Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!ut-emx!infotel!smunews!ti-csl!!ekberg From: (Tom Ekberg) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Graph node layout (long) Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Jun 90 20:45:40 GMT Sender: Organization: TI Computer Science Center, Dallas Lines: 964 Ok, twist my arm :-) I have been doing some research on graph layout algorithms, which started with generating a bibliography. The following BibTeX file (i.e. a .bib file for TeX) contains just that, and some notes others have provided to me as the initial comments. Currently I am looking at EDGE (see below) which runs on my Sun4 and talks to X11R4. --------------------------- bibliography.bib -------------------------- % Several people have written in asking about graph drawing algorithms, % especially those that minimize edge crossings. For planar graphs, % this is easy and fast; there are linear-time (in the number of nodes) % algorithms for planar graph embedding (drawing with no edge % crossings) that have been developed by Booth and Lueker, and by % Hopcroft and Tarjan - see the references below for more details. For % trees it is also obviously easy to do. In the general case, the % answer is not so hopeful. The `crossing number' of a graph G, denoted % v(G), is the minimum number of edge crossings when G is drawn in the % plane. Garey and Johnson have shown that the general crossing number % decision problem "given an arbitrary graph G, and an integer k, is % v(G) <= k?" is NP-complete, and so is probably intractable. As a % consequence, much of the recent research has concentrated either on % finding upper and lower bounds for crossing numbers, or on finding % exact values for special graphs. % % I probably won't be of too much help right now, but I'll check my % sources as soon as get them back. Anyway, I think there is some % interesting stuff on that subject (in terms of references) in the % Proceedings for the 1988 IEEE International Workshop on Visual % Languages held October 10-12 in Pitts- burgh, PA (hosted by % University of Pittsburgh.). A paper by Frances Newbery presented at % the conference was concerned with that subject. Maybe that'll help % some. % % EDGE - an extendible directed graph editor is developed (by Frances % Newbery [TWE: the real mail address contains an % `at' character between `newbery' and `ira' instead of the `dot' % character. Since bibtex croaks on this character here, it isn't % present.]) at the Uni. of Karlsruhe. It is written in C++ and uses % the X Window System (cur. X10). EDGE is available on Sun % workstations, MicroVaxen and IBM RTs. The graph editor consists of a % display engine, a set of layout specs, a user interface and a default % editor. There are cur. four automatic layout algorithm available: One % for min. edge crossing (Sugiyama), cycles in a graph, tree-like % layout in linear time and Reingold/Tilford algorithm. There are % several demo programs available: A Project Management Editor, A % Program Animator (very simple), Directory Browser, Logic Simulator % (very simple) and Petri Net Editor. Some nice features: Applications % are very easy to interface (If you adopt the data structure). % Multilevel graphical abstraction - subgraphs with zoom-in and % zoom-out. % % I (Frances J. Newbery) have been working on a customizable graph % editor as part of my doctoral research at the University of Karlsruhe % (West Germany). The implementation is in C++ and X (X11 version will % be ready very soon). A customizable graph editor provides a % consistent user interface to several applications. Several graph % layout algorithms are available to display the graph. The user can % group nodes/edges into subgraphs and view them zoomed-in or % zoomed-out. For more information, e-mail to [TWE: % the real mail address contains an `at' character between `newbery' % and `ira' instead of the `dot' character. Since bibtex croaks on % this character here, it isn't present.] (but please try to keep it % short as e-mail is very expensive for us, both sending and % receiving). % % There is another graph editor developed at the University of % Paderborn: PLEXUS - A system for implementing Hierarchical Graph % Algorithms by Egon Wanke and Prof. Dr. Thomas Lengauer PhD Such % algorithms process hierarchical defined graphs or cellular graph % grammars. PLEXUS supports the implementation of hierarchical % graph algorithms based on the bottom-up method by providing the % necessary basic data structures and functions. The system is % organized in several layers for implementation of the basic % data-types set,list and object, implementation of the necessary % graph concepts and routines for hierchical and non-hierarchical % graph processing and editing routines. A graph editor has been % implemented that allows the manipulation of graphs on the screen. % Most of the implementation algorithms can be called from within % the editor. New