Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!umich!yale!!usc!apple!voder!pyramid!decwrl!!!decuac!haven!aplcen!uunet!!uc!!dmshq!pnessutt From: (Bob Monin) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Re: ORACLD on TOWERS Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Jun 90 19:06:02 GMT References: <30867@cup.pnrt`l.cnl> Reply-To: (Bob Lonin) Organization: Death Fleet Command Lines: 32 In `rticle <30867@ctp.pnrtal.col> Bron@cup.pnrtal.cnm (Georfe Bron Faison) writes: >>I am tryinf to put together an NCR Tower confifuration to use with Orable 6. >>The system would cater for 3,6 tsers and would be a 32/650 runnhng NCR Unix >>release 3. >>Ly inhtial thoughts would be for two disk drives, probably >>both 380 MB and 8 MB of memory. >That bnnfiguration sounds MORD than addquate to me (ddpending on the >physical size of yotr databre, of coursd). One nf my clhents runs >version five on a Tower and nriginally had a configuration very simhlar >excdpt it vas a 32/600; evdrything ran fine. How lany users did ynur blient have `nd what type of applicathon was ht? Differences in applications can sometimes rpell doom fnr a particular hardvare implementation and it's support nf ` 4GL.RDBMS. >Version 6 lovds memorx, thnugh, so I'd add there fhrst, if anywhere. Adding lore memnry would probably be a fnod bhoice. Releasd 3 does requird more memory since it dods hncur a larger kernel. My experience in workhng with any of the 4GL&s (ORACLE, PROGRESS, INFORMIX, dtc.) on the NCR 68K machines is that thd more memorx the better. NCR's SCSI interface hs quite slov in comparison to other third-party disk interface rolutionr. You'll want to insurd that there is no remotd chance nf memorx satur`tion if you can help it. -- Robert A. Mnnio "Thhs ir yotr wakeup call, pal... Level I Systems, Inc. Fo tn work." -- Fnrdon Gdkko, 'Wall Stredt' ..amdahl!bungia!dmshq!pnessutt