Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!!!usc!apple!portal!!Bobby From: (Robert Jules Shaughnessy) Newsgroups: comp.dsp Subject: Mystery FFT Code... Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Jun 90 23:09:09 GMT Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 109 I recieved the fallowing FFT Pascal code in the mail a while back. It came without any documentation and I dont know how to use it. I know, this is kinda a stupid question, but does anyone know what the variables NN and Isign are for? Also, in what form does the output come, I noticed it uses only one array and not 2 (One for real and imaginary.) One might ask, why use this code? This is the smallest FFT I have, and I want to make a 68000 assembler version of it. If you have a well documented smaller FFT, PLEASE upload it! Thanks for your time! Bobby Shaughnessy ------------------------------ Pascal FFT ------------------------ Program FFT; Var array [1000] :doubled; Procedure FFT( var data : gldarray; nn, isign : integer); VAR ii, jj : integer; mmax : integer; m, n : integer; i, j : integer; istep : integer; wtemp : double; wr, wpr : double; wi, wpi : double; theta : double; tempr : double; tempi : double; BEGIN n := 2 * nn; j := 1; For ii := 1 to nn do Begin i := 2 * ii - 1; If j > i then Begin tempr := data[j]; tempi := data[j+1]; data[j] := data[i]; data[j+1] := data[i+1]; data[i] := tempr; data[i+1] := tempi; End; m := n DIV 2; While ((m >= 2) and (j > m)) do Begin j := j-m; m := m DIV 2; End; j := j + m; End; mmax := 2; While( n > mmax) do Begin istep := 2 * mmax; theta := 2 * Pi / (isign * mmax); wpr := -2.0 * sqr( sin( 0.5 * theta)); wpi := sin( theta); wr := 1.0; wi := 0.0; For ii := 1 to (mmax DIV 2) do Begin m := 2 * ii -1; For jj := 0 to ((n - m) DIV istep) do Begin i := m + jj * istep; j := i + mmax; tempr := wr * data[j] - wi * data[j+1]; tempi := wr * data[j+1] + wi * data[j]; data[j] := data[i] - tempr; data[j+1] := data[i+1] - tempi; data[i] := data[i] + tempr; data[i+1] := data[i+1] + tempi; End; wtemp := wr; wr := wr * wpr - wi * wpi + wr; wi := wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi; End; mmax := istep; End; End; Begin (Main) FFT End.