algorithms or commands can easily be integrated % into the editor. During the interactive generation of new % vertices and nonterminals the editor assigns to each new object % screen coordinates. Several commands within the editor can change % these screen coordinates and thus modify the image of the graph % on the screen. Other commands execute procedures that generate % expansions of hierarchical graphs and draw the result on the % screen or store it into files (if the expansion does not fit into % memory). The system has been implemented in the programming % language C on a Sun-3 Workstation. All graphic routines are based % on the SunView system. Currently the non-hierarchical features % of the system are used as the basis for developing software for % integrated circuit layout. @article{akin87, author="O. Akin and C. Baykan and D. R. Rao", title="Structure of a directory space: a case study with a {UNIX} operating system", journal="IJMMS", volume=26, number=3, note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1987} % An alternate title is "Proceedings of the Fifth Quadrennial International % Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs with special emphasis on % Algorithms and Computer Science Applications held at Western Michigan % University in Kalamazoo, June 4-8, 1984". @inproceedings{barnes85, author="Earl R. Barnes", title="Partitioning the Notes of a Graph", booktitle="Graph Theory with Applications to Algorithms and Computer Science", year=1985, publisher="John Wiley and Sons", editor="Y. Alavi and G. Chartrand and L. Lesniak and D. R. Lick and C. % E. Wall", pages="57--72"} @article{batini84.1, author="Carlo Batini and M. Talamo and Roberto Tamassia", title="Computer Aided Layout of Entity Relationship Diagrams", journal="Journal of Systems and Software", volume=4, year=1984, note="Entity Relationship Diagram Layout", pages="163--173"} @inproceedings{batini84.2, author="Carlo Batini and Enrico Nardelli and M. Talamo and Roberto Tamassia", title="A graph theoretic approach to aesthetic layout of information systems diagrams", booktitle="10th International Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science", year=1984, address="Berlin"} @article{batini86, author="Carlo Batini and Enrico Nardelli and Roberto Tamassia", title="A Layout Algorithm for Data Flow Diagrams", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume="SE-12", number=4, month="April", year=1986, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="538--546"} @techreport{battista87, author="G. Di Battista and R. Tamassia and E. Nardelli", title="Plane Representations of Acyclic Digraphs", institution="Dipartimento Di Informatica E Sistemistica, Universita Degli Studi Di Roma", number="6.87", month="March", note="Planar Graph Layout", year=1987} @article{bauer89, author="Boecker Bauer and Herberg Bunzenhaeuser and Rathke Maier and Schwab Ressel", title="Einsatz einer anwendungsneutralen Benutzerschnittstelle in einer Bueroanwendung als Beispiel fuer wissensbasierte M-C-Kommunikation", journal="Angewandte Informatik", month="July", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1989} @article{bhatt84, author="S. Bhatt and Frank Thomson Leighton", title="A framework for solving {VLSI} graph layout problems", journal="Journal Comput. System Sci.", year=1984, volume=28, note="Graph drawing", pages="300--343"} @inproceedings{boecker86, author="Boecker and Fischer and Nieper", title="The Enhancement of Understanding through Visual Representation", booktitle="CHI 86 Proceedings", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1986} @misc{boehringer89, author="Karl-Friedrich Boehringer", title="Stabilitaet von Algorithmen fuer Graphenumbruch", month="July", year=1989, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", address="Diplomarbeit, Uni Karlsruhe, 26"} @article{booth76, author="K. S. Booth and G. S. Lueker", title="Testing the consecutive ones property, interval graphs, and graph planarity using PQ-tree algorithms", journal="Journal Comput. System Sci.", year=1976, note="Graph drawing", pages="335--379"} @techreport{brandenburger88, author="Franz J. Brandenburger", title="Nice Drawings of graphics and of trees are computationally hard", number="MIP-8820", month="September", year=1988, note="Tree Layout Algorithms", institution="Uni Passau, Fak. f. Mathematik u. Informatik"} @article{canter85, author="David Canter and Rod Rivers, Graham Storrs", title="Characterizing user navigation through complex data structures", journal="Behavior and information technology", year=1985, volume=4, number=2, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="93--102"} @article{carpano80, author="Marie-Jose Carpano", title="Automatic Display of Hierarchized Graphs for Computer-Aided Decision Analysis", journal="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", volume="SMC-10", number=11, pages="705--715", month="November", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1980} @article{carroll82, author="J. M. Carroll", title="Learning, using