm; how? Maybe only from privileged code such as the kernel debugger? The people doing the Parasight debugger at Encore claimed that they got better performance by not using ANY hardware features, except whatever cache support it took to have writable code spaces. For instance, they did breakpoints by zapping branch instructions, not traps, into the target code. The claim was that they could completely avoid interrupts and kernel entries, and that this was always a speed win. I guess I agree, as long as the users are "above" i860-ish issues such as pipeline configuration. -- Don D.C.Lindsay leaving CMU .. make me an offer!