and designing filenames and command paradigms", journal="BIT", volume=1, number=4, note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1982} @inproceedings{casner88, author="Stephen Casner and Jeffrey Bonar", title="Using the expert's diagrams as a specification of expertise", booktitle="IEEE Workshop on visual languages", month="May", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1988} @article{chiba85.1, author="Norishige Chiba and Takao Nishizeki and S. Abe and T. Ozawa", title="A linear algorithm for embedding planar graphs using PQ-trees", journal="Journal Comput. System Sci.", year=1985, note="Graph drawing", pages="54--76"} @article{chiba85.2, author="Norishige Chiba and Kazunori Onoguchi and Takao Nishizeki", title="Drawing Plane Graphs Nicely", journal="Acta Informatica", volume=22, year=1985, note="Planar Graph Layout", pages="187--201"} % The following is noted as an M.S. Project Report, but msthesis seems close % enough. @mastersthesis{davis84, author="Michael Davis", title="A Layout Algorithm for a Graph Browser", school="EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley", year=1984} @techreport{dearholt85, author="D. R. Dearholt and Schvaneveldt and F. Durso", title="Properties of networks derived from proximities", institution="Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University", year=1985, note="Graph drawing", number="MCCS-85-14"} @article{ding90, author="Chen Ding and Prabhker Mateti", title="A Framework for the Automated Drawing of Data Structure Diagrams", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume=16, number=5, month="May", year=1990, pages="543--557"} @unpublished{eades84.1, author="P. EADES", title="A heuristic for graph drawing", note="Graph drawing", year=1984} @techreport{eades84.2, author="P. Eades and N. Wormald", title="An {NP}-hard graph drawing problem", institution="Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland", number=52, note="Graph drawing", year=1984} @techreport{eades87, author="Peter Eades and Roberto Tamassia", title="Algorithms for Automatic Graph Drawing: An Annotated Bibliograph", institution="University of Queensland, Dept. of Computer Science", address="St. Lucia, Queensland, 4067, Australia", number=82, month="July", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1987} @article{esposito88, author="C. Esposito", title="Graph graphics: theory and practice", journal="Computers and Mathematics", volume=15, number=4, note="Graph drawing", year=1988} @article{even76, author="S. Even and R. E. Tarjan", title="Computing an st-numbering", journal="Theoretical Computer Science", volume=2, year=1976, note="Graph drawing", pages="339--344"} @article{fairchild88, author="Kim M. Fairchild and Steven E. Poltrock and George W. Furnas", title="SemNet", journal="Cognitive Science And Its Applications for Human-Computer Interaction", editor="Raymonde Guidon", address="Hillsdale, New Jersey", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1988} @article{fraser81, author="C. W. Fraser and A. A. Lopez", title="Editing Data Structures", journal="ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", volume=3, number=2, month="April", year=1981, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="115--125"} @article{furnas86, author="George W. Furnas", title="Generalized Fisheye Views", journal="Human Factors in Computing Systems III, ACM Proceedings of the CHI 86 Conference", address="Boston, MA", month="April 13-17", year=1986, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="16--23"} @article{gansner88, author="E. R. Gansner and S. C. North and K. P. Vo", title="{DAG}: A Program that Draws Directed Graphs", journal="Software - Practice and Experience", volume=18, number=11, month="November", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1988} @article{garey83, author="M. R. Garey And D. S. Johnson", title="Crossing number is {NP}-complete", journal="SIAM Journal of Algebraic Discrete Methods", year=1983, note="Graph drawing", pages="312--316"} @inproceedings{goldstein63, author="A. J. Goldstein", title="An efficient and constructive algorithm for testing whether a graph can be embedded in a plane", booktitle="Proceedings of the Graph and Combinatorics Conference", institution="Office of Naval Research Logistics Projects and Department of Mathematics, Princeton University", note="Graph drawing", year=1963} @book{harary69, author="Frank Harary", title="Graph Theory", publisher="Addison-Wesley", address="Reading, MA", note="Graph drawing", year=1969} @article{halewood88, author="K. Halewood and R. Woodward", title="{NSEDIT}: A syntax-directed Editor and Testing Tool based on Nassi-Shneiderman Charts", journal="Software - Practice and Experience", volume=18, number=10, month="October", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1988} @article{helttula89, author="Helttula and Hyrskykari and Raiha", title="Graphical Specification of Algorithm Animations with ALADDIN", journal="Proc HICCS-22 (22nd Annual Hawaii International Conf. on System Sciences)", address="Kailua/Kona,Hawaii", publisher="IEEE Computer Press", month="January 3-6", year=1989, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="892--901"} @article{hopcroft74, author="John. E. Hopcroft And Robert. E. Tarjan", title="Efficient planarity testing", journal="Journal of the ACM", volume=21, number=4, year=1974, note="Graph drawing", pages="549--568"} @article{hudlicka89, author="Eva Hudlicka", title="Visual System Browser", journal="SIGCHI", month="April", year=1989, volume=20, note="Visualization of Data Structures", number=4} @article{jablonowski89, author="Guarna Jablonowski", title="{GMB}: A Tool for Manipulating and Animating Graph Data Structures", journal="Software - Practice and Experience", volume=19, number=3, month="March", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1989} @article{kamada89, author="T. Kamada and S. Kawai", title="An Algorithm for Drawing General Undirected Graphs", journal="Information Processing Letters", volume=31, number=1, year=1989, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="7--15"} @techreport{kindermann, author="C. Kindermann and Q. Quantz", title="Graphikorientierte Wissensrepraesentation fuer KL-ONE", institution="TU-Berlin", year="unknown year", note="Visualization of Data Structures", number=63} @book{leighton83, author="Frank Thomson Leighton", title="Complexity Issues in {VLSI}, Optimal Layouts for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph and Other Networks", publisher="MIT Press", year=1983} @inproceedings{leiserson80, author="C. E. Leiserson", title="Area-efficient Layouts for {VLSI}", booktitle="Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE", address="New York", note="Graph drawing", year=1980} @book{leiserson83, author="C. E. Leiserson", title="Area-efficient {VLSI} Computation", address="Cambridge, MA", publisher="MIT Press", note="Graph drawing", year=1983} @inproceedings{lempel66, author="A. S. Lempel and S. Even And I. Cederbaum", title="An Algorithm for Planarity Testing of Graphs", booktitle="Theory of Graphs: International Symposium", editor="P. Rosenstiel", publisher="Gordon and Breach", address="New York", year=1967, note="Graph drawing", pages="215--232"} @unpublished{lipton77, author="R. J. Lipton and R. E. Tarjan", title="Applications of a Planar Separator Theorem", note="Graph drawing", year=1977} @inproceedings{lipton85, author="R. J. Lipton and S. C. North and J. S. Sandberg", title="A Method for Drawing Graphs", booktitle="Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry", address="Baltimore, MD", month="June", year=1985, pages="153--160", note="Planar Graph Layout. Also available as ACM 0-89791-163-6, 85/006/0153"} @mastersthesis{meyer83, author="Carl Meyer", title="A Browser for Directed Graphs", year=1983, school="EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley", month="December"} @techreport{manning86, author="Joseph Manning and Mikhail J. Atallah", title="Fast Detection and Display of Symmetry in Outplanar Graphs", number="CSD-TR-606", month="June", year=1986, institution="Department of Computer Science, Purdue University", note="Visualization of Data Structures", address="West Lafayette, IN, USA"} @article{miller85, author="Zevi Miller and J. B. Orlin", title="{NP}-completeness for Minimizing Maximum Edge Length in Grid Embeddings", journal="Journal of Algorithms", year=1985, note="Graph drawing", pages="10--16"} @techreport{myers80, author="Brad A. Myers", title="Displaying Data Structures for Interactive Debugging", institution="Xerox Palo Alto Research Center", number="CSL-80-7", month="June", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1980} @article{myers83, author="Brad A. Myers", title="INCENSE: A system for displaying data structures", journal="Computer graphics", volume=17, number=3, month="July", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1983} @article{myers86, author="Brad A. Myers", title="Visual Programming, Programming by Example and Program Visualization: A Taxonomy", journal="CHI'86 Proceedings", month="April", year=1986, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="59--66"} @phdthesis{newbery88.1, author="Frances J. Newbery", title="An interface description language for graph editors", school="University of Karlsruhe", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1988} @techreport{newbery88.2, author="Frances J. Newbery", title="{EDGE}: An Extendible Directed Graph Editor", institution="Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe", address="7500 Karlsruhe 1, West Germany", number="8/88", year=1988, note="Graph drawing", month="June"} @inproceedings{newbery88.3, author="Frances J. Newbery", title="An Interface Description Language For Graph Editors", booktitle="1988 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages", month="October 10--12", year=1988, address="Pittsburgh, PA", pages="144--149", note="ISBN 0-8186-0876-5, UTD library call number T385.I19 1988", annotate="This paper contains an overview of EDGE (Extendible Directed Graph Editor). Part of EDGE is an interface description language which allows one to textually specify attribute values for a graph, such as the graph layout algorithm and edge arrow style. This package is built using C++ and X11R3"} @manual{newbery89, author="Frances J. Newbery", title="Graph Description Language: Reference Manual (draft)", month="April 17", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1989} @techreport{nieper85, author="Helga Nieper", title="TRISTAN: A Generic Display and Editing System for Hierarchical Structures", institution="Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1985} @techreport{oberquelle81, author="Horst Oberquelle", title="Communication by Graphic Net Representations", number=75, institution="Institut fuer Informatik, Universitaet Hamburg Schlueterstr. 70", address="D-2 HH 13", month="March", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1981} @inproceedings{pintado, author="X. Pintado and D. Tsichritzis", title="An Affinity Browser", booktitle="Active Object Environments", editor="D. Tsichritzis", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year="unknown year", pages="172--186"} @inproceedings{read, author="R. C. Read", title="A survey of graph graphics", booktitle="Proceedings Indiana Conference on Graph Theory", note="Graph drawing", year="unknown year"} @article{reggiani88, author="Marcello G. Reggiani and Franco E. Marchetti", title="A Proposed Method for Representing Hierarchies", journal="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", volume=18, number=1, year=1988, month="January/February", note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="1--8"} @article{reingold81, author="Edward M. Reingold and John S. Tilford", title="Tidier Drawings of Trees", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume=7, number=2, month="March", year=1981, note="Tree Layout Algorithms", pages="223--228"} @inproceedings{robins87, author="Gabriel Robins", title="The {ISI} Grapher: a Portable Tool for Displaying Graphs Pictorially", booktitle="Symboliikka '87", month="August 17-18", year=1987, address="Helsinki, Finland", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", institution="Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, CA"} @article{rowe87, author="Lawrence A. Rowe and Michael Davis and Eli Messinger and Carl Meyer and Charles Spirakis and Allen Tuan", title="A Browser for Directed Graphs", journal="Software - Practice and Experience", month="January", year=1987, volume=17, number=1, pages="61--76", note="UTD call number QA76.5 s653", annote="This paper is a good introduction to graph layout as it describes problems as well as successes. It is a bit weak in technical details of the algorithms, but those should be available through the references."} @phdthesis{shirey69, author="R. W. Shirey", title="Implementation and analysis of efficient graph planarity testing algorithms", school="University of Wisconsin", note="Graph drawing", year=1969} @inbook{swamy81, author="M. N. S. Swamy and K. Thulasiraman", title="Graphs, Networks, and Algorithms", year=1981, publisher="John Wiley and Sons", pages="428--430"} @inproceedings{sugiyama78, author="Kozo Sugiyama and Toshisuke Hiramatsu and Yasuo Shimazu", title="Toward Development of Earthquake Disaster Relational Model", booktitle="Proceedings International Conference on Cybernetics and Society", address="New York", month="November", year=1978, pages="788--793"} @inproceedings{sugiyama79, author="Kozo Sugiyama and Shojiro Tagawa and Mitsuhiko Toda", title="Effective representations of {ISM} Hierarchies", booktitle="Proceedings International Conference on Cybernetics and Society", address="New York", month="October", year=1979, pages="413--418"} @article{sugiyama81, author="Kozo Sugiyama and Shojiro Tagawa and Mitsuhiko Toda", title="Methods for Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures", journal="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", volume="SMC-11", number=2, month="February", year=1981, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="109--125"} @techreport{sugiyama84, author="Kozo Sugiyama", title="A Readability Requirement in Drawing Digraphs: Level Assignment and Edge Removal for Reducing Total Length of Lines", institution="International Institute for Advanced Study of Social Information Science", address="Numazu, Japan", number=45, month="March", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1984} @article{sugiyama85, author="Kozo Sugiyama and Mitsuhiko Toda", title="Structuring Information for Understanding Complex Systems: A Basis for Decision Making", journal="FUJITSU Scientific and Technical Journal", volume=21, number=2, month="June", year=1985, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="144--158"} @article{sugiyama87, author="Kozo Sugiyama", title="A Cognitive Approach for Graph Drawing", journal="Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal", volume=18, year=1987, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="447--488"} @article{supowit83, author="Kenneth J. Supowit and Edward M. Reingold", title="The Complexity of Drawing Trees Nicely", journal="Acta Informatica", volume=18, year=1983, note="Tree Layout Algorithms", pages="377--392"} @inbook{tamassia83, author="R. Tamassia and C. Batini and M. Talamo", title="An algorithm for automatic layout of entity relationship diagrams, Entity-Relationship Approach to Software Engineering", publisher="North-Holland Publishing Co.", year=1983, note="Entity Relationship Diagram Layout", pages="421--439"} @inproceedings{tamassia85, author="Roberto Tamassia", title="New layout techniques for Entity-Relationship diagrams", booktitle="IEEE 1985, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach", address="Chicago", note="Visualization of Data Structures", year=1985, pages="304--322"} @article{tamassia87, author="Roberto Tamassia", title="On Embedding a Graph in the Grid with the Minimum Number of Bends", journal="SIAM J. Computing", volume=16, number=3, month="June", year=1987, note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", pages="421--444"} @article{tamassia88, author="Roberto Tamassia and Guuseppe Di Battista and Carlo Batini", title="Automatic Graph Drawing and Readability of Diagrams", journal="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", volume="SE-18", number=1, month="January/February", year=1988, pages="61--79", note="UTD call number 300.I43", annote="Good overview of existing graph drawing algorithms. Classifies aesthetics (e.g. minimizing crossings) and constraints of layout algorithms."} @inproceedings{tichy87.1, author="Walter F. Tichy and Frances J. Newbery", title="Knowledge-based Editors for Directed Graphs", booktitle="Proceedings of the 1st European Software Engineering Conference", month="September 9-11", year=1987, publisher="Springer Verlag", editor="Howard K. Nichols and Dan Simpson", note="Graph drawing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 289", pages="101--109"} @techreport{tichy87.2, author="Walter F. Tichy and Blake Ward", title="A Knowledge-Based Graphical Editor", institution="Department of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe", address="7500 Karlsruhe 1, West Germany", number="3/87", month="January", note="Graph drawing", year=1987} @inproceedings{trickey88, author="Howard Trickey", title="DRAG: A Graph Drawing System", booktitle="Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography", publisher="Cambridge University Press", month="April", note="Graph Editors and Layout Algorithms for Graphs", year=1988} @inproceedings{tutte63, author="W. T. Tutte", title="How to draw a graph", booktitle="Proceedings London Math. Society", year=1963, note="Graph drawing", pages="743--768"} @book{ullman84, author="J. Ullman", title="Computational Aspects of {VLSI}", publisher="Computer Science Press", address="Rockville", note="Graph drawing", year=1984} @article{vaucher80, author="J. G. Vaucher", title="Pretty Printing of Trees", journal="Software - Practice and Experience", volume=10, year=1980, note="Tree Layout Algorithms", pages="553--561"} @article{watanabe89, author="Hiroyuki Watanabe", title="Heuristic graph displayer for {G}-{BASE}", journal="Int. J. Man-Machine Studies", year=1989, volume=30, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="287--302"} @article{wetherell79, author="Charles Wetherell and Alfred Shannon", title="Tidy Drawings of Trees", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume=5, number=5, month="September", year=1979, note="Tree Layout Algorithms", pages="514--520"} @inproceedings{wolf88, author="G. W. Wolf", title="Weighted Surface Networks and their Application to Cartographic Generalization", editor="W. Barth", booktitle="Visualisierungstechniken und Algorithmen Fachgespraech Wien", volume="26./27.", month="September", year=1988, note="Visualization of Data Structures", pages="199--212"} @article{woo69, author="Lin Woo", title="An Algorithm for Straight-line Representation of Simple Planar Graphs", journal="Journal of The Franklin Institute", volume=287, number=3, month="March", year=1969, note="Planar Graph Layout", pages="197--208"} @phdthesis{woods81, author="Donald R. Woods", title="Drawing Planar Graphs", month="June", year=1981, number="STAN-CS-82-943", note="Planar Graph Layout", school="Department of Computer Science, Stanford University"} @inproceedings{znotinas79, author="M. N. Znotinas and P. H. Roe", title="A Preprocessor for Algorithms to Determine Minimum Feedback Vertex Sets", month="October", year=1979, booktitle="Proceedings International Conference on Cybernetics and Society", pages="409--412"} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tom (aisle C-4Q),